Second Year ~ Chapter 21

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Christmas approached, Bridget decided to stay at Hogwarts with Manuel and Susan this year for Christmas. Lizzie, Dan and Alex were away to Alex's parents for Christmas this year. Bridget didn't feel like traveling to France where Alex' parents had retired to.  
Hogwarts felt so empty over Christmas. Most people had returned home for Christmas. Slytherin was always the busiest house over Christmas. 
Despite it being so deserted of students the halls were so well decorated for the festive season. 

The trio were lounged in the common room by the fireplace and the the tree. Manuel watching a tall, attractive 5th year do their evening yoga stretches before their run.

"Pick your jaw off the floor!" Susan snapped at him. 
He snapped his jaw closed. 

"I'm bored." He drawled still starring. 
"Lets go fly around the lake hitting the ice skaters with our snow balls." Susan said, "Bee you coming?"

"Yeah you can jump on the back of my broom." Manuel said.

"Absolutely not. Not with the way you fly!" 

"Well what you going to do?"

"I'll figure it out, I'm quite happy to sit here reading. Might go for a walk in the snow." 

"Okay if your sure?" Susan said. 

"I am."

The duo ran to their dorms to put layers on. It wasn't long before the evening winter air called to Bridget for a walk. Her thoughts turning to the hissing coming from Harry, the same hissing she heard in the walls. She pulled on her coat, her hat, scarf and mittens. She left via the court yard which was thick with ice and snow. A snow ball fight had been organised by the Weasley twins a week prior in that very courtyard. All hell broke loose and someone had smashed one of the glass panes to McGonagall's office. It had been a laugh. Bridget turned towards the dungeons. in hopes of bumping into Pansy, Pansy would take her mind off of the dread. 

The dungeons were icy. The coldest part of Hogwarts all year round turned into a Tundra. She pulled her coat tight to her. The steps were slick with ice, she held onto the wall for support, it wasn't enough. Her feet slid from underneath her, she landed on the stairs with a THUD before sliding down the rest. 
A cry escaped her lips as the pain travelled up her back from her backside. 
"God damn stairs!" 
I hate winter! 

A hand appeared in front of her. She followed up the arm to the face. Pansy looked down at her, her face tight with amusement. 
"I think we'll have to wrap you up in bubble wrap." 

Bridget placed her mitten clad hand in Pansy's bare one. A smile on her face.
"I was hoping to bump into you."

"Oh really?" Pansy beamed.
Bridget's cheeks burned. She could only manage a small nod, looking away from those intense dark eyes. 

"I was coming to find you. I want to show you something." 

Bridget's focus snapped back at Pansy.
Voices echoed from down the corridor at the entrance of the Slytherin common room. Pansy looked frightened. She tugged on Bridget's arm dragging her upstairs.
"Come on bubble!" 

She led her through the castle, across the castle ground toward the quidditch pitch. It was dark. 
Pansy gave a flick of her wand, the tip lighting up. Their path was barely illuminated, Pansy kept a grip on Bridget's hand.

"Where are you taking me?" Bridget asked, getting a little nervous as they passed around the Quidditch pitch and headed toward the hill behind it. "I don't think we are supposed to be out this far."

"Come on live a little!" Pansy giggled, "You'll love it I promise."

The wind whipped around them, Bridget pulled her scarf closer to her face. The icy cold air felt like small knifes to her face. Pansy seemed unphased by the cold, only having  a jacket and a flimsy scarf on. 
The path up the hill was invisible under the thick blanket of snow. It was a steep hill and it took them longer to get up than what it normally would've had it not been snowing. 
"I found this place when I was doing laps around the castle with Draco on the broom. I spotted it and thought of you." Pansy explained as  they pulled up to a thick large tree with a hole at the bottom. 
The view was spectacular, they were high up and could see across the quidditch pitch and Hogwarts looked stunning in the distance. Yellow light danced against the cold stone walls. 

"Wow" Bridget breathed out.

