did it work

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(Katerines pov)

He brought me back to my dorm and opened my door smiling softly.

Tom Riddle the man I liked was nice to me.

"Uhm Katerine!"

Tom looks at me slowly walking inside of my dorm.

"What's up, Tom"

I started to blush a bit.

"Oh someone is blushing I see."

He said letting out a chuckle.

"Oh shut up, Riddle."

I said playfully looking up at him while slowly closing the door.

He came closer to me slowly pushing me softly against the wall.

"You look cute when you're scared."

He whispers in my ear giving me goosebumps.

I felt his soft lips touching mine and he kissed me passionated.

I didn't pull back I kissed him back softly running my fingers through his hair.

He pulls back and walks to my bed sitting down

I walk to him sitting down next to him looking up with innocent eyes.

"Do you understand the potion homework, that Snape gave us?"

I asked him looking at him.

"Mhm, yes I do dear, do you want me to explain it to you?

I nod softly and I grab my potion book just as he does.

We opened it on the same page and he started explaining everything.

After a while, we saw that we'd missed dinner.

"We can sneak in the kitchens and steal some food?"

He said looking at me with a smirk on his face.

I answered with a nod and stood up quickly pulling Tom up and we walked out of my dorm to the kitchen.

We made our way to the kitchen and started grabbing some food and after we got enough food.

We luckily didn't get caught when we came back to my dorm.

We ate our food while joking around a bit.

After a while, we both noticed how late it was.

"I should go back to my dorm darling."

He said grabbing his book.

I nodded softly and stood up too.

"Will I see you tomorrow?"

I asked him and he just nodded.

I kiss his cheek and he smiles softly walking out of my dorm.

I smile close my door put on my pj's and lay in bed thinking about him, I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep thinking about that black-haired boy.

The next day

I woke up looking at the time seeing I missed my defending against the dark arts class.


I groan rubbing my eyes and yawn when I hear a knock on my door.

I put on a hoodie over my pj's unlock the door and open it seeing Tom standing there.

"Why weren't you in class?"

He asks worriedly walking inside of my dorm.

"I slept in don't worry Riddle."

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