Second Year Chapter 17

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It was clear Manuel had a touch of alcohol poising, he couldn't move, eat or drink without throwing up. Bridget left early when he began to become unbearably drunk, she left with Hermoine. 

For the remainder of the weekend the group chilled out, unable to go to Hogsmeade for some curers. Butterbeer was the best thing for a rough hangover according to every young witch or wizard. 

Bridget couldn't hide the smile everytime she thought about Pansy, Manuel was getting curious.
Bridget wasn't dreading detention with Snape anymore especially if Pansy would be joining her. It was strange how fast the anger she felt melted away. She wondered if Pansy felt the same however she was extremely doubtful.


Monday felt as though it would never end. The whole day all Bridget could think about was seeing Pansy's face, seeing her smile.

"You seem agitated today?" Susan whispered in Herbology.

"I'm fine, just nervous for detention. You know what Snape is like."
Susan nodded in understanding but when Bridget turned away she made a face to Manuel which said 'Pansy.' Manuel rolled his eyes.

The bell went for class to be over and for study time to begin. But instead Bridget skipped to detention. Snape stood snarling outside the door.
"Wipe that smile off your face before you enter my classroom."

Bridget coughed in an effort to compose her excitement. She straightened out her skirt and adjusted her tie before stepping in. Pansy was sat swinging her legs on a chair at the centre of the room, Bridget hurried to join her.

Snape slammed the door behind him causing Bridget to jump a little, Pansy stifled a laugh, Bridget nudged her.
Snape stood in front of them, he crossed his arms.
"Girls," he said sternly, not noticing Pansy biting back laughter. "Another year of this would not be wise."

Pansy couldn't hold back her laughter anymore, the sweet sound of her laugh echoed off the cold dungeon walls.
Snape's face twisted in rage.
"Pffttttt." Bridget began laughing too. The two girls were in hysterics. There were unable to sense the anger boiling over in Snape.

He slammed his hands on the table the were sat at. The noise was so loud it made both the girls jump and and stopped laughing immediately.
"I am so sick and tired of the both of you!" He snapped "you will miss dinner-"

"But-" Pansy began.

"-Miss Parkinson you will do well to keep your mouth shut! All my storage cupboards must be cleaned and ordere, the jars included. They must be sparkling." He ordered. "I better not head a sound from either of you."

"Those cupboards haven't been cleaned since Slughorn started here." Pansy whispered to Bridget.

"What did I just say Pansy!" Snape growled "70 points from Slytherin!"
Her mouth fell open.

The pair exchanged glances and stalked off to the cupboards. The smell hit them as soon as they opened it. Bridget gagged. Something had decomposed in there that much was evident.
"This is going to take forever," Pansy complained so quietly Briget could barely hear her.

They started by taking all the jars out and finding bowls and such to place the contents in while they cleaned the jars. Bridget scrubbed the jars while Pansy scrubbed the cupboard.
The grime seemed to be neverending. Bridget's arms ached and her fingers were all cut with the scrubbing material she was using, her teeth hurt with the sound and sensation of it rubbing against the glass.

Pansy harsh scream pierced Bridget's ears causing her heart to stop for a moment. She turned so quick pulling her wand out from her pocket.
"What is it?" She asked.

But before Pansy had time time answer Snape's voice boomed across the room "what on earth are you screaming about girl!"

"There's a dead rat!" She squealed, shaking her hands and squirming away from the cupboard.

Bridget peered at the cupboard with caution, there wasn't just a dead rat, it was rotten. Magets and everything were crawling in and out of it. Bridget gagged, and couldn't stop gagging.

Snape came to see the mess, "don't be so ridiculous the pair of you! It's only a rat!"

"No professor that is so vile!" Pansy said instinctively rubbing Bridget's back and holding her hair over her shoulder as she continued to gag over the bin.

"Can- we- please stop- talking about- it." Bridget said between gags.

Snape removed it with a flick of his wand. "It's gone, get back to work."

"I think Briget is going to need a moment."

"You're being ridiculous Jenkins, get a move on!" He sneered.

That was easier said than done because the more she tried not to think about it the more she thought about it. She pushed through regardless and the pair were done by 8.30pm. Snape inspected their hard work.
"It could be better but it'll do."

"We even labeled it," Pansy replied crossing her arms, a little annoyed that all the hours spent doing his work for him got 'it'll do.'

"I see that." Was his response. "You may leave, and remember i want that 20 page essay on my desk tomorrow from each of you."

Bridget sighed, she had forgotten all about that. No sleep and no food for me I guess. Pansy looked just as confused as she did.
"Well then why are the both of you standing there like fools, you may leave!"

"Do you have a clue what he's on about?" Pansy asked Bridget, her face closer to Bridgets than normal. Bridget could feel her face go warm, she hid behind her hair as her heart hammered at Pansy's beauty.

"I think he's talking about the essay he gave out last week on the importance of order." She responded in barely a whisper.

"Great, so we're failing this one then." Pansy scoffed.

Bridget giggled "I suppose we are."

"Wanna do it together then?"

Being alone with Pansy again. Bridget's heart fluttered at the thought of it. They might get it done faster if they do it together.
She nodded in response.

Pansy's hand brushed against the back of Bridget's on their way to the room of requirement. Bridget pulled her hand away, both of them blushed and looked away from each other. The electric tension between them grew stronger in the air and the urge to reach out and touch Pansy's soft palms was getting hard to resist.

(Hey everyone sorry its taken me so long to upload, i was working two jobs for a while and my phone broke twice! So i had to get a new one sad times. It's okay though my contract was up in October. I'm I'm to one job now and I'm at college so I'm now adjusting to having free time because the two jobs I had when I did have free time I spent it sleeping. Would not recommend. They way I was working you'd think I had a mortgage and three kids but I don't lmao. Ordered my Halloween costume yesterday and yes it's slytherin robes hehehe.
Hope you are all well.
Naturalbornsinner3 ☺)

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