First Year~Chapter 11

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Bridget was sat in Sprout's office again, Snape stood by the window that was so thick with foliage and dirt looking out of it seemed pointless but he did so anyway.

Pansy stood beside Malfoy and the rest of them, their heads were held high but Pansy found her shoelaces more interesting.

"This behaviour will not be tolerated!" Sprout snapped. It was strange seeing her angry.
Bridget would have let the ground swollow her whole if it would just allow it. She had to go through the story three times and then hear their side of the story which was all lies. Of course Diggory was there to back her up and that ghost.

"I will deal with them." Snape finally said. He had said nothing the whole time. All he did was sneer. "The punishment will be.... severe."

Sprout nodded to herself and watched as Snape order the Slytherin soilders back to the dungeons.
"It will get better after this." Diggory clapped Bridget on the back. She knew this was a lie.

Brigdet had never felt pain like it, looking at Pansy's guilt ridden face. The betrayal stung. She felt disgusted by the girl she used to care about. Now she would have to pretend like their friendship (if it could even be called that) never happened.


The weeks flew in. Bridget had failed miserably in potions and Herbology but Sprout would allow her to resit when they returned due to the circumstances. The rest she past, history of magic was barely a pass but it was a pass all the same. But the exams were soon forgotten when rumours emerged about Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

"That can't be true can it?" Susan gasped as they were sitting around the fire.
It was cedric diggory who was telling the common room what he had heard Dumbledore whispering about.

"It must be! Harry is in the hospital wing and Quirral is MIA!" Manuel cried

"I heard hes dead!" A fourth year cried

"I think its a load of rubbish!" Zach cried

"Yeah you would!" A second year mumbled under his breath causing Manuel to snort.

"But if its true that means you-know-who never really died that means..." a sixth year trailed off, her eyes wide and scared.

"I'm sure we'll be fine! We've got Dumbledore and everyone knows you-know-who is scared of him" a seventh year pointed out.

"Poor Harry!" Bridget said "I can't imagine how scared he was."

"Hes a Gryffindor, they don't get scared!" Justin laughed

"Come on, thats not fair he was probably petrified he is only a kid." Another seventh year pointed out.

It was well past 2 in the morning at this point. The prefects were now trying to usher the younger ones to bed.
"Come on!" Manuel cried "it's only the feast tomorrow-"

"Have you packed yet?" The prefect asked

"No but-"

"Then you'll need to get up early for bed! Now piss off!" They cried.

"But I've packed!" Leanne said

"Fine! If you've packed you can stay up another half hour but thats only if you've packed an we'll check your rooms!"

Bridget grinned and popped herself back down while half of the lower school stalked off to their rooms.
The theories of what happened and how Harry had stopped Quirrell began.
They didn't sleep until sunrise.


It was custom for everyone to dress up for the end of year feast, usually in their house colours. It was mainly an excuse to not wear uniform for once. And it was nice. Bridget wore a thick yellow jumper and a black skirt. She did her hair in a half up half down shambles which Susan fixed for her.
She met Manuel in the common room, he smartened up nicely. He wore a mustard yellow shirt with black jeans. His hair was a mess though.

"I cannot believe Slytherin has won the house Cup! You'd think they would get points knocked off for what they did to you!" He complained as they walked in their group to the great hall.

"Yeah its does seem a bit unfair" Hannah cried.

"I don't know what their punishment was but I hope their sorry for it." Bridget added.

"Malfoy and his goons sorry? Don't make me laugh!" Manuel snorted.

The great hall was decked out in silver and green, if it wasn't associated with Slytherin's big win Bridget would have said it looked nice.
"I really hate the colour green." Manuel hissed.
They took their seats in the hufflepuff table.

"I'm looking forward to going home." Susan admitted. The talk turned to what they would miss about Hogwarts over the summer.
"I'll tell you who I won't miss-" Manuel began but Bridget nudged him in the ribs as the hall fell silent.

"Harry Potter," she muttered.

"HE LIVES!" Manuel cried out dramatically as the room arupted into chat. But it soon died off as Dumbledore arrived for his speech.

Dumbledore began his speech. "The house cup here needs awarding and the points stand as thus: in forth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points" the Gryffindor's booed. "In third place, Hufflepuff with three hundred and fifty two points." There was a medicore clap from the Hufflepuff's "Ravenclaw have four hundred and twenty six and slytherin with four hundred and seventy-two."
The slytherins stamped and cheered like animals.

"Yes, yes well done slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account."

The smiles faded from the Slytherin's face.
"This will be good." Manuel rubbed his hands together.

Gryffindor cheered each time as Dumbledore awarded them points. 50 to Ron, 50 to Hermoine, 60 to Harry and finally 10 to Neville putting Gryffindor in first.
The Gryffindor's erupted with glee all screaming, cheering, clapping and stamping.
Even Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff joined in.
The green and silver turned to red and gold.

The feast was more than bitter sweet. Even just seeing the slytherin's horrified faces. Espically Malfloys. Espically Pansy's.
This was a good way to end Bridget's first year at Hogwarts but the best was yet to come.

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