Second Year ∼ Chapter 19

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Bridget stalked to detention. Her stomach sick. 

Her last lesson was defense against the dark arts with Lockhart it was awful. Lockhart was bragging about how marvelous he was, not getting into any of the curriculum. There was a lot of swooning  and a lack of attention in the lesson. Everyone seemed distracted. Ron and Harry were laughing and snorting about something. Manuel was doodling about quidditch. Pansy and Draco were talking about something of deep importance. Bridget was captivated by Pansy's face of sheer concentration. The way her brows pulled together and her lips pouted.
Draco caught Bridget staring and sneered, he whispered something to Pansy who looked up and her sweet face turned sour in a scowl.
"What you looking at?" she mouthed "Stop." 
Bridget's face flushed and her ears burned. 

The scowl seemed to engrain in Bridget's brain and the intense feeling of impending doom seemed to intensify. 

"You look awful Miss Jenkins." Snape said as she entered his classroom his lips pulling up and nose scrunching in a grimace. 
Bridget took her seat beside Pansy in silence. 

"I've read over both your essay's. They both could do better." Snape handed their essay's back. "Fix them." 

The pair sat in an awkward silence. 
Pansy was the one to break it. "Are you okay, you do look awfully pale."

"I'm fine." 

Snape looked up at them scowling. The silence continued. Eventually Bridget's head started lolling as she began to doze off the tiredness of the night before taking over. Sleep over came her in a cold embrace. 

Bridget was enraptured in a nightmare. She was unable to escape, frozen in fear stuck in her dream. 
She began to scream. 


Bridget's eyes slowly opened to a blinding light. She was in the hospital wing. Madam Pomphrey and Professor Snape loomed over her. She sat up quickly, the room spinning around her. 

"Why am I here?" She snapped, she had only dosed off. 

"You were screaming, nothing i did could have awoken you." Snape said, he seemed more annoyed than anything. 
Pansy approached the bed reluctantly hiding behind Snape. Those screams had made her blood run cold. The agony in Bridget's screams made her feel sick. She examined Bridget's soft features for any remains of that fear that she had been carrying about with her all day but her face seemed back to its usual pretty self.  
She felt a great sense of relief. 

"Is everything alright dear, are you under any sort of distress?" Madam Pomphrey said the quill and parchment beside her head scribbled down notes on its own. 

"Not that I know of." Bridget shrugged.

"Well I think Professor Snape needs to lay off the detentions for now, it seems you are not sleeping to catch up on homework." Madam Pomphrey side eyed Snape with an intense look of distaste and disapproval. Snape's whole body seemed to convulse in a fury. Undermined by a nurse- how utterly degrading. He just swiftly turned on his heel, almost knocking Pansy down. 

"Get out of way Parkinson." 

Pansy came to Bridget, concern plastered on her face. 
"well it looks like you will be good to go. Get some sleep." Madam Pomphrey said helping her up. 

Pansy walked Bridget to the Hufflepuff common room. It was late at night and only the prefects were out. Bridget had relayed her entire dream and the terror she felt all day.
"It's just a dream Bee," Pansy said, the way her nickname sounded on her tongue sent her stomach doing back flips. Bridget turned away to hide her blush. 
Pansy bite back a smirk, her heart leaped at the sight of the pink flush across her cheeks.

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