Second Year~ Chapter 18

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Bridget and Pansy sat at the very back of the library in a dark corner crammed between shelves. The pair were sat on the floor with the snacks they had snuck in from the kitchen scattered around them. Their arms were touching Bridget was relishing in the warmth and the softness of Pansy's skin. She was finding it increasingly hard to focus, every time Pansy moved and her skin brushed gently against her it sent subtle tingles across her skin  and goosebumps erupted at her slight touch.
Bridget wondered if Pansy felt it too. 

"What do you muggle's do in your free time then?" Pansy asked as she scribbled words down on parchment. 

"Same as you guys except we have TV and stuff but obviously magic interferes with electrical currents so you guys wouldn't he able to have them." Bridget shrugged.


"Its like this box that has like pictures and sound and stuff like a play in a box- kinda like magic actually but for muggles."


"I'll need to take you to the cinema?"

"What's that?"

"A place where there's a big massive TV." Bridget giggled "I promise I'll show you."

"Oh really?" Pansy beamed, lifting her brow.

Bridget blushed and looked away.

"That statement isn't right." Pansy said pointing at Bridget's cursive.

"What would you say then?"

"Not that." Pansy said with humour in her tone.

"Well could you help?" Bridget laughed.

"Here," Pansy leaned over her hair brushing Bridget's shoulder her small painted fingers reached for the text book. "Just reword this section, mix it in with this section of my notes."

Usually doing potions homework would drag in but doing it with Pansy time seemed to fly by. Pansy seemed genuinely interested in life without magic and how she could just never deal with the inconvenience of it. Bridget explained that it is a blessing to have the gift of magic. 


In silence of the stuffy Hufflepuff dorm room Bridget tossed and turned unable to sleep. All she could think about was Pansy, despite mainly getting negative attention off of her the sliver of positive attention showed the kindness she has proves there is another side to her behind that cold hard exterior. It gave Bridget hope.

Bridget moved towards the yellow stained circle glass window waking Athena in the process. She meowed in protest as she was shifted off of her legs.
Bridget shifted the window open and curled into a ball next to it letting the cold breeze blowing up over the lake brush across her face cooling her down instantly.
The night air smelled crisp and the owls hooted across the grounds.

Then there it was, that slithering scraping across the walls. The hissing. The twisting and untwisting. Although it was muted under the sounds of the night.

Athena's fur stood on end, her body stiffened she jumped into an aggressive pose. She hissed at the wall. Bridget tried to focus on the sound but could barely hear it under Athena's hissing.

Bridget followed Athena as she moved along the wall her ear pressed against it. The writhing inside the walls sent chills down Bridget's spine. It was so quiet she thought her ears were deceiving her.

I need to get some sleep this is ridiculous. She thought.

As she was about to pull her ear away she head a hissing like voice, at least she thought she did. Saying something she could not make out. Athena was going crazy at this point.

"Be quiet Athena!" Bridget snapped.
The hissing and moving stopped suddenly. Bridget tried to press her ear closer to the wall.
The silence seemed to stretch and then contort around her. Athena was silent.

Bridget's skin ran ice cold. 

She shivered. 

The hissing was so loud it sounded as if it was all around her. Crushing her. Bridget jumped back from the wall her heart thudding and stomach sank she tried to scream but the fear was so intense no sound came out. The oxygen seemed to be knocked out of her lungs. The room was spinning, Bridget was falling and there was nothing she could do to stop it. The hissing seemed to be in her head.


Bridget woke up gasping thudding onto the ground. It was just a dream. But it felt so real. She had fell off her bed. The room wasn't stuffy anymore. In fact it was ice cold. 

The window was open. But it was closed when she went to bed. She could of swore it. She glanced at the large grandfather clock by the door it was 4.30am. She supposed she'd be as well to get up and shower despite her body begging to go back to bed. That hissing from her dream made her stomach turn the feeling of dread hung over her like a heavy storm cloud. 

The warm shower was no relief from that cold hard dread. 

Her body felt heavy and icy. The thundering in heart failed to cease.

The girls were just getting up by the time Bridget returned. 
"are you okay Bee" Susan asked 

"I just feel a little ill, I had an awful sleep." she said, shuddering. 

"you look awful, maybe you should go back to bed and we'll cover for you."

"I'm okay, I'll get an early night tonight."
She shuffled over and filled Athena's food bowl out. Athena was no where to be found. She would be with Freya in the common room. She wasn't. Bridget's sense of dread was intense. She felt sick to her stomach. 

Manual was in a chipper mood, he entered the common room in his quidditch uniform. He was covered in dirt. 
"Bee, you should've seen how hard I fell off my broom! It was epic!" 

"Oh really?" Bridget said looking him up and down. 

"Are you okay?" He came over to her, "You look ill."
He went to rub her back but his hands were filthy so he stopped himself. 

"I had a horrible sleep- my dream felt so real."

"Maybe you should take the day off."

"I can't." 

The whole day Bridget walked about feeling cold and sick. The dread was intense despite the buzz for Halloween approaching in the coming weeks. She was watching her back the full day. Manuel was intensely concerned for her. 
At lunch the duo discussed the dream. 
"Wait, what happened?" Ginny asked, her face as chalk white 

"I didn't know you were listening." Bridget whispered, her face flushed in embarrassment. 

"I have had a similar dream." Ginny explained. She suddenly got up and stalked off. 

Bridget and Manuel exchanged concerned looks. "what the hell that was strange." 

The day continued on as normal, although Bridget felt intensely on edge. The deep dread followed her about like a bad smell. The thought of having to deal with Snape in detention was turning her stomach and making her feel worse. At least Pansy would be there. 

(Hi guys, 
Three years without an update is a bit ridiculous I am terribly sorry.
I have graduated college and I'm now working two jobs again but my hours are better than my previous two jobs so I have more time to write and I plan to update at least once a fortnight - I can't make any promises though.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter I tried to make it long due to the lack of chapters for the past three fucking years :'( . I missed you guys. 

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