Second Year~ Chapter 13

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Athena crawled around the plants toward the fireplace where Freya was curled up at on top of someone's homework. Homework on the first night before classes even began. Snape's summer homework, the homework Bridget had just now remembered and was scrambling to get it complete. 

Justin ran into the common room with a crash capturing everyone's attention. His face was red and his lip was quivering.
"Potter and Weasley- a-a arrived in a- flying CAR!" Laughter ripped out of him and he crumbled to the floor laughing.

"What?" Someone giggled.

"And they- they crashed into the" more laughter, he was really red now. People were laughing along with him. "The whomping willow."

Now they were all laughing, the whole common room screeched and when they looked at their friends the worse the laughter got.

"People are going to think we've had a smoke session." A 6th year snorted her friend behind Bridget.

Bridget hugged her ribs, they ached. "Of course it was Potter," she said to Manuel who was now on the floor.

"I wish- ahhhh" Manuel cried "I wish I could have- itt hurts- seen it!"

Once it had settled, Justin and Manuel still would go into fits of laughter every now and then. 

A 4th year, one of the Weasley' twins friends appeared at the sofa's they were sitting at.
"Start if year party next week in the room of requirement, 2nd to 4th years, the seniors are having their the day after, they get pretty wild if you guys wanna come. Just don't tell the first years."

"Yeah that sounds awesome!" Manuel exclaimed.
Bridget wasn't so sure, she had heard about the parties, they could get out of hand pretty fast especially when the older ones would sneak in fire whiskey. It didn't seem like a good idea. 
"I can't wait to get my first sip of firewhiskey, mum won't allow me to drink it!" he whispered to Bridget. 

"I can't see why not," she responded sarcastically. 

"Oh come on it will be fun!" 

"Ok, I'll go but don't expect me to drink." They were only 12 after all, well Bridget was Manuel was yet to turn 12. In her eyes far too young to drink but she supposed everyone in Hogwarts, in fact across the UK usually started around the age of 12 or 13l. The underage drinking culture in the UK was and always will be an issue. 

"That's fine I wouldn't expect you too," he smiled at her, he was only briefly aware of the drinking problems in Bridget's family, he didn't know the full extent of it. That was the sole reason her mother had abandoned her, she gave up on her to feed her addiction. The sole reason she showed up at Christmas last year- for money for her addiction. 

In the morning they had a Herbology lesson with the Gryffindor's, something Manuel was overjoyed with. It was a cold grey morning, Bridget made sure to wrap it warm. She had missed breakfast because she slept in and the girls didn't want to wake her as she had been trying to finish off the final paragraph in the potions essay that Snape issued them, she just copied Manuel's and changing words because she had slightly better vocabulary due to how much she read than Manuel to stop the suspicion. She was disappointed she had missed the Howler that Mrs Weasley had sent Ron, she had never seen a Howler before but she was sure it was sceptical. 
They were stood at the greenhouses waiting for Professor Sprout to appear.

"Did you have a nice drive? or would it be a flight?" Manuel asked Ron who stood two feet in front of them, Ron scowled. Justin snorted. 

"Manny..." Susan said in a warning tone.

"What? I'm genuinely curious!"

Bridget shook her head at him, he wasn't he was teasing them. He put Ron in a foul mood, it didn't help that Hermione wasn't talking to the boys. The three of them were the golden trio after all and now Ron was in a bad mood, Hermione was in a bad mood and Harry was ridden with guilt. 

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