chapter 31

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SORRY!! Omg so I just found out I had this chapter ready for months and totally forgot to post it?! Dang it!

How proud are y'all? The boys are doing so damn great! I'm so proud of my precious Louis.  I'm gonna see Niall and Harry in a few months! Can't wait!

Well I know most of you won't read this story anymore cuz I'm not good at updating and stuff but if you do then thank you! Thank you all so much! I love every single one of you beautiful human beings! And please stay strong! If you want to talk to me and please do! I'm here for all of you I promise xx

Enjoy this chapter guys ❤️

Sunday morning.
Harry was fully awake now and he couldn't stop staring at the beautiful boy who was laying on his chest. Louis was still sleeping but Harry didn't mind it was still early and Louis needed his rest. Harry looked up at the ceiling and started to think about the things that happened the night before. Louis gave all of him. He made him feel loved and Louis seemed to enjoy it too but Harry wasn't sure. He just hoped Louis was happy and ready and that it wouldn't change a thing between them.

-Harry's pov-
Louis was laying in my arms his head on my chest and one of his hands around my neck cuddling close to me. I loved the heat he was giving me. It felt like he was protecting me from all
the harm in the world and he didn't want me to leave that was obvious. I looked down and nuzzled my nose into Louis hair a bit just because i wanted to smell him because Louis always managed to smell good. This time he smelled like strawberries and bananas it was like heaven. 'My beautiful boy.' I whispered and gently kissed Louis head. Louis groaned. 'Shht Harrold I'm trying to sleep thank you.' Louis mumbled in his sexy morning voice which made me almost moan out loud. 'But I'm bored I want to spend time with you today. We can go to the beach alone if you want or go swimming or do anything you want to.' 'I want to have a lazy Sunday so please let me be lazy and sleep.' I smiled down at him. 'Alright darling you go back to sleep I'm going downstairs.' I tried to stand up but Louis grip around me tightened and he stopped me from moving. 'What-' 'Don't leave me please.' Louis begged and of course I couldn't say no to him so I laid back down again. 'Just give me 5 minutes and I'll be up.' He yawned and I just wanted to pinch his cheeks because he was acting so adorable. 'Alright hun.' I said and started to play with his hair a bit. He leaned into my touch and started to smile. 'You know... I was so scared yesterday. But it wasn't that bad. It actually felt so amazing but I have a feeling that it was so good because of you. You made me feel so many things Harry and I wanted to thank you to make me forget everything and give me a good time. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did because if it was up to me we would do it again very soon.'   Louis said and I couldn't stop myself from pulling him on top of me and kiss him with all the love I had. 'It's was so good baby blue you did good. You were so good for me baby and we will definitely do it as much as you want. When you want it and how you want it. I love you my sweet boy.' I said sincere. 'I love you too Harry.  I really do.'

We went downstairs after a while because Louis was starting to get hungry and I of course was the one who had to make him breakfast but I didn't mind, not at all. So after I made him some grilled cheese we decided to pack some stuff and head down to the beach.
"Haz! You're taking forever! I wanna go for a swim!" I hear him yelling from the living room and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. How I loved that boy! "Coming!" I yelled back and grabbed the bag before I went to meet him.

"Took you long enough!" He whined but he did kiss me before I grabbed his hand and led him to the beach. I laid down a blanket and louis took off his shirt. I stared at his body for a minute. He was so damn beautiful and it still hurt me that he couldn't see himself the way I did. "Babe?" He asked. I shook my head and smiled at him. "Sorry love I was just distracted by that beautiful body of yours." He blushed and tried to cover himself but I stopped him by grabbing his hands and squeezing them. "No baby, don't do that. I love every inch of you, don't be shy and don't be embarrassed please?" Again he blushed but he smiled a bit too. "Come on cheeseball lets get into the water yeah?" I never let go of his hand while we slowly went into the water until our legs and a bit of louis' torso were covered. We just stood there staring at the water until louis turned me around and hugged me. "I love you Harry." He whispered and kissed my neck. I lifted him up a bit so we were the same height. "I love you more my baby blue." And with that we just kissed and hugged in the water until we both got cold and went back to the beach so we could cuddle on the blanket. What a wonderful day it was.

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu