First Year~ Chapter 6

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They had set a time to study in the library together, and for the practical bit, well, they'd just have to fail that part.

Christmas was creeping up on them to interrupt their studies. Hogwarts was blanketed in thick snow. The castle was freezing and the dungeons was worse, at least the Hufflepuff common room was warm, except Briget knew when summer rolled around it would be sweltering and the only escape from the heat would be the dungeons.
Potions was the only class Bridget was behind in, the only one she just couldn't understand.
She was excelling in charms.

"That's me off to the library!" She said to the group who were sat down playing a game of wizards chess, it was a tournament and right now Ernie Macmillan was winning, had been for the last three matches and he was playing against Manuel.

"Are you sure you don't want one of us to come with you?" Manuel asked, not glancing up from the game.

"I'm sure!"

"It could be a trap!" Susan suggested.

"I'll be fine!" Bridget said "Plus its the library? What couple she possibly do?"


Bridget sat patiently, highlighting and making notes in her text book. Pansy slammed her text book down and sighed.
"So, Jenkins hows your work been going?"

"Do you actually care?"

"Not really no..." Pansy trailed off

"Did you get this?" Bridget pointed to a part of the notes, Pansy sneered at it.

"Why is it so bright?"

"I like to colour coordinate! It helps me sort things, you should try it!"

"Does it work?"

"Yeah! Do you wanna see my charms notes?"

Pansy frowned, her pretty face contorted. She was debating whether or not she cared enough "Do you have them with you?"

"Yeah" she bent down and pulled them out of a bag she carried with her

"Wow I didnt realise you were this sad," pansy shook her head.
Bridget scowled at her and she just sarcastically smiled in reply.
She showed her the notes.

"I might try that..." Pansy muttered

"Mind maps help too!" Bridget added

Pansy just glared at her.
"Ok, so one step at a time then?" Bridget whispered, she nodded slowly in return.


Some time past before Pansy actually began getting what was happening, Brigdet however was still confused.
"Maybe we should get Hermione to tutor us or something?" Bridget suggested

"I'm not dealing with another Mudblood!" Pansy hissed

"Can you stop with the slurs! Merlin's beard there is no need for it!" Bridget snapped

"Sorry," she mumbled "we don't need a tutor I'm starting to understand it!"

Pansy began explaining it.
"Nope don't get it"

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