Second Year ~ Chapter 20

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Someone yanked Bridget's arm pulling her out of her trance. She stumbled backwards onto her feet and was engulfed by the crowd just in time for Filch appearing.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Finally through the crowd they let go of her arm. She spun to see who it was.
"We better get out of here, if Filch sees you he will kill you." Manuel said. "Let's go!"
The pair ran down the hall. Bridget's skin crawling. That petrified stare on Mrs Norris made her blood run cold. The slithering in the walls didn't feel like a dream anymore.

There was arguing down the hall, Dumbledore, Filch and Harry Potters voices traveled.
The two of them got to the showers near the Hufflepuff dorms.
"Get washed up, I'll wait for you in the dorm."
Bridget really needed to wash that red stuff off her. The hot water soothing on her skin, she water ran red.
Manuel was sitting waiting for her, a book in his hands.
"Are you okay?" He asked "you look paler than a ghost."

"Im not really feeling to good, I think I'll give tonight a miss."

"Are you sure you were really looking forward to it!"

"I'm sure, I'm not really feeling to well." She shrugged "you go on get all the gossip."

"I don't wanna leave you, I'll stay with you."

"Honestly Manuel, I wouldn't want you to miss out."

"I don't mind!"

"Please just go."

He sighed. "Fine. But I won't be away long."

"Take your time. There's no rush."

He smiled and hugged his friend. "Take care Bee, get rested up."
"I will."

And with that she was alone. She pulled out a book to read, hoping to soothe her nerves but all she could focus on was that cats face.
She slammed the book shut, frustrated.
She couldn't bare going to the party but she couldn't bare being alone either.

She slipped on a pair of joggers, a jumper and her converse before going for a wander around the Black Lake. A walk in the cold October night air would keep her calm. The sound of the water would sooth her spirit back to health. Anything to keep her mind off of that awful scene that plaid out earlier. The air smelled crisp and the sharp bitter smell of the wet earth around the lake was already a comfort to her. Shoving her hands in her pockets to keep them warm she leaned against a tree watching the wind ripple the water, the familiar and comforting sound of the owls swarming high above the castle making her feel at ease almost instantly. 
Bridget returned to the castle after a few hours, she could no longer feel her face or her hands. She felt the change in the air instantly. Something was wrong with the castle. The air was thick and heavy the magic felt wrong. Evil even. 
But it was possible this was her anxiety- she tried to push that tense feeling of uneasiness to the back of her mind. 


She stumbled back, crashing into someone as she turned the corner. Her wand clattered the ground as it slipped from her numb hand. She was greeted by blonde hair. 

Great. Malfoy.

"Watch where your going Mudblood!" He hissed, shoving her back from him. Crabbe, or Goyle she couldn't tell which one kicked her wand down the corridor. The sound of wood rolling on stone filled hall.

"I'm just trying to get to my dorm, I don't want any trouble." Bridget said, holding her hands up "Please." 

"Awwwwe," Malfoy laughed, the other two dimwits followed suit. "Begging already? - Grab her!"

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