control (wangxian)

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Wei Wuxian, Yiling Patriarch, and hated among all the clans. Ever since his three months in the burial mounds, he had become a different person. In the first nightless city fight. He had been taken over.

Even Lan Zhan had been cold to him. Leaving whenever he was seen, and ignoring him when they had to be around each other. It pained him more than he realized, being ignored by the one he loved most. 

Wei Wuxian walked inside the Jin Clan's banquet room, sitting down at one of the seats. Unlucky for him, he had been sat right next to Lan Wangji. His eyes were glued forward, and so were Lan Zhan's. He didn't want to look at the younger. 

"Thank you for gathering at the Jin Clan's annual banquet. Please enjoy yourselves," Jin Guangyao spoke, grabbing the attention of all the clan leaders and young masters. They all bowed out of respect. 

Soon, Wei Ying stood up as well and bowed. Sitting back down, his heart began to ache. Not because of anything that occurred, but because of the growing disturbance in his mind. He gripped the clothes around his heart and silently suffered with a few muted grunts here and there.

Lan Zhan could see and hear how much he was suffering, and still, he chose to look forward. It was only when Wei Ying spit out a small pool of blood into his hand that he noticed his struggle. Wei Ying looked around with panicked eyes, trying to see who saw and who didn't. No one from the other side of the room seemed to notice, they were all too busy talking with others. 

His eyes finally met with Lan Zhan's. They seemed cold and emotionless. Exactly like before they knew each other. Wei Ying's eyes went wide and his pupils shook. His legs moved on their own and he stood up and ran outside. Rushing, he felt a tighter ache in his heart. 

Red lightning flashed before his eyes, and he lost the pure color of grey from his irises. He had run so far from the banquet room, to an empty street. He gripped his stomach and screamed. Throwing up and coughing up blood, over and over again until his throat burned. The ground stained red, salty tears falling off the cheeks of Wei Wuxian.

"Not here. Not here. Not here," He whispered to himself over and over again. He knew what was going on, and he knew it was dangerous for anyone to be near him when this happened.

His eyes changed rapidly and repeatedly from red to grey, "Not here!"

He screamed his loudest, feeling the souls from inside him scream and wrap around his body. He sobbed, losing control over everything. Although this happened quite frequently, it was agony. Every. single. time.

What he didn't know was, that all of the clan leaders, including his brother and his beloved sister, were watching.

The black smoke around him flew around him quickly, turning into a bigger circle and going farther away. But, this wasn't good. The farther it went, the more danger Wei Wuxian was in. The circle extended all the way to where the clan leaders were, but it didn't attack them as they had expected. Its only focus was Wei Ying.

The circle paused in its place and Wei Ying prepared himself for the torture. He shut his eyes tight. The circle flew swiftly and was absorbed into his body. He shrieked, hearing the million screaming voices in his head. He stumbled around, holding his ears and dealing with the agonizing pain in his heart. 

"Get out!" He screamed, sobbing, and nearly ripping his hairs out from their roots. Everyone could see that he was suffering. But the only one who really helped was Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying fell to the floor, sitting there helplessly, covering his ears. All he could do was silently cry. Lan Zhan slowly walked towards him, reaching his hand out. The clan leaders followed behind him.

The screams were so loud that even Lan Zhan could hear them.

His eyes went wide, "Wei Ying..."

But he couldn't hear him. The black smoke had been circling him the entire time, creating a fierce breeze around him. His eyes opened, the voices becoming only slightly less painful. He noticed Lan Zhan right in front of him, crying and reaching out his hand.

"Lan Zhan..." He cried pitifully. The smoke had been blocking him from reaching Wei Ying, "Don't come in here!!!"

Wei Ying screamed with all his might. He knew that the smoke would hurt him. But even knowing that, Lan Zhan broke through and dealt with the pain. He could hear all the voices, trying to reach Wei Ying. When he touched his hand, Wei Ying cried harder. Lan Zhan pulled him into a tight hug. As he fully embraced him, the black smoke finally receded into Chengqing. The voices were gone.

Wei Ying fell exhausted, into Lan Zhan's arms. He fell asleep within seconds. 

But before he fell asleep, he spoke, "Thank you..."

Lan Zhan sighed out of relief, holding Wei Ying as he slept in his arms. The clan leaders and the two siblings rushed over. 

"Wei Wu-"

"Don't. Let him sleep," Lan Zhan cut him off, directing his eyes back to the sleeping boy. He patted the sweat off his forehead and picked him up comfortably.

Yanli cried as she spoke, "Will he be alright?"

"He will be okay as long as he sleeps."


Wei Wuxian's eyes fluttered open. Instantly, he felt his hand being caressed gently.

"Wei Ying."

Immediately hearing the voice, tears slipped out of his eyes. He shut his eyes tight and cried. He placed both of his hands on the hand holding his, never letting it go. Lan Zhan moved Wei Ying so he was laying on his chest. Wei Ying put his hand on the older's shoulder, letting out every single tear that he had held in. He buried his face in his shoulder.

"I'm here. I'm sorry."

Wei Ying spoke softly and weakly, "It's not your fault. It can't be."

"It isn't your fault either."

Wei Ying cried harder, feeling the familiar hands patting his back. He relaxed into the hug, letting out a couple cries here and there but feeling calm.

Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli ran inside the room, hearing that the boy was awake. To see him crying so hard, wasn't a very usual sight. But rather than disrupting him with loud shouts of joy that he was awake, they let him cry peacefully. He needed to cry. He just needed to.

When he finally cried his last tear, he sighed while being held in his arms. And Lan Zhan knew to never let him go. Yanli and Jiang Cheng walked over and sat down next to the bed.

"Do you feel better now, XianXian?" Yanli asked, her voice still soft.

Wei Ying nodded slowly as a response. He had his eyes closed, laying comfortably on Lan Zhan's chest. The calm heartbeat of Lan Wangji kept him restful. 

"Should I make some Lotus Root Soup for you?" She asked, ready to make her brother's favorite thing in the world.

Wei Ying smiled warmly, "That would be nice."

She walked out of the room, smiling while thinking about her brother being so calm in Lan Zhan's arms. 

Jiang Cheng smiled as well, "I'll give you two some time."

He left the room, following his sister. The two of them decided to prepare the soup together. 

"Wei Ying."

Wei Ying nodded, "What is it, Lan Zhan?"

"I'll hug you like this every time it happens."

A tear slipped down his cheek. He cared so much for Wei Ying, and Demonic Cultivation would never put a wall between them. He would never let it do that ever again. 

A/N: Yet another fanfic that made me cry ;-;

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