First Year- Chapter 9

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The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff match was approaching and the excitement in the Hufflepuff common room was a constant hum. Bridget hadn't spoken, or even really saw Pansy since she stormed off. Manuel told her not to worry about it but of course that was a little difficult now that there was a decrease in her performance and potions and the torment from the other Slytherin girls seemed a lot worse now. 

Manuel and Susan were sat playing wizard chest while Zach, Justin and Hannah were listening to the strategy talk with the quidditch team while Megan Jones, Leanne and Wayne were all watching the one and only, Cedric Digory and his gang of friends goof around. 
Bridget was finishing off her DADA homework, her hand was aching but she had worked for hours on this, even through dinner. When she was finally finished she stood, told Manual and Susan that she was heading out for a walk, not before grabbing her robes and scarf. The day had been fairly sunny, but extremely cold. The sun was starting to set later. In fact the sun was begging to set, an orange glow ran across the sky, and turned the usually murky lake water into a strange misty reddy colour. Bridget walked through a small wooded area beside the lake, it was mossy and there was rocks that she slipped on and low hanging branches that slapped her in the face which caused her to giggle to herself. She hummed to herself as she walked. She observed the soft sound of the low wind blowing the water onto the grass and the rustle of the trees in the distance as well as the low hum of the late night chatter of Hogwarts which eventually died off the further she got away from the castle. 

She was lost in thought as she approached the tree that she didn't even notice the dark haired girl starring into the sunset. 
"What do you want?" she grumbled, causing Bridget to yelp in fright. 

"Oh I didn't even see you," Bridget giggled causing Pansy to roll her eyes. "I just came out to clear my head, its swimming with Defence Against the Dark Arts work, what about you?"

"It's quiet over here, it's nice to get away from that loud common room sometimes. It's nice to be alone." Pansy said, forgetting who she was talking to. 

"Oh, sorry I'll go."

"Sit down if you want" Pansy shrugged, watching the stars slowly start to appear in the sky in the rapidly darkening sky. Bridget plopped down on the cold grass with a short 'omph'. They sat in blissful silence for a while, it was nice.
The stars were now clear in the dark sky, thin veil like clouds fluttered across the sky.

"You should probably get back, you'll probably get into trouble for breaking curfew..." Pansy muttered

"And what about you?"

Pansy stared back at Bridget as if she had just slapped her in the face.
"Do you know who I am? I shouldn't need to follow a curfew!" She snapped

"Sorry..." Bridget muttered "your mood swings kinda give me whiplash..."

"Dont be like that Jenkins! Why do you always have to go and ruin things?"

"I didn't mean to honestly!"

Pansy sighed and rubbed her eyes "im getting a little tired," she was quiet for a while, watching the clouds fly across the sky before she turned to Bridget.
"You guys better beat Gryffindor in match, I don't think I could handle their arrogance."

Bridget started laughing. "Ok, ok, I can't promise anything though."

Pansy smiled back at her. Her mood swings were hard to keep up with but Bridget knew it was a defence mechanism, that this Pansy was who she truly was.

"Well I better get going then," Bridget said, it was getting late and she had to get back or Manuel would probably send a search party for us.

"Wait... could we maybe continue our study sessions... they really helped!"

"I was hoping you would say that!"

"OK, usual place and time then?"

Bridget nodded and skipped back to the castle.


"You took your time, I was readying the squad to come get you!" Manuel said as she entered the common room.

"Ew! Don't ever call us squad again!" Susan snorted and Justin nodded in reply.

"I lost track of time," Bridget shrugged

Bridget noticed mind maps sprawled across the table, Hannah was tutoring them on herbology, well Manuel was pretty good at but he was just there for the fun of it.

"So Bee, we've got a bet down to see how long it will take for Malfoy and his goons to lash out at the match you wanna join?"

"Gambling isn't my thing thanks."

"You're so straight edge it hurts!"

"Yeah cause your such a rebel Manuel!" She laughed lightly punching his arm slightly.
Manuel got bored of studying pretty fast and challenged Bridget to a game of cards.

The common room began emptying around 11 o'clock. Their group was one of the ones to begin to leave early. The prefects usually rounded up the first years before then but they were busy talking to notice the time. They were shooed to their beds around quarter to twelve. Bridget was exhausted but she couldn't get Pansy's smile out of her head, and Megan was in chatty mood despite Leanne telling her to shut the help or she'd jinx her. Megan was practically talking to herself after Susan had drifted off at some point. And finally Megan had gotten too bored to keep chatting. It was just Bridget alone with Pansy's smile staring back at her.


Snape was the referee so Gryffindor didn't stand a chance at winning. Snape had a bias for anyone, literally anyone than the Gryffindor's. So the Hufflepuff's were certain that they would win. Manuel was beyond excited, he chattered throughout all of their lesson on how they would throttle Gryffindor. This constant chatter proofed to be highly irritating for McGonagall and she issued him a detention. 
The teams flew out and Manuel was screaming at the top of his lungs, he was so sure that Hufflepuff was going to win he even bet his legendary wizard card and he would owe Dean Thomas a pumpkin pasty everyday until term ended, so the stakes were high. 

Everyone had come to the see the match, and everyone was on edge, many like Manuel had bets going, but Manuel was watching intently at Malfoy as well as the game to see what would happen. Regardless of won Malfoy was bound to lash out. 
Hufflepuff had been awarded a penalty because George had belted a bludger at him, and soon after Hufflepuff was awarded another penalty. The odds were in Hufflepuff's favour, all they had to do was catch the snitch. The tension rose in the crowd as the game continued. 

The crowd gasped, as Harry dived towards Snape, and soon turned around with the Snitch held high in the air. Gryffindor cheered triumphantly while Hufflepuff sighed in defeat. All of a sudden Manuel cheered along with the Gryffindor's causing his friends to scowl at him. 
"GO ON WEASLEY!" he cheered, and everyone searched to see Weasley punching someone below him. A shimmer of blonde hair showed that it was Malfoy. Manuel turned grinning to Susan, Leanne and Zach. "Pay up guys," he held his hand out happily. Bridget rolled her eyes. 

(Hey guys, accidently published an unfinished chapter here is the full one... whoops. I also seem to have issues with saving and publish when it comes to writing on my laptop. I usually do it on my phone.
I'm so thankful for all the votes and engagement I am getting with this fanfic, I am super enjoying writing this and I have huge plans for this. I'm sorry my updates are a little slow though. Thanks for all the support guys! I appreciate it so much!

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