The end

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TW// Killing

The day of the war was coming closer Day by day.

Everyone was nervous.

Scared they would lose each other.

The side of Hogwarts prepared themselves well enough, they were pretty sure they would defeat the bad guys.

The death eaters on the other hand prepared themselves well.

Mattheo and Katerine were scared, not prepared to lose each other, not yet.

It was the night before the war Katerine and Mattheo both sat in their bed hugging each other.

"I am not ready to lose you yet Mattheo."

Katerine whispers looking up at him and tearing up.

"No love do not cry, please do not cry because of this, we will not lose each other, not yet."

He said looking at her as she snuggled her face in his neck and let out painful sobs.

"Do not cry please, do not cry, I am here... I am right here darling."

He whispers kissing her head.

She lets out painful sobs holding tight onto him.

"Do not leave me please.."

She whispers in pain.

He grabbed her chin and made her look at him pushing his lips on hers.

She sobs and kisses him back softly.

"I will not leave you I promise."

He said softly pulling her close to him so she could relax.

She made herself comfortable against him when her eyelids got heavier.

He smiles looking at her getting sleepy.

She fell asleep pretty quickly holding tight onto him.

He smiles looking at her and slowly stands up when her grip loosens and walks downstairs.

"Father we need to talk."

Mattheo said looking at his father while walking downstairs.

"Not now Mattheo go upstairs and sleep."

He said shortly to his son.

"I am in love with her father, she is not a task, I am in love with her I always loved her and I do not want her to go to the war."

Mattheo said while his father looked up slowly walking to him.

"She is fighting with us, she is powerful."

His father said while Mattheo looked at him knowing he was right.

"Do not let her get hurt please Father... I am begging you.."

He said looking at his father.

"Go upstairs Mattheo."

Voldemort said walking away.

Mattheo sighs and walks upstairs seeing Katerine awake in bed.

"Darling, why are you still up?"

Mattheo asks sitting on the bed pulling her close to his chest.

"You woke me up.."

She whispers looking at Mattheo.

"I love you princess, but just sleep now you have to be strong for tomorrow."

He said softly kissing her cheek.

She nods closing her eyes still tired.

"Goodnight Mattheo.. I love you too."

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now