Chapter 21

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This is a short chapter I'm sorry but It's important!! :D 

Hope you'll like it xx Stay strong 

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Chapter 21


It was a short breakdown but apparently it was enough to make Liam worried. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to br-“ I started but Liam, not so kindly, interrupted me. “Don’t even dare, I’m glad you did. At least now I know how you really feel. You’re sad Louis, why are you pretending you’re not?” I shrugged. Liam raised one eyebrow and gently nudged me in the ribs. “You can fool your boyfriend but not me.” “It’s easier. I hate it when people are worried about me, like you are right now. Hiding how you feel is easier than having to explain it.” Liam nodded once so I kept talking. “For example when I tell Harry I’m feeling a bit under the weather he’ll freak out but when I tell him I’m good he’ll show me this smile that I just need to see. I can’t take his smile away Liam, I just cant. And if it means that I have to pretend to be happy to make him smile then that’s what I will do.” “You’ll break at one point Louis, What will happen to Harry then? You have no idea how guilty he felt when you tried to…for the first time. Imagine if you would try it again, he wouldn’t survive a second time. Think about him too. I’m not calling you selfish, just think about how Harry must feel when he finds out.” I gave Liam a shirt smile. “But he won’t find out, you guys know how good I can act!” Liam frowned and didn’t answer so I decided I had talked enough for tonight. “I would like to be alone now, I still need to do my homework and I’m tired so if you don’t mind…” Liam just left without words but I shrugged it off. Instead of doing my homework I went straight to bed, I was exhausted.


“Hello?” Finally he answered! “Zayn, we need to talk! It Niall with you?” “Yeah he is. What’s wrong? What do you want to talk about?” “What about Harry?” “No he isn’t. Liam, what’s wrong?!” “It’s Lou-“ “WHAT HAPPENED? IS HE OK?” I had to pull the phone away from my ear when Zayn started yelling. “He is for now, I’m coming over.” With that being said, I dropped my phone in the seat next to me, not caring if it would break or not.

It didn’t take long to drive to Zayn’s house and when I arrived they were both standing outside. I parked my car and stepped out, immediately getting bombarded by questions. “Look, there’s nothing wrong with Louis. It’s just that we had a chat earlier and it made me worried so I needed to tell someone and I couldn’t tell Harry so…” Zayn nodded and we all went to his bedroom. Niall sat down on the ground while me and Zayn took a seat on his bed. “So? What did he say?” Niall asked nudging my knee. I ruffles his hair and send him a friendly smile. “Well, at first he just broke down. I went to talk to him because it looked like there was something bothering him and I was right. He agreed to talk to me but instead he just broke down and started crying. After that he acted like nothing happened and just started smiling. I asked why he always acted like this and he said because it was easier than to have to explain why he felt the way he felt…Guys, I’m worried about him! He’s not the Louis we know, well the Louis we thought we knew.” I frowned and started to play with my hands in my lap.

“I thought he was better?” I heard Niall say but when I looked up he wasn’t looking at us, he was looking at the window. “We all did. Harry can’t know though.” “What? He can’t know his boyfriend is suicidal again?!” Zayn snapped. “That’s no-“ “Yes it is! That’s exactly what you meant! We need to pretend like nothing is wrong and let Louis do whatever he wants?! No Payne, we’re not gonna do that! Louis needs help and it’s our job to make sure he gets the help he deserves. It’s time…” “Time for what?” Me and Niall said at the same time. “I hate to say this but it’s time for him to go to that mental hospital…”

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu