take me home (yizhan) feat. UNIQ

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TW: S*ICIDE (Seriously bbys, don't read this if you can't handle fanfics abt s*icide.)

Yibo sat up in his bed, the tears arising from the inside of his heart. Sungjoo stood up from his seat, walking over to the boy with droopy eyes.

Yibo seemed to be out of it, his eyes looking glassed over, "What day is it?"

Sungjoo's faced read the emotion of deep concern, "It's the 19th."

"Oh," Yibo muttered, the aching feeling in his chest becoming more intense. He stood up, his expression remaining the same. Walking to the kitchen of the dorm, Yibo grabbed the water filter, pouring himself a glass of water. Putting the water filter down, he looked at his hands. They were still marked with small scratches, making him remember the pain of the day before.

Anti-fans had attacked him, having clearly planned to murder him. He had walked into a cafe expecting just another normal day but instead was met with a punch from someone. All needing to be said, they beat him up but he was lucky enough to have been found by his members.

He had already been emotionless that day, due to another raid of verbal bashing from the anti-fans. What happened didn't help it at all.

Walking away from the glass of water he had just poured, he sat down next to the window of the dorms. Another view he had looked upon multiple times, but, in a clearer vision the last time.


"I'm fine."

Silence filled the room. Sungjoo knew that he wouldn't be able to do anything for Yibo that would make him feel better. 

Yibo needed him and only him.


Walking outside of the dorms, he walked into the hospital to get treated for his wounds properly. He sat down on a chair in the waiting room, waiting to hear his name be called out by one of the doctors.

"Wang Yibo?"

His head turned, following patiently behind the doctor that called his name. Luckily, no one inside the room knew who he was. He'd probably get beaten up again if someone did know him. 

Sitting down on the bed with the plastic protector sheet, the doctor sat down as well, behind the computer but facing toward him.

"I heard you're here for injury treatment?" The doctor asked, readying his materials.

"Yes," He didn't want to relish in the details, leaving them out. He had a plan for if the doctor asked how he got them.

As the doctor was treating his injuries, Yibo kept a straight face. He'd always had a high pain tolerance ever since he was a kid, making it easy for him to not embarrass himself. Because he still believed that if he showed any sign of weakness, he'd be beaten again.

After being lost in thought, the doctor finished with his treatment, "You'll be sent the payment method through your mail."

Yibo stood up as the man led him through the hallways and helped him out, "Thank you."

He left another building, just about ready to jump off of one. Right then, he had an idea.

"I should go hang out on a rooftop. Maybe that would help," He thought, getting in his car and starting it up. As he thought of the nearest rooftop he could get on, he settled on a building and drove. 

Arriving there, he walked inside. Another building. Walking inside the empty elevator, he pressed the highest floor he could go to, waiting patiently. The elevator emitted a "ding" noise, and Yibo walked towards the stairs leading up to the rooftop. When he opened the door to it, the wind blew in his face, his hair flowing in the wind. Embracing the cold air on his face, he walked towards the edge of the building.

Smiling upon the view of all of the other buildings, all of the other rooftops, all of the other people like him sitting upon the edges. He sat down on the edge of the building, kicking his feet and leaning his head back. Putting his arms out in the wind, closing his eyes, embracing everything around him.

"I guess this was a good decision."

Tears immediately fell, a smile still taking over his face. Although, he didn't feel happy at that moment. He only felt home. He knew that this feeling, it was his home.

"I can breathe."


Hearing the door open, Yibo panicked, pulling up his mask and pulling over his hood. His tears still streaming, he worried about being pushed off. He didn't want to die, he just wanted to think of dying and be at peace with that. 

"What are you doing?"

The voice was familiar. The voice he wanted to hear. His tears flowed like a river, knowing that he could talk to the boy behind him. 

"You don't have to talk... Just don't die, okay?"

He gave up.

"That was never my intent."

The shock on the boy's face was clear as day. His heartstrings had just tugged on his heart, an aching twang apparent in his chest. Yibo cried silently to himself.

"Yibo?" Xiao Zhan's voice broke. Walking up to the boy before him, he extended a hand before retracting it.

"Remember? We can't talk anymore," Yibo's voice broke as well. He kicked his foot again, before letting out a sob.

"Did you come up here to die?" Xiao Zhan spoke, crying all the same.

"No. I just wanted to think about dying," He paused, sighing, "I wanted it to feel a little real I guess."

"I'm sorry," Xiao Zhan sobbed, breaking the younger.

"Don't be. None of this is our fault," Trying to keep his composure, he put his hands in his pockets.

"I shouldn't be talking to you, but I can't just leave you here," Xiao Zhan spoke, stuttering a little while his voice shook.

"Just go. I won't die," Yibp spoke, hoping that the older would just leave peacefully. He needed time alone, and speaking to him any longer would just worsen the entire situation.

"Are you sure?" Xiao Zhan whispered, his tears drying on his face from the cold wind. 

"I am. I promise."

Xiao Zhan cried silently before turning towards the door, "I'm sorry..."

After he heard the door shut, he threw down his hood, his mask and screamed. It wasn't a bone chilling scream. It was broken. Resisting all urges but struggling to, Yibo looked down, hoping that someone would push him off. He wanted someone to push him off.

His breathing became quicker, more heavy, and rushed. Thinking so badly about jumping off right then, he screamed once again. He wanted a strong wind to come, strong enough that it would cause him to lose his balance and fall. 

Jump off. Jump off. Jump off. Jump off. Jump off.

The thought thundered over every single rational thought trying to convince him to live. He wanted to jump off. Or, at least, that's what he thought he wanted. He stood up on the ledge, every single inch of him shaking. He wasn't shaking because of the heights. He was shaking because of the hate. The clear hate towards himself, the hate towards the situation, the hate towards everyone.

Turning around, he closed his eyes, and black became the only vision he could see. Holding out his arms, he realized that his decision was permanent. But, he saw no way out, so why would he regret it?

He let a couple of last tears slip out, hearing the door open once again. Opening his eyes, he panicked as soon as he saw every UNIQ member running to him.

"I'm sorry," He spoke, letting go of himself. 


He had already fallen by the time they had tried to catch him. Crying for the last time as he fell, he closed his eyes and accepted that he was going to die that day. He wished one last time.

"Please let them live happy."


Everything is black.

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