First Year~ Chapter 1

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Bridget Jenkins held her older sister tight, her sister, Lizzy was sobbing.
"I'm going to be fine!" Bridget said, but she wasn't too sure herself, her heart was pounding and she was cold and sweaty. "I'll send an Owl as soon as I get there I promise!"

Lizzy tried to compose herself, sniffing and gargling but she would not get go of her sister, after all she had raised Bridget and now she was expected to just let her go like that! It was her husband, Alex, who had pulled her away from Bridget, Lizzy had curled into her husbands chest. Bridget bent down to her nephew, Daniel, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I'll see you at christmas!" Bridget smiled, this made Lizzy sob even more. But it wasnt long until christmas, but they had never been apart.
Bridget knew if she didnt turn and run into that wall she would never leave, she held her breath and turned with her heavy trolley filled with trunks and on top sat her cat. Her cat, Athena, she was gray sphinx who had the most orange eyes youd ever seen.

She ran through, on the other side of the wall was thousands of witches and wizards bustling about, the noise was deafening and far louder in here than it was back on the platform at kings cross. There was mothers and fathers crying, saying goodbye to the first years, the older kids trying to push off their parents to go see their friends.
On the tracts stood a large red steam train filling with teenagers.

The Hogwarts Express.

Bridget took a deep breath, best go find a seat so I'm not sitting alone. Bridget swung her backpack over her shoulders and picked up Athena as some red haired boy began to pick up her luggage, his perfect badge glowed in the light.
Bridget found a carriage with a boy around her age sitting in it, he had thick dark hair, dull grey eyes and black skin. He was round but tall, he smiled up at her, his teeth perfectly straight.
"Can I sit-?"

"Yes of course!" He grinned, "please," he motioned for her to sit.
She sat down and Athena curled up beside her, watching the boy closely.
"Manuel Slater," he held out his hand, and she took it.
"Bridget Jenkins,"
She pulled a book out her bag and began to read.

"What you reading?"

"Good Omens,"

"Never heard of it!"

"Its a muggle book," Bridget sighed.

"Muggles have books?" Manuel asked, Bridget gawked at him.

"You cant be serious?"

Manuel grinned "of course not, I'm not an idiot. My grandma is a muggle."

Two other people appeared at the door, a round boy who held a toad, and a girl with frizzy hair.

Can we sit in here?" The girl with frizzy hair said.

"Of course," Manuel said. "I'm Manuel, this is Bridget."

"I'm Hermione Granger," the girl beamed.

"And I'm Neville," the boy squeaked.

Hermonie sat next to Bridget and a Neville sat beside Manuel.
"Are yous all just starting?" Hermione questioned
The group nodded in reply.
"What house are you all hoping to get into?"

"Well I'm not sure, my mum was a Gryfindor but my dad was Hufflepuff it's a constant argument which house is better and which one I'd get into, they've even bet on it," Manuel sighed

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