lacuna (wangxian)

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Wei Wuxian stood on the roof, watching the chaos underneath him. His tears welled up in his eyes. It pained him that he was causing it. But, his anger had taken him over. A burning fire grew inside, his fingers wouldn't stop playing Chenqing.

Lan Zhan flew down to the roof, holding his guqin in his hands. It hovered under his hand, above the ground. Wei Ying stopped playing his flute, turning around to see the boy. The words he would say, he would never mean. The words he would say, he would regret till he expired. The words he would say, he would hate himself for it.

"Lan Zhan, you're here," He looked down at the instrument in his hand, "You know that The Song of Clarity doesn't work on me."

With a swipe of his arm, the instrument disappeared. Lan Zhan stared sorrowfully at the boy in front of him. 

Wei Ying smiled, "I knew that one day, we would have a one-on-one fight together."

He lifted Chenqing to his mouth, Lan Zhan panicking and lifting his sword subconsciously. When Bichen came in contact with the black shadow protecting Wei Ying, Lan Zhan frowned.

"Wei Ying, stop this."

A silent response from the younger. Lan Zhan's eyes widened when Wei Ying looked him right in the eyes. 

"Wei Ying, stop this!" He yelled, his voice sounding more broken than angered.

Jumping back, Lan Zhan landed on his feet. Wei Ying put Chenqing down by his side, looking at the older. Wei Ying wanted to shout, "Help me," But it would never leave his mouth. An evil had inhabited his brain and wouldn't leave.

"Wei Ying, this is wrong."

"Don't say it. Don't say anything."

"You really think this is wrong? Didn't we make a promise that we wouldn't tell each other what was black or white?"

Lan Zhan held Bichen tight in his grasp, "But... Wei Ying..."

"You're breaking him. Stop. Just stop. Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian, fucking stop yourself."

"I can't stop it. No matter what."

Wangji almost let out a cry, his heart aching and his hope beginning to leave him. He began to walk forward when he heard a loud struggling noise. His older brother was fighting too many enemies.

Forced with the choice between his lover and his brother, he lost his mind. Looking between the two of them, his tears fell. His anxiety had heightened, when he finally brought himself back together. 

"Wei Ying. Don't move. I'm going to help my brother, alright?" His voice shook, holding out his hand. 

Wei Ying wanted so badly to run and hug him, but his legs wouldn't move. Nothing in him would move. It was as if he was a puppet to the spirits. The strings holding his arms and legs were moved by another force. A feeling so constricting that he couldn't even talk like himself.

Lan Zhan landed on the battlefield, running for his brother through the clashing of swords and shooting of arrows. As he ran, he fought ghost puppets with Bichen. On the field, a disciple stood with a bow aimed for the ghost puppet in front of Lan Xichen. Shooting it, he had no idea that Xichen had already slashed the enemy away.


Lan Zhan had jumped in front of him. An arrow sat in his abdomen, his eyes going wide. His hand reached to the arrow, his legs beginning to fail him. 

Wei Ying froze. He pulled on the strings controlling him, tearing them apart as he broke out of manipulation. He lost his footing, falling down the roof and ending up on the ground. But, he could care so much less about himself.

Running as fast as he could, he tripped over his feet over and over again before he arrived at the injured boy. He had fallen, on the ground with his eyes weakly open. Holding him in his arms, Wei Ying cried and sobbed.

"Lan Zhan...? Lan Zhan, wake up. Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji!" His voice sounded of broken cracks. His heart had shattered inside of him.

Soon everyone surrounded them, the enemies having been defeated. But, there was no victory. There was no celebration. Lan Xichen stared in terror at the scene before him. Jiang Wanyin could only clench his sword.

His voice gave out, quietly and brokenly saying, "Lan Zhan?"

Wangji moved his hand up to hold Wei Ying's face, "Wei Ying..."

Wei Wuxian's eyes went wide, tears falling and his throat drying. His fingers curled around the fabric covering Lan Zhan's chest. He wanted this torture to stop. He wanted everything to stop.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you for longer," Wangji spoke, caressing Wei Ying's face. 

"No, you're gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay. Nothing is gonna happen to you. You're-"

Wangji shook his head, leaning up as Wei Ying supported him. He held Wei Ying's face in both of his hands.

A smile growing on his lips, he spoke in a quiet voice, almost a whisper, "I love you."

Wei Ying leaned his head onto one of the older's hands, tired and broken. Seeing the two falling apart before their eyes, the others couldn't believe what had just happened. The day had turned terrible in a matter of seconds. 

Wei Ying silently cried, losing energy. His lover was dying, and it seemed as if his own body was shutting down. In a last hope, he raised Chenqing, hoping for something to happen. To his surprise, the black souls and spirits surrounding the instrument turned to blue. 

Wei Ying stared at it in shock and watched as it moved. It circled Wangji's body and soon came to the arrow. It pulled it out, and to everyone's shock, Lan Zhan didn't look like he was in pain. The blue light surrounded the injury, flowing around him.

"W-What's happening?" Xichen asked, beginning to have hope that his little brother would survive.

"I don't know..." Wei Ying replied, still gazing at Lan Zhan. His face had become peaceful, his chest rising up and down as the wound slowly was healed. 

Wei Wuxian smiled and put his hand gently on Wangji's face. He wasn't going to die. Of course, fate had brought them together. How could it ever tear them apart?

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