did i do it (tom pov)

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I have to go to class like every day but today was different I made out a few days ago with my brother's enemy I almost fucked her and wow, I still think about her every day

"Hey, Tom."

Mattheo said looking at him biting his inner cheek

"Oh hey"

Tom said facing his brother and raising his eyebrow not knowing what he wanted.

"I know you weren't in our dorm after you ran to us to safe Katerine, where the fuck were you last night?"

Mattheo looks at Tom raising his eyebrow and smirks knowing he was right.

"Uhm I was at the astronomy tower, why?"

Tom said wanting to walk away from him.

"Oh, no reason. "

Mattheo said walking beside Tom to the classroom, We had potions not many people enjoyed it, but on the other hand, loved it.

We all walk inside and sit down, I sit down in the back alone while the other boys sit in the front next to each other.

The time passed ten minutes and Professor Snape still was not there we all sat and waited for him. Professor Snape walks in dramatically like always, walking to the front of the classroom.

I was sitting there looking at my professor in the front of the class already yelling at some kids who didn't bring their stuff to the class.

I was looking around to see where Katerine was here in class and where she was sitting when Mattheo looked at Tom and gave him a note

"Wanna hang out later with our group?"

I nod as reply and sigh softly putting the note away when a random girl goes and sits next to me.

"Hey Tom"

She blushes softly putting her hand on my thigh looking at the front while I just smirk and look at her hand.

Professor Snape was standing there looking at who was in his class or not by yelling our names one-on-one.

"Katerine Jackson!"

Professor Snape said but no reactions she was late.

I first thought she wouldn't come to class because I have been ignoring her after I fucked her but then I see that the door opens, and there she was.... Katerine.

Most of the students turned their heads to the door, Looking at Katerine, I could see that she was getting nervous about all the people who were staring at her.

"My excuses for being late, Professor."

She said with her soft voice, which made me smile immediately.

"Detention for you Miss Jackson. "

Professor Snape said while she just nodded and sat in the back on the left side of the room far away from me.

The girl next to me slowly unbuckles my belt looking at me with a smirk on her face and I nod softly giving permission.

She slowly slides her hand in my pants and started jerking me off, I was quiet not making any noises closing my eyes, I didn't feel anything for that girl, and I didn't get hard from her touches so I started imagining Katerine our time back then her hands over my body and before I knew I cum over the girl her hand. I quickly fix my pants looking at the girl.

We all were listening to the professor but my eyes kept on her hair her clothes her body her face she was perfect.

"Pst Tom."

A Malfoy Or A Riddle. || Draco X Mattheo X Tom ffWhere stories live. Discover now