Chapter 26

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See, hey guys! it's been ages right? Well here's chapter 26, it's short but this had to happen so now i can finally start writing full chapters again, hope you'll like it xxx

as alwayssss,,, comment, vote, follow <3

Stay strong and beautiful my little munchkins xxx

ps: if you ever want to talk about anything know that i'm here for you all <3


Chapter 26

"Louis?" Harry whispered seeing the broken boy laying in the bed. Louis didn't answer tho. Harry went to sit next to Louis' sleeping body and gently started to play with his soft hair. "Baby blue, please wake up." Harry said gently shaking Louis a bit. "Hmm?" "It's me love, wake up." "Haz?" "Yeah it's m-hmpf." Harry's eyes widened when Louis was suddenly on his lap kissing every inch of his face. "Oh please forgive me Harry I'm so sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you I'm so sorry please don't be mad I love you so much please!" Louis cried in Harry's arms and before he knew it Harry was crying too. "I'm not mad baby, please don't cry, I love you too." He said still crying. Louis sat up and crawled closer to Harry hiding his face in the crook of his neck. "Why are you crying Haz?" He whispered sending chills trough Harry's body. He couldn't do this. He couldn't! "I love you louis, don't forget that please. I always have and always will, I will visit you." "visit?" harry sighted and wrapped his arms tighter around louis' fragile body. "haz, what are you talking about?" Louis' voice was shaky but he had stopped crying a few seconds ago. "I'm sorry love, I'm so sorry I hope you'll forgive me." "Harry?" "Louis! oh baby I'm so happy you're here." Jay barged into the room but her heart broke when she saw the two boys together. Louis didn't cry anyore he was just so confused but Harry couldn't stop his tears from rolling down his cheeks. "Did you tell him?" Jay asked. "Tell me what? What's happening?!" Louis unwrapped Harry's arms from around his body and stood up. "What is this?!" he yelled feeling angry. "Baby, this is for the best but you have to come with us. We're taking you to a hospital. To make you feel better again Louis the boys and me miss the old you." "A hospital?! I'm not crazy! Get out!" Louis went to stand in the corner of the room trying to shield himself from what was about to happen. "I can't believe you guys are doing this, especially you Harry..." Louis was sad again, his own boyfriend betrayed him. He didn't want to go to a shospital, he couldn't go! he wasn't crazy he just was sad. That was it, he was sad not mentally ill. "Louis please, don't make this harder." Jay sighted, seeing her baby like this hurt her so much, this was her child she was talking to. Her baby boy, she raised him to the person he was today. But something changed, she didn't knew her baby was anymore. "This is not happening. Harry help me!" Louis yelled crying again. Something inside of him just crashed, he couldn't stop yelling and crying and before he knew what was happening his body went limp and he fainted...


Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu