Second Year~ Chapter 16

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Bridget felt cold, there was a breeze on her neck and the sound of the trees resulting and the trickle of water nearby. She groaned. She didn't know what happened. She just remembered noise. So much noise, then her face. Pansy's face. How did she get outside?

She sat up, her bum was slightly damp from being placed on the cool grass. Pansy sat in front of her, waiting patiently. The moon reflection gleamed off the water and onto Pansy's stark black hair making it glitter. 
"Are you okay?" Pansy asked "You passed out."

"Yeah I think I was just too warm..." Bridget said, forgetting that she was supposed to be mad at her. When she did remember she pulled herself to her feet a little too fast. 

"Be careful!" Pansy cried, jumping up to stable her. 

"Get off me!" 

"Bridget please-"


"I'm sorry okay!" Pansy yelled "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" 
Tears stung Pansy's eyes. "I'm sorry." 

Bridget just stared at her, not knowing what to say or do. 
"I swear Bridget if I could take it back I would! I haven't stopped thinking about it, I feel horrible about it I truly do, I never meant for you to get hurt."

"Are you serious right now?" Bridget snapped. 

"I am. I just freaked out when I saw them coming-" 

"Pansy just stop." 

Pansy stopped, her lip quivering. She looked desperate and venerable. It was a tragic sight. The wind picked up, the moon disappeared behind the clouds. Pansy looked so scared and cold in the dark that Bridget couldn't help pity her. But it shouldn't be that way, it was Pansy's fault they were in this situation in the first place. 

"Give me a second chance, please?" 

Bridget sighed, her heart was saying yes but the reasonable side of her brain was telling her no. One more chance can't hurt? Can it? 
"I don't know Pansy, what you did was pretty missed up." Bridget admitted. "It will take time. Give me time." 

Pansy sniffled and a weak smile formed on her face. "We should probably head back before it gets any colder." 

"can we just stay out a little while longer, let that fight die down?" Bridget asked, but it was really just an excuse to be alone with Pansy in all honesty. 

"sure," Pansy said, sitting down next to where Bridget stood up from. Bridget joined her and the pair watched the clouds skim the stars for a little while, neither one said a thing. Bridget couldn't help but indulge herself in Pansy's scent. The wind blew the sweet smell in her direction. Soon Bridget lost interest in the stars and she began memorising the look on Pansy's face when she was lost in thought. There was no more confusion of her feelings of Pansy. Her stomach fluttered at the sight of her and her heart hammered at the thought of her soft hands on her arms. The feeling of her finger tips brushing her arms made Bridget go out in goosebumps. 

A smile found its way onto her lips. 

"We should really get back now, people are going to wonder where we are." Pansy said, turning to Bridget, Bridget shifted her eyes away from her as fast as she could. Her skin went scarlet but it was impossible to tell in the dark. 

"Yeah you're right." 
The pair walked into the castle, it was colder in the castle than it was outside. It was eerie. There was a scarce amount of light this late at night which forced the pair to cast the lumos spell.

"Do you hear that?" Bridget asked, there was a strange twisted noise coming from behind them.

"No I don't hear anything!" Pansy said, but she didn't sound too sure.

It was getting closer.
Bridget grasped at Pansy's hand. "Are you sure you can't hear that?"

"Bridget stop your not funny!"

The hissing noise seemed to twist and untwist. It got closer and closer. Bridget's heart was in her throat. 

A heavy hand landed on both their shoulders causing the two girls to screech. Pansy whipped round with her wand in her hand and her eyes blazing. 
"Put your wand down, Miss Parkinson." Snape said. 

Bridget was only slightly relieved it was Snape. 

"Miss Jenkins, I should've known you would be wondering the corridors at night, 40 points from Hufflepuff." 

She went to protest but shut her mouth instead. 

"And Miss Parkinson I expect better from you, I think you will find it worth your time to join Miss Jenkins in detention, don't you?" 

"But professor!" Pansy cried. 

"I don't want to hear it!" Snape snapped, "Now get back to your dorms." 
He paused for a second, scanning their attire, his lip twisted up into a sneer "Why are you all dressed up?"

"Dressed up?" Bridget questioned, her voice sounded as sincere as possible. "We're not dressed up."

Snape drew a look saying that he wasn't entirely convinced.  "mmmm. Hurry along then, you don't know what could be wondering these corridors at night." 

The pair hurried around the corner before taking off running towards the room of requirement. The pair laughing. This was the Pansy that Bridget knew was pushed behind the foul persona that she puts on. As they came to the door Pansy smiled at Bridget, leaned in kissed her on the cheek and said "see you in detention." 
And with that she disapeared into the room of requirement leaving Bridget standing there flustered and almost dazed. It took her a bit to process what had just happened. 

When she finally got her thoughts together she entered the room. The music was still just as loud, the smell of liquor coated the room and the only thing that had changed was the fact that more people were dancing because they were more intoxicated. Bridget hunted the crowds for her friends. They were laughing and talking. Manuel was leaning against the wall behind him using as support. His face was a little beaten up but the bruises would heal up pretty quick. 

"Where the hell did you disapear to?" he slurred. 

"I needed air, i felt faint." Bridget said, it wasn't exactly a lie. She still felt faint but the good kind, not the overwhelmed kind more like the swooned faint. She could feel Pansy's round and gentle lips pressing hot red cheek even as she stood observing her intoxicated friends. The only sober one there was Hermoine. "what happened anyway?"

"Spinnet and Johnson broke up the fight, nothing really came of it." Hannah informed her. everyone seemed to have really forgotten about it. 
Bridget looked into what seemed to be the designated dance floor and in the centre of it Pansy watched her, she was illuminated red by the strobe light. 
That image of Pansy in that red light, in that dress would forever be burned into Bridget's mind. She seemed to forget about everything else. 

She forgot about the strange noise in the corridor, the what seemed like endless detentions with Snape for would be the rest of her school career at this point, what had happened the year before and the fact that she couldn't dance. 

Because in that moment she pulled Manuel off the wall and dragged the group to go dance.

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