First Year~ Chapter 5

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A month had past, the party had been the best night since Hogwarts began because Bridget spent most of her time avoiding Malfoy and his goons, but specifically Pasny. Although that was a little more difficult since Snape had demanded that their detentions would turn into them copying out of text books, memorizing and learning how to make potions properly. But that never did help, both Bridget and Pansy were utterly awful at potions. Bridget found defence against the dark arts kind of boring, Quirrel couldn't talk about anything although getting scared, Bridget felt bad for him.

Charms on the other hand, Flitwick loved Bridget, charms was her best class but Transfiguration was her favourite, that was most likely because McGonagall was an amazing teacher. Herbology was alright, it wasn't the best but Sprout was nice enough.
The Quidditch season was approaching, and there was a buzz around the school. The Gryffindor and Slytherin match was first, and everyone is slightly mad that Harry Potter, the first year gets to play Quidditch.

"I'm so excited for the Quidditch season to start! I've been waiting for it all year!" Manuel cried "I love Quidditch!"


Me too!" Zach said

"What is Quidditch?" Bridget asked, they stared at her as if she had just stabbed someone on front of them. "What?!"

"Quidditch is the best thing ever!" Zach said

"Yeah!" The group agreed

"So, what is it?"

"So it's a sport, there are 7 players on a team, two beaters, three chasers, a keeper and a seeker. There are 4 balls, a quaffle, which the chases three into the three goal posts and that gets you ten points, bludgers are balls that knock anyone down, hence the point of beaters, the basically have to hit the chasers and seekers so they can win or protect their chasers and finally the seekers, they have to be really fast flyers, they have to catch the golden snitch and when the golden snitch is caught the game is over, the snitch is worth 150 points," Susan explained.

"Sounds very intense!" Bridget said.

"It is!" Hannah said

"But it's so good!!" Manuel cried.
The group laughed.


Susan, Hannah and Bridget were all getting ready for the quiddich match.
"I hope slytherin lose!" Susan hissed putting on her scarf.

"I'm nervous for Harry, I can't imagine what that would be like being the first first year ever to be on the Quidditch team!" Hannah said.

"Surely there has been another one?" Bridget said

"I doubt it!" Susan said

"At least he has Fred and George to back him up, they are really good beaters!" Hannah responded

"Fred and George?"

Susan and Hannah glared at Bridget,
"You better be joking!" Susan cried

"I am!" Bridget grinned, "they're those twins that cause endless amount of trouble!"
The three headed to the common room, all of them wrapped in warm clothes as it was freezing out. The boys were prancing about excitedly.
"Come on then!" Zach cried.

They took their seats on the stand.
The two captains, Wood and Flint hands, both of them not happy to be touching one and other.

They took off and the match began.

"Quaffle taken by the Slytherins - that's Adrian Pucey speeding off toward the goal posts, but he's blocked by a second Bludger - sent his way by Fred or George Weasley, can't tell which - nice play by the Gryffindor Beater, anyway, and Johnson back in possession of the quaffel, a clear field ahead and off she goes - she's really flying - dodges a speeding Bludger - the goal posts are ahead - come on, now, Angelina - Keeper Bletchley dives - misses - GRYFFINDORS SCORE!" Lee Jordan yelled in the mic.

As the match progressed, Bridget began to notice that Harry was being jerked about aggressively by his own broom.
"Is that supposed to happen?" She asked Manuel.

"No! Somethings not right!" He replied.

Fred or George, Bridget couldn't tell which was trying to pull Harry on to their broom.
Then his broom stopped jerking and he was able to climb back on. He suddenly flew to the ground, his hand clasped on his mouth as though he were going to be sick.
He began coughing, and something golden came flying out his mouth.
"He's caught the snitch!" Susan gasped

"POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR HAS WON THE MATCH WITH 170 POINTS!" Lee Jordan announced, pleased with Gryffindor.

The crowd cheered but Slytherin booed. All of them livid.


"I need the toilet," Bridget said on their way back from the match "I'll get you in the common room."
The group nodded and headed on.

"I can't believe Gryffindor won!" A girl said, Bridget recognised her as Millicent Bulstrode.

"I know! It's that dumb Potter!" The familiar voice of Pansy came from inside the stall "Malfoy says that one of these days, he'll get what's coming to him!"

Bulstrode sneered at Bridget as she passed. Pansy opened the stall, stared at Bridget and went to wash her hands.
Bridget shut the door and locked it quick, feeling this wasn't a good idea. That she shouldve turned and walked away as soon as she saw Bulstrode.

"I'll catch up with Millicent, I've just got to do something" Pansy said quickly.

"Ah ok,"

The door swung shut.

Oh god.

There was a silence. Pansy was waiting.
Bridget didn't need the toilet anymore.

Leave me alone Pansy!"

"I just need to talk to you!" She replied.

"I really don't want to talk to you!"

Pansy sighed, "its about potions, I'm not going to attack you!"

Bridget swung the stall door open, glaring at Pansy, "well what is it then?!"

"The work Snape set us, we have to do it together."

"Piss off!" Bridget blurted out.

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