First Year~ Chapter 8

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The Gryffindor's were playing against the Slytherin's in a couple of weeks and the excitement of the quidditch began to take over after the talk of Christmas. But Bridget's main focus was potions. Pansy had become so de-motived over Christmas, she didn't seem to want to learn or care.
"I still haven't found a room," Bridget said "I've asked all the professors, except Snape none of them want failed potions to burn holes into their classrooms!" Bridget said to Pansy as she sat down beside her in the courtyard.

"Ok? And? What do you want me to do about it?"

"Well I was wondering if you knew a place?"

"I do, but I don't see why I should tell you!" Pansy sneered

"Don't you want to pass?"

"Not really, no" she shrugged

"What's gotten into you! You were finally getting it!" Bridget sighed "we were finally getting it."

"I don't want to be seen with you!" Pansy cried "do you know what this does to my reputation!"

Bridget sighed.
"Why does your reputation matter more than your bloody studies!"

"Because I'm not sad like YOU." Pansy poked Bridget hard in the chest, "my whole life doesn't evolve round studying! And I actually care what people think of me!"

"Clearly." Bridget muttered. "Its fine. Don't worry about it, I'll just ask Hermione if she can help me." She got up and began to walk away.



"Don't go to Granger!"


"Cause she's rubbish!" Pansy said "look I'll work with you. But I don't want to be seen with you, meet me in the room of requirement tonight. We will go there at different times and leave at different times is that clear?"

Bridget grinned "yes"

"Oh and stop coming up to me. Like I said I dont want to be seen with you." Pansy stalked off.

Bridget beamed. She had got her own way and she didn't really have to do anything. Just used her knowledge. It was obvious that Pansy was jealous of Hermione though it was unclear why.


Bridget finally found the room of requirement after dinner. When she opened the door, a little room that mimicked a potions classroom. Shelves with jars of ingredients, textbooks, and cauldrons. Pansy was already there, she was sitting at a table, she was wearing checkered green, fluffy pyjama pants and a black cropped top. Her normally straight hair was damp and partly wavy. It would seem she wasn't long out the shower.
"You took your time," she said but she couldn't hide the small smile that crept it's way onto her face.

"Oh shut up!" Bridget smiled and sat beside her. "So what first?"

"We're doing this one first," she pointed to a page in the potions text book "a draught for boils, and we will get it right."

"Okay," bridget giggled in reply, placing her parchment down. She peered over to see colour coded mind maps that Pansy had done over Christmas and the smile on her face got even bigger, but she didn't day anything as she knew Pansy would go off on one.

By midnight they had successfully completed two potions. Both of them were really proud of themselves and were heading down to the kitchens to reward themselves with hot chocolate. Pansy had forgotten that she mustn't be seen with Bridget.
"I think I've sort of got the practical bit," she smiled "I just don't understand why we have to write essays on it. Surely brewing a potion is more important?"

"I don't know either," Bridget shrugged.

The house elves were cleaning up or pulling up a batch of food which Bridget would assume was for the Gryffindor's because a senior stood chatting away with a house elf while they worked away. Pansy fell back a little and waited until the Gryffindor finally left.  Pansy stalked forward and scowled at the questioning look Bridget gave her. Bridget sighed knowing that it was progress that she had even made it down to the kitchens with her.  
Pansy ordered the elves to make them hot chocolate and the girls sat by the fire. An elf appeared with two hot chocolates in their small hands and handed it to the girls before heading away. 
They sipped their hot chocolates in silence before Pansy spoke.
"I hope we get it right, for the end of year tests, I don't do well under pressure and I can't bare another load of detentions."

Bridget nodded in agreement "I suppose detention isn't all that bad when you're there." 
Pansy looked at her shocked and stood quickly.

"I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" 

"I'm sorry but we can't be friends!" Pansy put her hot chocolate down, spilling it on her hands. She winced in pain. 

"I know that," Bridget sighed, "and I know you think your giving me the wrong impression because your being nice, but it's nice to be nice you know."

Pansy stared at her, her eyes thick with confusion. 

"I also know that pureblood rubbish isn't who you are-"

"Its not rubbish! It's important to me and my family! I can't believe you would say that," she paused for a moment "no, I can. You wouldn't know because you are just a little mudblood!" she stormed off, leaving Bridget sitting staring at the empty space where she had stood. and to think that they were getting somewhere with her prejudice. 

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