Second Year~ Chapter 15

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The next morning Manuel came running up to the group in the great hall, almost falling over someone's cloak.

"I got in! You're looking at the best chaser on the Hufflepuff team!" He cried, his face beaming with excitement.

"Well you better start getting us house points if you want to keep your place." The prefect from the night before.

"Yes ma'am!" Manuel saluted her and gave her a wink to which she pulled a face so full of disgust she looked as if she was about to sick.

Bridget patted Manuel's shoulder and shook her head "she's just not interested."

"Shut up!"


The rest of the week passed fairly quickly. Bridget had no other confrontations with Pansy that week, in fact she hadn't seen her at all. It was odd.

Bridget sat alone in Snape's classroom scrubbing cauldrons thick with scum. She found herself missing her chats with Pansy, even if she was quite insensitive at times. At least she was there. Being alone in a room with Snape sneering at her wasn't the ideal way to spend her Friday night.
It had been an hour, Bridget's arm was aching and she hadn't even cleaned half of the cauldrons yet. Some were worse than others.

After this she would have to hurry to the dorm and get ready for this party. Manuel said he would wait for her, but she knew it would kill him to miss out on the fun. But he insisted.

Snape circled the room before peering over her shoulder bringing the strong odor of sweat mixed in with a burnt potion. Bridget had to turn her face away from him.
"You missed a spot." He lifted his arm and pointed at the stain she was currently scrubbing. She held back the gag and shut her eyes.
If only there was a spell do this. Oh wait, there is.

When it was over the party had already started, when she returned to the common room Manuel was pacing, Susan had waited with him.

"Thanks guys I'll be two seconds!" Bridget darted to the dorm room and threw on a floral dress and a cream cardigan. She loosened off her tight braids that Hannah had done the night before for her so her brown hair sat wavy on her shoulders. She hurried back into the room all the while slipping on her trainers.

Manuel held his arms out and both Susan and Bridget took an arm each. He grinned.
"Get over yourself Manny!" Susan said slapping his arm grinning.
There was a sparkle in her eye that Bridget couldn't help but notice and she couldn't help but smile.

The room of requirement was fully decked out, there was a live band which consisted of Fred and George Weasley, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet and Oliver Wood. Fred and George was on guitar, Alicia on drums, Lee on bass and Oliver singing, which really was a shock to everyone. Oliver Wood could sing! Sporty and talented no wonder he had such a big fan base in Gryffindor. There was different coloured lights flashing the colours of each house, how they did that was beyond Bridget but she was curious to find out. There was smoke. People were singing along with the band and dancing and plenty of people were already straight into the alcohol.

It was strange, it didn't look or feel like Hogwarts at all.

The place was packed with Ravenclaw's, Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. There was the odd few Slytherin's but it was hard to tell who was who without the uniforms everyone just seemed to blend together. There was no room for rivalry at this party.

Manuel lead then towards the drink counter where a fourth year was handing them out with a house elf.
Susan and Manuel both got some firewhiskey, which they would regret when they took their first sip.
Manuel choked, black smoke spluttered out his mouth and nose and Susan gagged.

"Thats foul!" She cried "I'm going to get a Vodka and lemonade!"
She handed Manuel her drink and went back to get another one.

Manuel shrugged and decided just to drink the both of them.
Bridget went to go introduce herself to the group of what she assumed to be Ravenclaw's as she had seen one of the third year boys with the Ravenclaw colours on the day previous. Hannah was chatting away with them along with Cedric.

"I'm surpised that Wood can sing," Bridget whispered to Hannah.

"Me too!" She giggled.

She looked over her shoulder to see Manuel and Susan dancing and laughing, she nudged Hannah. The both of them raised their brows and giggled.
"Come let's go dance to!" The ravenclaw boy who's name Bridget thought to be Adam, Alan or Alex. Something beginning with A anyway, she didn't quick catch it.

"Oh no! I'm no good!" Bridget admitted "but you go have fun!"
It wasn't that she wasn't any good it was just that she felt too awkward and didn't want to embarrass herself in front of everyone. Instead of dancing she wandered off and found Hermoine studying in a corner.

Bridget plopped herself down by her feet and said "parties not your thing?"

Hermonie shrugged "I've got a paper due, it's more important I just didn't want to sit by myself, plus everyone dragged here. What about you?"

Bridget shrugged "I'm surpised at how good the music is."

Hermoine giggled "me too."

The music stopped for a bit, it got switched to decks and Oliver Wood disappeared back to his dorm and the Weasley's, Lee and Alicia blended into the crowd. Dance music shook the room it was a wonder how they never got caught.

After a while Manuel came up to them, his face was flushed.
"Come dance! Quick before more slytherins arrive and ruin the vibe. You too Hermoine put the parchment down and loosen up a bit!" It was hard to hear him over the music. He pulled on both of their hands "Come on!"

"Ugh! Fine!" Bridget huffed and followed him to where her group was. Harry, Ron, Neville, Seamus, Lavender, Parvati and Padma were all laughing and dancing beside Bridgets friend. Ron looked as if he had had far too much to drink, despite the fact he could barely hold himself up he continued to dance to the dance music.

Susan pulled Bridget in and moved her arms forcing her to dance. Bridget tried to remain serious which caused Susan to make her dance harder. The pair began giggling and snorting.

"Who invited the pigs to the party?" Someone snarled from behind them. Bridget peered over her shoulder. Theodore Nott stood sneering. Beside him stood Daphne Greengrass and slightly behind them Pansy and Blaise Zabini stood whispering. Pansy wore a long black silk cami dress that was ruched at the breast, she wore a black under bust corset and high heeled Mary Janes.
Bridget looked away from Pansy, focusing on the changing strobe lights. Her face went red and she felt breathless. 

"Oh go away!" Manuel cried. "No one can be arsed with your bullshit! I'm surprised your even invited." It was clear Manuel was intoxicated by the way he stumbled into Theo and pushed him away "Go find Malfoy and suck his-"

Theodore right hooked Manuel, interrupting him. He stumbled back and suddenly it was a blur of bodies charging at one and other and yelling. Bridget got pushed into the middle of it. There was hands hitting her from every direction. There was more yelling, the music seemed to blend into the yelling and everything seemed to mush together. Someone gripped onto her arm and yanked her through the crowd. 
They stabled her, she turned to face them and Pansy's soft hands fell to her hands, the sensation leaving a tingle on her skin. Her heart leaped at the sight of Pansy's concerned face. Her intoxicating scent was the final blow to Bridget's senses, overwhelmed, flustered and having had taken a few blows to the head everything seemed overwhelming, the room began to spin. She yanked her hands from Pansy's.

 The noise of the fight behind her seemed to turn into a dull hum. 

"Are you okay?" Pansy asked but Bridget couldn't hear a word she said. Her legs buckled under her and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. 

(Hi guys I made a new cover I hope you guys like it! Also I've started another fanfic, it's called Pureblood and it's a Fred Weasley fanfic so feel free to check it out!
Naturalbornsinner3 ☺)

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