Malfoy (Draco's POV)

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After what happened at the party I felt guilty for what I did to Pansy. I never wanted to drug my girlfriend but I was just scared, scared they would drop me if I wouldn't do it.

I talked to Katerine about it, but I know she hates me for what I did to her, it is kind of surprising that she helped Pansy after what she did.

I have to talk to Pansy I miss her voice but it is hard to keep secrets from myself sometimes and I need to tell her even though I know that she will hate me even more.

I went to Pansy her dorm and she opened the door sighing.

"What do you want Draco..."

She said looking at me, Seeing the pain in her eyes.

I felt myself tearing up feeling terrible for what I did to her.

" I am so sorry, Pansy it was so dumb to do"

I started and looked at her.

"Yes it was, why would you even think of doing that?"

She said, I could hear the pain in her voice.

"I don't know, I thought that I would lose them if I didn't do it and I just wanted to be a good friend but instead I was a horrible boyfriend."

She came a bit closer to me while I was talking and she hugged me tightly while a few tears rolled down her cheek.

"Come in please..."

She said softly letting go of me and sitting down on her bed.

I walk in and sit on her bed looking down.

"Draco it's fine... just don't do it again please.."

She said grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers.

"Oh no I would never do it again, I love you, Pansy."

She smiles at my words laying her head on my shoulder.

I loved her so much but I had to keep a secret from her, that hurt me a lot but I tried to just let it go of me only thinking about Pansy.

"I love you too Draco."

I smiled still with tears in my eyes.

"I always did and I would never lose feelings for you."

She said hugging me tightly.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?"

I said looking into her eyes, she nodded softly

"Yes, that sounds nice."

She said standing up and pulling me up.

Then there it was... a scream someone calling for help.

We both were in shock and quickly ran to the sound, We ended up in Katerine her dorm we both gasped running towards her.

She was crying, holding Tom his body.

"Katerine, what happened to him?"

I ask falling onto my knees next to her checking if he was still alive.

"Mattheo he came into my dorm and went directly to Tom and pulled him into the bathroom and then when he walked out I saw him lying on the floor, Please bring him to the hospital wing."

She said while tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"I will get him there."

I said picking him up and apparating both of us to the hospital.

He was in a coma. Mattheo did something to him, but why?

I came to visit him every day, Katerine was there every day she looked tired, and she didn't sleep for a while after the accident.

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now