Chapter 32

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Surprise surprise!!!! It's me!!
Didn't expect that right ahhaha ;) well
I couldn't just stay away after you guys send me all those lovely messages the past... years... damnit it's been way too long!
But here you go lovely people! Another chapter! Hope you will like it!
Stay you! Stay strong! Xx love you all and thanks for the amazing support!!
Chapter 32

Harry and Louis got home from the beach after Harry kept whining about being hungry and wanting lunch. When they arrived Harry immediately started preparing them some sandwiches. "Harry? Can I ask you something?" Louis asked feeling unsure. "Ofcourse you can baby blue." "The mum. Do they know I'm not in the hospital anymore? Do they know where we are or didn't they contact you?" Harry watched how Louis couldn't look him in the eyes while asking his question. It was as if he was scared of the answer. Maybe he thought the others would be mad or simply didn't care anymore. Harry reached out and grabbed louis' hand. "They don't know where we are but I have a feeling my mum knows because well this is her house. But the guys and your mum have been sending me messages every day and your mums calls often to me so how you are. I was scared to tell you because I didn't want you to be mad at me or them. I hope that's alright with you? They all really miss you and are sending their love." Harry explained with a soft smile. Louis looked up and just nodded. He didn't really know what to do with that information. Yes of course he's missing his mum and the others like crazy and he really wanted to see them again but that would mean they would have to leave the beach house and Louis never felt so safe and so peaceful. He was scared that when they would leave the stress and bad feelings would all come back and suffocate him again.

"I miss them too..." he whispered. Harry noticed the change in mood and sighted. He had to tell Louis they had to go back soon. They already missed way too much from school. "Blue... we have to go back next week. I was thinking about Saturday or Sunday so then we would have another week to spend here and a little time to prepare for school again. I'm really sorry love but we have no choice if we want to pass our year." Harry frowned when Louis just sat there. He didn't speak but Harry could tell he was thinking hard. "I know you're worried love but I'll be there for you. I won't leave your sight for a split second. You won't have to feel alone, I got your back and I will be there for you every second of the day. Literally, day and night! The guys and of course your mum will be there for you as well. They love you and only want what's best for you baby and so do i! Also I promise you that if you ever feel uncomfortable or anything bad you just have to tell me or give me a sign if it's too hard to say and I will take care of it. I will come to you or leave with you, whatever you need at that time I will do it! You have my word!" Harry spoke so sincere and Louis believed him. Every word Harry just said Louis believed, he knew Harry would be there to help him and safe him. As long as Harry was by his side Louis knew he would be safe. So he squeezed Harry's hand and finally looked into his eyes. "Okay. We will leave Saturday. So I still have to day to adjust to being back home. Is that okay for you haz?" Harry smiled and nodded. "Of course it is baby. So we have.... let's say 5 or 6 days to ourselves! We will enjoy it and make the best of it alright baby blue?" He leaned forward and pecked Louis lips. When he pulled away he saw Louis smirking. "Oh we will definitely enjoy it harry! Would you mind going upstairs with me so we can enjoy there for a while?" He said with a wink while he stood up and left without saying another word but he didn't shake his butt a little too much. Harry groaned and was quick to stand up and follow his boyfriend. Right at that moment Harry was the happiest man alive. He had the most beautiful wonderful kindest boyfriend he could ever wish for and he was all his. Louis was his and only his and he would let everyone know not to mess with the fragile boy again because even tho Harry was always kind to others if it came to Louis Harry had a really dark side as well. He could literally kill someone if they dared to hurt the small lad.

When he entered the bedroom Louis was already laying in their bed with only his boxers on. "Damn styles, took you long enough!" He laughed. Harry just rolled his eyes and jumped in the bed straddling his boyfriend. "You are so sassy... maybe I could try and fuck some out of you? Would you like that?" He said looking straight into Louis' eyes. Louis whine underneath him but his sassy side stayed, much to Harry's liking. "Oh you can try but I'm not sure you'll be able to. You will have to try very very.... very hard!" He said already moaning when Harry started to rub their crothes against each other. "Oh dear Louis, I accept the challenge!"

It's not much and it's not really good but it's something? ;) I hope you guys still liked it a bit but I'm writing this at 5 in the morning so it might be a bit hasty ;) I will check on mistakes tomorrow but for now this will have to do sorry loves!!! Xxx

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu