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TW// Killing, torture, knife

So fucking beautiful, you know how to drive me crazy, pathetic slut."

Katerine just stood there doing nothing listening to his words.

Mattheo slowly went down on his knees and slowly moved his fingertips from her feet up to her thighs not breaking eye contact with her, hearing her breath getting heavier while a small smirk showed on his face.

"What are you smirking about, love?"

Katerine asked to look into Mattheo his dark mysterious eyes.

Mattheo ignored her question and curled his fingers under the sides of her panties slowly sliding her panties down until they reached her ankles.

She steps out of her panties, while Mattheo picks them up and holds her panties in his left hand.

"Lay down."

Mattheo said standing up and looking at her slowly standing up.

Katerine slowly sits on the bed and lays down looking up at Mattheo who started tying up her wrists to the bed frame making her breathing heavier again.

"Do not hurt me please..."

Katerine whispered slightly scared of what he was gonna do.

He shakes his head 'no'.

"I won't hurt you... Too bad."

He said softly, putting Katerine her panties in her mouth and making her turn red.

He smirks looking at her walking to a box grabbing a vibrator out of the box making her eyes widen in nerve.


Katerine mumbles with her panties in her mouth.

He sits next to her on the bed and kisses her head softly.

"It won't hurt darling as I said."

He said turning on the vibrator and looking at her while slowly bringing the vibrator to her clit and pressing it harshly on her clit making Katerine shut her legs immediately

He groans annoyed and turns off the vibrator putting it next to her.

"I should have tied your legs on the bed too."

He mutters and grabs two more ropes and ties her legs apart sitting back down next to Katerine grabbing the vibrator turning it on again on a higher stand pressing it hard against her clit.

She let out a loud moan throwing her head back enjoying the pleasure that soon turns into torture.

She got goosebumps all over her body moaning loudly when Mattheo turned off the vibrator and smirked at her.

"Did you like it, darling?"

She let her body fall on the bed out of breath looking at him with tears in her eyes out of pleasure.

He smirks at her before he turns the vibrator all up again, and Katerine throws her head back arching her back heavily, while he just watches her suffer, with a smirk on his face before deciding to turn it off again, making her sob softly begging him to let her cum.

"Please Mattheo, let me cum, I will be good for you please sir, I need you inside of me, please..."

She mumbles still with the panties in her mouth.

Mattheo smirks and turns the vibrator on a pleasuring setting for Katerine while she tries to grab something so she can hold onto something before she felt a rush over her body not even a second later she cums over the vibrator totally out of breath while her legs were shaking slightly.

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now