Chapter 24

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Whoa it's been like...almost a year?! I'm so sorry but yeah a shit lot happened and i took some time off and now i'm ready to start writing again :)

So here's chapter 24, hope someone's still reading this and hope you'll like it :)

Comment, vote, follow <3 Stay Strong and Beautiful



i was so scared of the way Harry would react yet I didn't seem to care that moment. A part of me just wanted to get it over with and the other part was screaming to stop and wait but i decided not to listen. I had to do this, for Harry, for us and for myself hoping it would make me and him feel better. I finally opened the door and let Harry in. I decorated my room with burning candles, not too much but just enough to light up the space a little bit and create a romantic atmosphere. The curtains were closed and there were rose paddles everywhere. "You like it?" I whispered when Harry didn't show any kind of emotion. "Louis...What is this?" He asked turning around to face me. "Your surprise. I want it Harry, the next step in our relationship. I want and need you." I prepared this speech so many times and now i finally said it out loud and it felt weird. "Are you ready for this?" He asked frowning. I just nodded and he sighted. "You're not Lou, don't get me wrong i want to I really do but not right now. Not until you're really ready." "But I prepared all of this! It took me hours!" "I know babe, we can do stuff just not make love." I nodded feeling relieved and lucky to have such a good boyfriend like Harry. I didn't deserve him at all. We cleaned up the entire room and decided to just go to bed early. The next day we went to school together but during lunch i felt weird again. Harry's arms were wrapped around my shoulders and i untangled myself from his embrace. "I'm going to the bathroom." i said and Harry quickly stood up with me. "Babe, it's okay i can pee alone." I smiled and pushed him back down. "I know but-" "No, please let me go alone." I said and without waiting for an answer I left and didn't go to the toilets at all. I just went home. On my way i got a few calls and texts but i ignored them all. I needed some time alone. I almost was home until suddenly i changed my mind and drove somewhere else where I knew, if Harry wanted to find me, he would find me.


"where the fuck is he?!" i yelled tugging at my curls. "Harry calm down we'll find him and if not we'll go to the police." "No! Fuck it! I'll find him myself!" i yelled again and without asking i grabbed Liam's car keys and ran towards his car ignoring the boy's calls to come back. I drove as fast as i could and went to the woods. I knew where he was, well i hoped he was there. I parked the car and went straight to the little cabin that was well hidden. I opened the door. "Lou?!" i yelled. "I knew you'd find me." Someone said and i turned around seeing Louis sitting in the dark. "What the fuck babe, you scared the shit out of me. We were so worried! Why did you go away?" "I wanted to be alone. I'm gonna stay here for a while. Can you inform the boys and my mum?" he asked. He stepped out of the dark and it was then when i noticed his tear stained face. "Babe. I can't do that. come back with me. Please." I begged him but he just shook his head. I knew he wouldn't change his mind. "Okay, i will but i'm staying here too." "Don't. Haz babe, you need to go to school. You need to live your life for god's sake! You don't have to stay with me." Louis said but i just smiled. "Yeah, ain't gonna happen. You're stuck with me." "Damnit Harry! You have to understand me! I don't want you to go through this, I love you but we can't be together. I don't want to be the person who ruined your life, i don't want to and i won't. Just leave me alone, I'll text you soon. Just go." Louis started crying harder and i didn't know what to do i was frozen. "Lou, what is happening to you?" I whispered. I didn't recognize him, this Louis wasn't my Louis. This Louis was mad, furious, sad, broken not my happy, bubbly, sweet, kind, funny Louis. "LEAVE! I don't want you here Styles! You've done enough! Get out and just leave me it's for the best. Just go!" I stared at Louis for what seemed like hours before i finally decided to leave him in the cabin. I couldn't stay, i knew I had to but i couldn't not with that person. He wasn't the Louis i fell in love with anymore. He was someone else.

I went back home and told the guys everything except for the part where i knew where Louis was although they did ask, I never answered. Louis didn't want to be found, I knew where he was and that was enough. The boys were mad at first because i shouldn't have left him but i didn't know what else to do. Deep in my heart I just hoped Louis would come back to me but i knew if that was supposed to happen, it would take a while but i was willing to give Louis all the time he needed. I just wanted him back, for good.


So...yeah i don't really know what I'm doing but i have some thoughts. ;)

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu