First Year~ Chapter 7

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Bridget woke up with Dan curled in beside her.
"Dan!" She whispered "It's Christmas!"

Dan's eyes flickered open, he smiled.




Dan jumped out of bed, swung the door open and bolted into Alex' and Lizzy' room.
Bridget stretched out, yawning in the process. She had barely got any sleep with excitement despite the shouting.
By the time she had gotten into her slisters room Lizzy was already up, however alex groaned.
"What time is it?"

"Its 5am" Lizzy said yawning

"Guys what have we told you! 8am at the earliest!"

"Ok but last year we were up at 3 so this is a big improvement!" Bridget said.

"Get up! You need to check if Santa has been!" Lizzy said swatting him with a pillow.

"Fine!" He groaned and got up. By this point Dan could barely stand still.

"Has mum left?" Bridget whispered

"What do you think?"

Her mother had disappeared and Brodget knew she wouldn't see her again, not for a long time.
Alex returned with a sad look on his face,
"Santa hasn't been, I guess he missed us out time to go back in bed."

"NO!" Dan cried "I HAVE BEEN GOOD!"
He looked at Bridget accusingly.

"Don't look at me!" Bridget grinned. Dan ran out and into the living room, his little feet patterning against the cold wooden floor.
"HE'S BEEN DAD WAS LYING!" He yelled and the three of them walked in.

There was a stack of presents under the tree and on the sofa. There was blue and yellow wrapping paper and silver wrapping paper.
Dan was already beginning to tear into the blue ones. The toys began to stack up.
Bridget began opening hers carefully, she had loads of books, most of them for magic she might need, a charms book and a defence against the dark arts all you need to know book and loads of novels, mostly romance and thriller novels. And she had gotten a soft pink record player and more records to add to her collection.
Alex had gotten Lizzy jewellery and Lizzy had gotten Alex the watch he'd been wanting for a while now.

Lizzy had started the christmas dinner with the help of Alex and Bridget. They played monopoly and the game of life. Everyone let Dan win, then they watched the Christmas TV until dinner.
Dinner was roast turkey, gravy or for Bridget a lentil roast, with roast veg, crispy roast potatoes. Then later for dessert, Christmas pudding.
Later the watched a few movies, eating some more.
Dan screamed in delight at the chocolate frog. All four of them ended up crashing out in the living room, Christmas was good.

Before Bridget knew she was heading to the Slater's house for the new year. She would return to Hogwarts from there.
She said goodbye to Lizzy and Alex and went to get the knight bus, which the Slater's had booked for her.

She hadn't stood for long when it appeared, it was a three story bus and it was vibrantly purple.
"Miss Jenkins is it?"
She nodded.
"Stan Shunpike, I'll take your bags for you."
He snatched the bags up and headed inside the bus.
Since it was during the day, there was no beds out but seats, seats which werent bolted down like a normal muggle bus would be, and Bridget took note that the drivers seat was actually an arm chair.
"Please take a seat."

Bridget had only just sat down when the bus launched forward, almost sending her flying off her chair which was now sliding about mad. She held on for dear life as the bus flew through England.
It stopped and someone got off and started again.

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