First Year~ Chapter 4

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The seven of them sat separated. Manuel had his arms crossed around his chest muttering angrily to himself.
Snape and Sprout stood in McGonagall's office.
Professor Sprout looked disappointed in the three of them.

"So, who cares to explain what's going on, Miss Bones we'll start with you," McGonagall said.

"Like Manuel said, these four have been bullying Bridget relentlessly since the year started, we were just standing up for her!"

"Liar!" Pansy hissed.

McGonagall gave her a stern look but continued on "Mr Slater?"

"I'm sick of these idiots walking all over Bridget! She's just too nice to do anything about it so she just avoids the problem!"

"Miss Jenkins?"

"I really just don't want conflict," she said, her eyes on her hands which were folded on her lap.

"Are they bullying you?" McGonagall said.

Bridget made the mistake of looking up at Pansy, she was shaking her head at her, her eyes full of anger.
"No," she said, it was barely audible but Manuel heard her and now he was glaring at her in utter shock.

"What did you say, speak up girl!" Snape snapped.

"I don't know," she sighed

"How can you not know! They used the m-slur to you multiple times!" Manuel yelled.

"Really?" Sprout said, her voice high and shrill.

"Is this true?" McGonagall asked the four of them.

"Of course not!" Malfoy said "they attacked us, and now they've come up with elaborate story to make us look bad!"

"Is this true?"

"No!" Susan cried "they have been using slurs towards Bridget and shes been running from them since the year began!"

"Miss Jenkins, please let us know what is going on," McGonagall sighed

Bridget was trying to think of something to say, and Manuel whispered to her "who are you protecting? Because it's not you, its them!"

"They have," Bridget finally said, she had to force it out of her mouth "they have been teasing me relentlessly all because I'm a muggle-born! I don't understand the problem, is because I was raised differently than them?"

"You don't deserve magic!" Pansy sneered

"And why is that? Tell me why?"

"I- uhhhh..." she trailed off

"I didn't think you could!"

"You three dismissed! But next time, I won't be so lenient!" McGonagall said.
Sprout left with them.

When they reached the kitchens at last, Maneul turned to Bridget.
"You need to start sticking up for yourself, we won't always be there to save you!"


The Halloween feast had began, the seniors talking excitedly about a costume party they were having.
There was live bats in the hall, Manuel visibly uncomfortable by this.
"Do you think we should sneak into the seniors party?" He whispered to the group.

Susan's face lit up in excitement, "yes!"
Zach and Justin also agreed.
"Do you even know where it is?" Hannah questioned.

"Of course not!" Manuel said "but I'm sure I'll find it!"

Hannah and Bridget exchanged glances before tucking into their meal.
Quirrel came sprinting into the hall, he looked petrified.
He held onto the Professor's table.
"Troll- in the dungeons- thought you ought to know!"

Then he fainted.

Everyone began screaming and yelling.
There was loud firecrackers coming from Dumbledore's wand.
"Prefects! Take your houses back to the dorms!"

"Isn't Slytherin's dorm in the dungeon?" Bridget whispered.

"Yeah, and?" Manuel said as they followed their prefect.

"How did a troll even get in the dungeons?" Justin asked

"And why wasn't Quirrel at the feats in the first place?" Bridget added

"At least he was in the dungeon, otherwise it could be anywhere by now!" Manuel cried.

They got to the common room and the Prefects rushed them into their dorms.
"What's going to happen?" Bridget asked

"We'll let you know if anything does happen" one of the Prefects said and shut the door on them.

Susan pulled a pumpkin pastry out of her robes.
"Really Susan?" Hannah laughed

"What! A troll isn't going to ruin dessert!"
The three of them laughed.

After a while they began to get bored.
"Send Athena to go see what's happening!" Susan said

"Yeah cause Athena can talk and tell us what is happening!" Hannah rolled her eyes.

"I need the toilet!" Bridget moaned.

"You can sneak out then and tell us!"

But just then the door opened.
"Everything's fine, apparently a first year went after the troll and actually defeated it!" The perfect said.

"Finally!" Bridget cried and hurried off to the toilet.
When she returned her friends were talking about who they thought it was.

"Bet you it was Malfoy and his dumb friends thinking they actually stood a chance against a troll!" Justin said

"I think it would be Harry Potter, since he seems to be able to do everything!" Manuel said, slightly annoyed.

"Not really, Hermione is able to do everything it was probably her," Hannah said.

"So much for the party!" A 5th year Hufflepuff huffed as he walked past the group, each of them grinned at one and other.

"Have a party in here!" Manuel suggested, the 5th looked at him shocked, but his eyes lit up. The 5th year disappeared and returned with his friends. They all had stolen decorations from the great hall and they put them up. Music played from seemingly nowhere but it had to be somewhere.

And the party began.

(Hey guys!! I just want to pop in and say hi! I hope your enjoying this so far, I also want to just say that my best friend left for University yesterday, she is going away which is kinda sad but I'm so happy for her! And I hope she enjoys this fanfic.
I love you! Have an amazing time! And enjoy this!
Naturalbornsinner3 😊)

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