First Year~Chapter 10

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The end of year exams were just around the corner and everyone was studying everywhere they could. Bridget and Pansy's meetings were more frequent, much to Pansy's dismay.

Bridget and Pansy were sitting in the room of requirement, studying for potions, again. Both of them had already sat charms and transfiguration. Both of them had passed those classes, Bridget had flew past those end of year exams with flying colours because she was excellent at charms and transfiguration was her favourite lesson. Both of them had still got DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions and Astronomy. Their next one was potions.

"Ok, lets compare notes," Pansy said, pulling Bridget's parchmanet towards her, Bridget caught the smell of her hair, strawberries. She didn't take Pansy as a strawberry shampoo kind of gal. "Yup, it all seems good to me," she admitted "I think we might actually pass this, I think Snape would kill us if we didn't."

The girls laughed.
"Well we should probably head, its getting late and the Slytherin's are celebrating being in the lead with the house points, we are sure we are going to win!"

Bridget sniggered "you haven't even one yet and you're already partying!"

"We like a good party." Pansy shrugged, she waved her wand and picked up on her notes and placed Bridget's in a neat pile.

The girls walked quitely down the empty corridors, Pansy forgetting that she wasn't supposed to be seen with her.
"You know, you Slytherins aren't all bad."

"And you Hufflepuffs aren't all dunces!"

Bridget gasped in mock horror, "I'm actually quite offended by that!"

Pansy pushed her slightly "Shut up!"

They turned a corner to see Snide, Crabbe, Goyal and Malfoy himself. Both Bridget and Pansy seized up.
In an instant Pansy had flicked her wand and whispered "Petrificus Totalus,"

Bridget froze and slammed onto her back. She hear Malfoy and his posse laugh before seeing them circle above her like vultures.
"well well," Malfoy sneered "whats going on here?"

"she'd been following me!" Pansy said instantly, she threw Bridet an apologic look. But Bridget was already seering with anger.

"Gross!" Snide said, spitting on Bridget. Bridget's face scowled at the brute of a girl.
Crabbe and Goyal snorted before taking a kick at her, and soon the others joined in. Each kick hurt more, she couldn't even more her hands to defend herself, all she could do was cry out for them to stop. Pansy just stood back and watched. Malfoy took the last kick, stomping her in face and breaking her nose which caused her to scream in pain.
The scream caused them to hurry away.

It was a ghost who found her, it quickly hurried away to get anyone to help, in that time Cedric Diggory and his Gryffindor girlfriend Heather who where on a late night walk. They undid the spell and helped her up.
"Are you ok?" Cedric asked

"I'm fine," Bridget croaked, whipping the blood from her nose and chin. Her body ached all over but the pain and anger she felt inside of her dulled the physical pain out.

"Who did this?" Heather asked, pushing hair out of Bridget's face.

"Malfoy and his little sheep!"

Heather gasped "I didn't those little shits where that bad!"

"Neither did I!" Bridget said, her voice thick with spite.

"What's happened?" It was Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick who the ghost had gotten.


Bridget pulled herself to her feet, she wobbled a little as the corridor spun with the movement but it was cedric who caught her.
"Come dear, we'll take you to madom Pomfrey and you can tell us what happened on the way there."

"I'm fine honestly, I don't need to see madom pomfrey!" Bridget prostested
But despite her protests she was wisked off to madom pomfrey who fixed up Bridget's broken nose and concluded that there was nothing else wrong other than a couple of bruises.

Professor Sprout then took Bridget into her office which was so full of plats there was really no where to sit. Sprout moved a few pots from a now soil covered armchair that was in front of what looks like a fire place but it was hard to see through the vines and foliage.
Bridget dusted the soil out of the way before planting herself down.

"Now, Miss Jenkins what happened exactly?"

"Well," she croaked, tears stung her eyes as she thought of what happened.

"Oh dear! Dont cry here let me just-" Sprout searched her desk for a handkerchief, she found a clean one at the very back. "Here."

She wiped her eyes with it, "well I was... I was walking with Pansy Parkinson... she and I had been- been studying for the up and coming potions exam and we bumped into- into- into Malfoy a-and Crabbe and Goyale and Snide." She took a deep breath and wiped her nose "Pansy she doesn't like to be seen with me and she- she did the freezing spell and I- i fell to the ground and they all just stated hitting me."

"Right!" Sprout huffed "well ill send an owl to Professor Snape, you just get to bed and we will discuss this is the morning. Don't you worry yourself none! I'll get one of the prefects to come get you."
She spoke with the painting which was sitting askew above her desk and in a few moments it had left and returned.
While they waited sprout offered Bridget a sweet but she couldn't bare to eat.

A tall prefect girl with bright red hair appeared at the door.
"Ah Iris please take Miss Jenkins here back to the common room please."

Iris smiled at Sprout and motioned for Bridget to join her.

Cedric, Manuel, Hannah and Susan were all sitting and waiting. Manuel rushed up to Bridget
"I'll kill them! I'll fucking kill the lot of them!" He yelled

"Calm down Manuel, I'm alive aren't I?"

"I don't care they still have to pay for what they did!"

"Please just chill."

"I hate to say it but this is him semi-calm," Susan whispered to Bridget "you shouldve seen him when Cedric told him he nearly snapped his wand in half."

"Are you okay?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah I'm find thanks," Bridget smiled at him.

"You need me to get people on them just say okay?"

Bridget nodded and he headed off to his common room.
Manuel made Bridget go into all the details which just made him get even more mad. It was Susan who pulled Bridget away from him so they could go to bed.

Bridget couldn't sleep though, all she could think about was the look on Pansy's face.
I will never speak to her again!

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