chapter 27

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Uhm...Well hello I guess? I can't tell you guys how sorry I am for taking so long to write this chapter I'm so freaking sorry but I couldn't write...So much shit happened and I didn't know how to deal with myself and yeah I'm not go na bother you with my issues but to make it up to you I'll update 2 chapters today, sounds good? I hope you'll like it :)
As always comment if you want and feel free to vote and follow me if you want to of course xxx

Well here you go my beautiful people chapter 27 XXXX
Stay strong <3
Chapter 27
Louis was silently laying on his bed. He felt so tired even though he slept all night and most of the day. He had been taken to this hospital a week ago against his wishes and all but this was something he needed to do, for his family and his friends and of course for the love of his life Harry. The same Harry that betrayed him and made him go to this hell place. He sighted and turned over so he was laying on his side facing the large window. He could see the outside world but he couldn't join the people who were walking around as if nothing was wrong as if he wasn't locked up and seen as a crazy person just because he didn't feel the way other people felt. He wasn't happy with his life that was the only thing wrong with him and the fact that he wanted to end his life and hurt himself as often as he could. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and one of the nurses walked in giving Louis a soft smile. "Hello Louis, how are you feeling today?" She asked politely but Louis just huffed and decided to ignore her. He hasn't said a single word since the day he got here. They tried but they couldn't reach out to him. "Please Louis, talk to someone...I know this place is new to you and it might be hard for you to be here but the sooner you start with your treatment the sooner you can walk out of this hospital and live your life again. That's what you want right? To live again?" She asked giving Louis Z piece of paper and a pen. "Well if you're not gonna talk maybe you can write? I'm gonna give you an hour to write down some things. One, tell me about your family and friends and the people you love. Two, I want to know when you started feeling worse. Three, the goals you want to reach in the future and four, the things you love and hate about your life. Good? I wrote it all down on the back of the paper so you won't forget. I'll be back in an hour." And with that she left Louis alone again.

After half an hour Louis was done writing everything down checking twice if he didn't forget a single thing. He stood up from his bed and walked to the window staring at the people below him. He felt like a caged bird that had been locked up for way too long. He couldn't sing anymore, he couldn't fly and join his friends anymore, he couldn't go to warm places for the winter all because he was locked up in a caged that was way too small. Yup, Louis definitely was a bird now. There was a sudden knock on the door that surprised him, he still had half an hour what did they want now? He turned around and looked at the blond, short nurse before frowning, his way to ask her what she wanted. "Hi there Louis, I have a visitor for you may he come in?" She asked grinning from ear to ear. Louis thought about it for a moment. Who was he? Why did he came and why was the nurse so happy about it? Louis always was a curious lad so, even though he didn't felt like having a visitor, he decided to let the nurse bring in the person who came to visit Louis. Louis saw her leaving again and seconds later there was a soft unsure knock on his door. Louis huffed, he had to talk now. "Come in." He simply said and the door slowly opened. His eyes widened when he saw who it was. The mob of brown chocolate curls, the emerald green eyes, the popsicle legs...Harry.

They just stared at each other, not saying a single word to the other person. After a while Louis scratched the back of his neck and decided to open his mouth because the tension in the room was just so thick he couldn't bare it any longer. "Uhm...Hi?" He said with a cough. Harry was surprised Louis started the conversation instead of him. "Baby..." Harry breathed out and took  step forward. He wanted to kiss the smaller boy so badly, he wanted to hug him against his chest whispering in his ears that everything was going to be alright and stuff. He needed Louis in his arms but he was afraid that Louis wouldn't let him. Louis didn't answer. He already started their talk so... "How are you?" Harry then asked. Louis raised an eyebrow as if he was saying 'are you fucking kidding me?'. Harry scrunched up his nose. Yeah that wasn't such a good question to ask. "Look Louis I'm so freaking sorry all of this happened you have no idea how badly I want to take you home with me righ-" "then do it! Get me out of this hell hole and take me home! I don't want to be here Harry I am not crazy! I feel better now I really do but I feel so betrayed by you and the others. I can't believe you did this and that you agreed with it. You were supposed to be my boyfriend Harry! You were supposed to to help me.not put me into a mental institution!" Louis huffed. "It was your mum's idea Lou not mine." "I don't fucking care who's idea it was Harry! You have to take me with you, you have to!" Louis' eyes started to water and a single tear escaped his right eye and it literally broke Harry's heart. "I can't baby, you know I can't but I want to so badly you have to believe me." Harry breathed out taking another step closer to the blue eyed boy who was staring at the floor. Harry was now standing right in front of him and gently lifted up Louis's chin. "I love you so much Louis. So freaking much..." He gently placed his lips on Louis's for a sweet and loving kiss but Louis pulled back and was now full.on crying. "Then why don't you start to show it? You hurt me Harry. I can't deal with this anymore. Please leave..." He said turning around and facing the window again. "Lou-" "don't! Just don't...Leave and just don't come back Harry. We're over." Louis said he couldn't stop the tears rolling down his cheeks it hurt so much but he had to do this. "No Louis please don't do this . You can't leave me no please don't I love you baby I can't live without you!" "You'll have to. Leave Harry don't make this any harder please." Harry made his way over to Louis and turned him.around so he had to face Harry. "I will.leave but I'm.not letting you do this. You are not going to leave me! I will come back every single day until you are ready to talk to me." He said and kissed Louis once again before he left leaving Louis alone who broke down and felt on his knees crying his heart out....

So any thoughts? ;) I wrote this on the train which was harder than I thought it would be so there will be a lot of mistakes but I hope you'll see past that. Next chapter will be uploaded later today. Enjoy your day movies xxxx

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