First Year~Chapter 3

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The only sound that could be heard was Bridget's footsteps bouncing off the castle floor, she was panting hard. Any minute now, Malfoy and his goons would come running around the corner. Pansy with them.
It had been weeks since the potions incodent and three other detions with Parkinson, now Bridget avoided her like the plague, it was either that or have to duel. Bridget was working hard trying to learn block spells and jinxes to retaliate but jinxes just felt impossible to get her head round. Hannah and Susan have ended up teaching her to protect herself in the dorm at night.

Yelling came from round the corner,
"Get the filthy mudblood!" Malfoy yelled.

Get into a room. She noticed a door and swung it open and slammed it shut. She was bent over, holding her side watch was in agony. She was panting profusely.
There was a flute playing beside her, but it stopped.

"You can't be in 'ere"
Bridget turned to see Hagrid, and a large three headed dog sleeping.
"Wow," was all Bridget could utter.

"He's a beaut', ain't he?" Hagrid said completely forgetting that she shouldn't be in here.

"Yeah...." she stared in awe, I didn't know you could get a three headed dog! "Can I pet him?"

"Eh.... I don't think that would be a good idea, he's gaurdin' something for Dumbledore," his faced dropped "I should have said that."

She frowned, "what needs to be hidden in a school and protected by a three headed dog? Would it not be safer in Gringotts?"

"Never you mind! Who were you running from?"

"Malfoy and his minions."

"He's a horrible little boy!"

The three headed dog stood now, it was massive. Its paws were about the width of Hagrid himself. But he didn't seem to be aggressive with Hagrid atound.

She pressed her ear against the door and couldn't hear anything.
"I think they're gone,"

"Well I'll be seeing you around then, better feed this guy now!" Hagrid clapped his big hands together as she opened the door and peered down the corridor. No Malfoy. No Crabbe. No Goyle. No Parkinson.

Bridget took a deep breath and snuck out, blending in with a group of Ravenclaw seniors who all looked at her funny.
"I'm hiding from Slytherins," she whispered. They nodded in understanding and escorted her to the library, she said her thanks and found her friends studying.

"Transfiguration is horrid!" Justin cried. It seemed to Bridget all Justin did was whine, but she kept this opinion to herself. She decided to write a letter to her sister while her friends studied as she, surprisingly, understood transfiguration.

Dear Elizabeth Martins,
How are things Lizzy? Hogwarts is utterly huge I don't understand how people can find their way around the castle so easily! I need a map honestly. Do you know I got a detention on the first day! Not even just the first day but the first lesson! All because I made a mistake. The potions teacher is horrible! And he's the head of the worst house in all of Hogwarts, Slytherin. The people in there are obsessed with blood status, they have been picking on me.
Anyway, I've made good friends, they're helping me out and helping me settle into magic life. Sorry I havent wrote since I have arrived I've been so utterly overwhelmed and I've been trying to settle in. How is Alex and Daniel? Has Daniel settled in to Nursery yet?
I just met a three headed dog! THREE headed! Do you remeber that boy I was telling you about, the boy who lived, yeah well he is in my year! Although he's not in house but how cool would it be if Harry Potter was in Hufflepuff!
I hope you're doing well, I'll write soon.
Bridget x

She folded the parchment over and slit it into an envelope.
"I can't wait until we're aloud at hogsmeade, saves us spending our weekends doing practically nothing!" Manuel said, looking up from his textbook.

"You not doing nothing! You're getting ahead in your studies!" Bridget said, Manuel gawked at her.

"You cant be serious?"

She laughed "of course not idiot!"
She peered over his shoulder and his notes were a shambles.
"How can you even read that?"

He dramatically gasped and covered his notes "Quite easily actually Miss Jenkins, keep your nose out my notes!"
He grinned at her, "right guys I'm hungry who wants to go grab snacks?"

"Me!" Susan said looking relieved that she could get a break.

"Me too!" Bridget said.

The others politely declined. And the three of them headed for the kitchens. Freya was wondering around the castle, when she passed Mrs Norris and hissed, threatening her.
Bridget and Manuel gave each other looks before snickering.
"Who do you think would win, Mrs Norris or Freya?" He asked.

"Freya for sure!" She said.

"Win what?" Susan asked.

"A fight!" Manuel said.

"Oh yeah Freya!"

"Really? I would've said Mrs Norris."

"Mrs Norris would only win because she's a sneak and Filch would have to step in" Bridget stated.

"I mean..."

"Jenkins!!!" Malfoy yelled

Oh no!
She turned, Malfoy stood at the end of the corridor, Crabbe and Goyle by his side, Pansy however was missing.
They began running down the hall, wands in hand.

Bridget began to run but Manuel grabbed her hand and shook his head.
"Don't let them bully you, you can't spend your whole year running from them."

But he was wrong. She could. In fact she could probably even hide from them, the castle was big enough for her to find a new hiding place every day until her 7th year.
"I don't want to fight!" She pleaded "please don't make me fight!"

"You're not! You're just standing up for yourself!" He reassured her, lifting his wand, Susan did the same.

Oh god.
They were so close, Malfoy had began to say a spell but Manuel had flicked his wand and Malfoy's mouth had disappeared. Causing him to cry out, but it was muffled.
Crabbe and Goyle were still charging towards them. Manuel nudged Bridget, she lifted her wand, her hands were shaking.

Crabbe had hit Bridget with a knockback jinx causing her to fly backwards into the hard concrete.
If I had run I couldve avoided this.
Susan blasted Crabbe with the same jinx and Manuel made Goyle go rigid and freeze causing him to fall to the floor.
Parkinson appeared above Bridget, there was something in her eyes that Bridget couldn't quite place. She kicked her rough in the ribs causing Bridget to cough.

"Back off!" Manuel yelled

"What's going on here!"
Great, McGonagall!

"They attacked Draco, Vincent and Gregory!" Pansy cried "Gregory managed to knock Jenkins down before anything happened!"

That little-

"That's not true!" Manuel snapped "they've been bullying Bridget relentlessly!"

"All of you! My office now!" McGonagall demanded.
Malfoy cried out, again it was muffled. McGonagall frowned and paused for a moment almost debating whether or not it would be wise to let Malfoy talk again, but she flicked her wand regardless.

"Wait until my father hears about this!"

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