First Year~ Chapter 2

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The Hufflepuff common room was beside the kitchen, which was good for Manuel because he LOVES food.

The walls were wooden, like it was a part of a log cabin, the windows allowed the sun in, feeding the plants that surrounded the room. There was plenty of yellow puffy armchairs lining the common room, a bookshelf lining one wall. A couple of tables for people to study and sofas around the warm fire. Sitting on the yellow woven rug was a cat, a black and white cat called Freya. Nobody knows who owns her, she sits there judging silently. Nobody dares to pet her.
The third year girls joke that Freya knows so many secrets, and those observing eyes know EVERYTHING!

Bridget shared a room with Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott. Those were the only girls who got into Hufflepuff which was good in Bridget's opinion because they could be closer than the other girls in other houses. But it could also cause more fights.

The first years were sat beside the windows, all of them stuffed from the feast. Justin Finch-Fletchley was picking something at his teeth, exclaiming "I'm so glad I'm not in slytherin."
"Imagine having to deal with Draco's entitlement," Zacharias Smith said "I bumped into him at Kings Cross and all he spoke about was pureblood this, pureblood that and his father."
The group laughed but Bridget frowned.
She couldn't make a judgement having not met him.

"I think I'm going to bed," Bridget said standing up, nearly typing over Athena who was lying at her feet.

"Its not even ten yet!" Susan exclaimed.

"Well I want to be prepared for my first lessons tomorrow, its potions and I looked over the textbook over summer and I don't get it so if I look over the notes I've made it'll put me to sleep."

"Tell me about it," a senior said walking past them "Snape's a tyrant, careful in his class."

"You can't be serious!" Bridget sighed.


Bridget pulled a face at the group and they laughed.
"Come on Bridget, I'm sure he can't be that bad." Manuel said.


"Miss Jenkins!" Snape snapped, she looked up at the greasy haired, large nosed man her face tight with concentration.

"Y-yes, Professor Sn-sn-snape?"

"How will you be able to measure anything out properly when your hands are shaking like that," he snatched the bike's from her, and poured them to the right amount. "Slowly pore them in!"

Bridget glanced at Manuel for help but Snape had told him not to intervene after seeing that he was doing all the work and was pretty excellent at potions, but this did not stop Snape's heartlessness and lack of  enthusiasm. Manuel gave her an apologetic look, Snape towered behind him.
Bridget could feel her face burn as Snape watched her intensely.
Her hands still shook relentlessly, she picked up the viles, they were rattling together ferociously.
Slowly she began to put it in.... her hand jerked with nerves and all of it went in. Snape snarled behind Manuel as the potion because to bubble, spilling hot liquid all over the desk, melting it a little. Both Bridget and Manuel had jerked out of the way so they didn't get hit, Manuel almost knocked Snape to the ground.

"Jenkins!" Snape hissed, "Detention!"

Bridget held back the tears, her face on fire. All the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were staring at her.
"Class dismissed!" Snape hissed.
Bridget gathered up her stuff and darted out the class to the bathrooms where she burst out crying.

The first lesson and I've already got a detention!
There was a knock at the door,
"Are you okay Bridget?" It was Hannah.

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