"That's not even the best bit, come sit." 

She turned around to see Pansy had laid out layers upon layers of blankets they could sit on. She flicked her wand and summoned some pillows and malt wine. She sat beside her, taking a sip of the malt wine which instantly warmed her. 
The wind whistled, the dark clouds separated the full moon light beamed down onto the hole at the tree. Out popped a small head and big blue orb like eyes. A long neck and small boded creature came bounding out the burrow, followed by others.
Bridget snatched up Pansy's hand in sheer excitement. The creatures head snapped toward them, watching them with a weariness. 
"Stay still, you'll scare them!"
They sniffed the air and watched the couple with caution.

"Happy Christmas," Pansy whispered. She delighted at the excitement that beamed across that ray of sunshine's face. She sat on her hands to supress the urge to reach out and touch her.

"Oh Pansy, this is amazing."
She was a bit confused at what brought this on. The hot and cold with Pansy was so confusing but these little moments of kindness is what kept Bridget so hopeful, there was good in her. 
After a while of them watching the mooncalves got comfortable. They pranced about, chasing each other enjoying the full moon. Pansy scooted closer to Bridget while she was absorbed in observing. She watched her, her face flushed. She was unaware of the brave mooncalf heading slowly to Bridget. 
Bridget gently reached her hand out to the let the grey creature sniff her hand. It slowly but surely nuzzled his head into her hand and she gently petted it suppressing every urge to scream and dance with glee. When the thing galloped back to its friends she turned to Pansy. 
Pansy looked quickly away from Bridget, caught in act.

Bridget gently placed her wool covered hand on Pansy's warm face, forcing her to look at her. Both their hearts hammering.
"Thank you Pansy, truly thank you."

"Don't mention it Bubble." Pansy winked at her. 

"I thought for a split second you were taking me to get back at me for that trick I played at the duelling club."

"Oh, I will." She smirked. 

Bridget's hand dropped but her smiled remained. "I don't doubt it." 

Hours passed and Bridget began to shiver, even the proximity of Pansy wasn't enough to keep her warm, the cold was in her bones now. 
"I think it's time I get you back to the castle now." Pansy whispered, lifting her head from Bridget's shivering shoulder. 

"But I don't want to scare them-"

Pansy stood quickly, the mooncalves scurried into the burrow. "They'll get over it." 

The pair walked back to the castle in a peaceful, comfortable silence that had settled between them over the hours. 
Bridget broke it "I'll take you back to your dorms." 

"Don't be daft, people might see us I'll leave you at the stairs."
After a good night she had to go ruin it. Bridget let out a sigh.

"What's up?"

"Fine, lets just separate here."

"Oh Bee, I'll walk you to the stairs."

"No it's fine. That's a bit out of the way plus you wouldn't want anyone to see us."

"Fine." Pansy said "Have a good night."

And with that Pansy turned on her heel. Bridget watched her dark hair disappear around the corner. With a sigh she turned to head down toward the kitchens. 
The silence settled over the grounds. Just the sound of her footsteps and breathing filled the corridor. She wasn't sure what time it was but she was sure she had to be the only one around now. 

An uneasiness weighed down on her suddenly. Her limbs felt heavy. The realisation she was alone made her feel sick. She quickened her pace. She turned the corner.

Then there it was. 

That writhing. 

That Slithering.

That god-damn hissing. 

She started into a sprint now. Her heart in her throat. Every inch of her was screaming at her to run. Fear trembled in her fingers, up her arms and down her spine. She willed her legs to go faster. 
She turned a corner, then an another before skidding to a halt. 
The hissing revibrated against the stone walls. It was all around her, her body vibrated. 
She wanted to close her eyes but she couldn't.
She stared ahead in horror into the reflection of the window. Fear had crippled her. 

Behind her, sliding around the corner she was greeted by a monstrous reptilian face but it was the dark red eyes that she couldn't take her eyes off of. 

She opened her lips to scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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