My first love

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She kisses him lovingly running her fingers through his raven-black hair.

He moved his hands to her back ready to unclip her bra but his hands got pushed off really quickly.

"Stop... I am sorry I am just not ready yet to go any further..."

She whispers softly against his lips as a sigh escapes her lips.

He nodded and sat up clearing his throat as he ran a hand through his hair.

She looked up at him still laying on her stomach.

"Are you angry at me? Cause I didn't want to go any further?"

She asked softly as he shook his head looking down at her.

"I am sorry I got carried away, you didn't do anything wrong."

He said softly as he looked down at her making eye contact with her.

She giggles softly and smiles up at him.

"Do not worry you are a good kisser I forgive you just because of that."

She said softly as a chuckle escaped her lips, tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Oh, that's all? Just a good kisser? Nothing else?"

He asked raising his eyebrow looking down at her.

She nodded with a smirk.

"And you're kinda hot, and sexy and a man I really like."

A smirk plastered on his face, he moved his hands to the side of her body and started tickling her.

"Riddle stop it."

She said loudly as she was laughing trying to kick him away.

"Tom stop!"

She half yells between her cries of happiness.

"You're gonna get me killed this way!"

She said laughing as he continued tickling her.

Pansy heard some yelling in Katerine her dorm and started to listen with a smirk on her face as she got the others from the group.

"Tom? Are you in Katerine her dorm again?!"

Mattheo yelled while knocking on the door pretty damn loudly.

Tom and Katerine look at each other both scared they were caught, Whether they wanna believe it or not they found out. They all did.

Tom quickly gets dressed taking everything with him and rushes to the bathroom apparating away to his dorm that he shares with Mattheo.

Katerine opened the door and raised her eyebrow.

"What do you need? I know you guys hate me and all that bullshit but give me some p-"

Katerine could not finish her sentence Mattheo just walked into her room like it was his, like he owned this dorm. He started looking around, looking like he lost something that was dear to him.

"Where is he?"

Mattheo asked looking Katerine dead in the eyes and biting the inside of his cheek frustrated.

"Who? and where?"

She looks teasingly at Mattheo when he walks to her wraps his hand around her throat and starts slightly choking her.

Katerine started turning slightly red in her face trying to fight back, but they both knew she didn't have any chance of winning his game, his rules could never be changed.

"Where is Tom Riddle, heard of him? My brother? The one who just fucked you? you were saying his name, you did fuck him, didn't you? Do you want people to find out about it? Oh, what would they think of you, not so innocent anymore mh?"

Mattheo said coming closer to her face, but released her neck instead as he backed off and she sighed, a sigh of relief.

"What is wrong brother? Heard you were searching for me?"

Tom asked with a smirk on his face.

Mattheo turns around frowning.

"Maybe you should go and stop hurting girls, or you will get into more problems cause everyone is standing here so many witnesses."

Mattheo looks down at Katerine in disgust.

"Where do you come from?"

Mattheo asked looking confused.

"Our dorm... I was in the shower?"

Tom answers trying not to laugh as he locks eyes with Katerine.

"Let's go, oh and you... Brother.. don't have to join us of course."

Mattheo said with a smirk on his face as Tom just nodded and walked towards Katerine while the other walked away.

"Ignore him, he is an ass and we all know it."

Tom said walking towards Katerine putting a hand on her cheek.

He led her to her bed and gave her the freedom to sit down or not to.
As she slowly sat down he grabbed a glass filled it with water, and gave it to her.

"Drink a bit please my love."

She grabbed the glass out of his hands and brought the glass to her lips taking some sips from it.

"Did he hurt you?"

She pointed at the red marks on her neck as she coughed softly taking a few more sips before holding the glass in both hands.

"Do you wanna go to the hospital wing? Get you checked out?"

She shakes her head.

"Don't worry about it it'll be over soon."

She said softly but then looked back at him.

"Can you stay, please I am tired I am so tired of all of this and I just need someone right now, someone that wouldn't hurt me someone that cares..."

She asked looking up at him not wanting to break again.

He nodded sitting next to her and sighed kissing the side of her head.

She felt directly safe and held tight onto his shirt closing her eyes slowly as she pushed the glass softly into his hands.

He started humming one of his favorite songs when her touches got lighter and he noticed she had fallen asleep.

He lays her down in her bed putting the glass on her nightstand and lies down next to her pulling her into his chest.

He kisses her head whispering in her hair.

"I like you, Katerine Jackson I like you a lot."

He looked down at her one more time before deciding to also get some rest.

He closed his eyes slowly falling asleep after a day of misery a day of changes. A day she met her first love.

Not knowing what will happen in the future.

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now