Chapter 7

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Hi guys!!

Let's start by thanking every single one of you for voting and commenting :D It means the world to me :)

Omg, I also wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to Simon!! Eric was born!! Yaay plus CONGRATULATIONS JAY!! A healthy pair of twins!! SO many babies?! ;D xx (who else is excited to see Louis with babies?!)

Well let's go on with the story shall we :) xx

as always...

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ENJOY!!!! xx

Chapter 7

*1 week later*


Louis was still in coma and we…well we all were a mess. Harry was the worse though. He wouldn’t talk, only to Louis. He wouldn’t eat, only when we forced him and almost choked him by pushing food down his throat. He didn’t shower and he was starting to smell a bit but it’s not like any of us would say something about it. He did sleep though, but only when he was forced to go home when the visiting hours were over.

Anne found it hard to take care of him and did everything she could to help him but after a while she called and begged Jay to help her which she gladly did. Harry was allowed to sleep at Louis’ house in Louis’ bed. The first night, Jay told us, he went immediately to the bathroom and grabbed some of Lou’s clothes and slept with them. It was hard for us to see him but we all were devastated to see Louis being like this. To us, he always seemed like such a happy, strong person. Guess we all made a mistake. You can hide a lot behind a smile.

We now were all waiting in the waiting room for the visiting hours to begin. It was Sunday which meant we had to go to school again tomorrow. We already took like a week off which earned our parents an angry call from the principal but they gladly explained the situation and the principal agreed to give us some time but we all decided it was for the best to go back. Well, all of us except Harry of course.

I sighted loudly getting attention from Liam. “you okay mate?” he whispered and I just nodded. I just wanted my partner in crime back! I want Louis back! I was close to breaking down in tears again but I didn’t allow them to fall. I knew that once I started to cry they would all break down. I was supposed to be the strong one now Louis was…but I couldn’t take it any longer. “you know, you can talk right? You don’t have to act Zayn.” Liam whispered and I was about to say something back but a blond, friendly looking nurse interrupted us. “You can now visit Mr. Tomlinson if you’d like.” She smiled at us and then walked away.

Harry shot up and speed walked towards his room. I took a deep breath before I finally found the energy to stand up too. Liam and Niall were patiently waiting for me as stumbled towards them. To be honest, I didn’t want to go inside. I hated to see him lay there, looking so lifeless! Liam stopped me before I could walk inside after Niall. I frowned and looked at him. “Don’t act.” Was all he said before he let me go and walked inside. Harry, as always, was already sitting in the chair next to Louis’ bed. Holding his hand and stroking his hair gently. I walked towards the pale boy and took a seat on the other side of the bed. “Hi Babe. We’re back!” I heard Harry saying but I blocked him out and stared at Louis instead.

Before I knew it, I found myself standing up again and leaning over Louis’ body. “hi there budy.” I whispered. Harry’s hand was gone so I had the chance to caress his cheek. I felt the stares burning in my skin but I couldn’t care less. “I made some plans to prank the teachers. I can’t do it alone, I need you with me Lou. You better wake up soon!” I whispered. I took a deep breath before I leaned in and kissed his cheek while a tear slipped down my face and landed on Louis’ cheek. I pulled back and without saying another word I walked outside where I immediately broke down in sobs. I leaned against the wall and let my body slip to the floor. I buried my head in my hands and pressed my knees against my chest…


We all stared at Zayn as he kissed Louis’ cheek. I worriedly looked at Harry to see some kind of sign of jealousy but there was none. Only a small smile plastered on his face. A single tear escaped Zayn’s eye and landed right on Louis’ left cheek. I felt two things. One, I was relieved that Zayn was finally showing his emotions instead of holding them inside. Two, we all saw how close to a break down he was. When Zayn stood up he left the room without saying another word. I wanted to stop him but the look in his eyes told me he needed some time. Niall opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by a heart-breaking scream coming from right outside the room. the worst part is that we all knew to who the scream belonged to. We all knew that at that moment Zayn finally broke and it was not a pretty sight to see.


When I came back to reality after we heard the scream I rushed outside. “Zay-“ I started but I stopped when I saw Zayn laying on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest and crying his eyes out. I firstly didn’t knew what to do, normally Zayn was the one to comfort me but then I just stopped thinking and just kneeled down next to him and pulled his body on my lap. I didn’t say a word, I just rocked him back and forth while I rubbed his back and let him cry in my chest. Liam and Harry were staring at us with tears in their eyes.

I tried to calm Zayn down but it didn’t seem to work, he was still a sobbing mess in my arms but I wasn’t letting him go. I tightened my grip around his waist as Harry kneeled down too and crawled towards us. I frowned and was about to ask what he was doing when he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and Zayn. Liam did the same but on the other side of us. It must have been a weird sight to see. 4 boys hugging each other in a very weird position may I add, on the hospital floor.

Harry was the first one to pull away, then Liam did and finally Zayn did too. We didn’t say anything about it and just stood up to walk back inside. We took our usual seats. None of us said a word but it wasn’t necessary. The silence wasn’t awkward, it was a peaceful one where we all were in our own head thinking about our own stuff without having someone to interrupt them.


Louis wasn’t awake yet but I knew that he will be soon. How? I have no idea I just have this idea. Or it might be that I just desperately need him to week up soon. My life was beginning to get really pathetic. I didn’t talk to anyone except for Louis who didn’t answer. I squeezed his hand sometimes just to see if he would squeeze back or move a finger as a sign he was still alive. But he didn’t, I got no sign and I was losing my mind because of it. I opened my mouth to say something but I had to clear my throat first. “Hi boobear.”  I sighted. “you’ve been sleeping for a week now. Don’t you think it’s time to get up you lazy ass.” I chuckled. “just open those pretty eyes for me babe. I want to drown in them. I want to get lost in them. I want to disappear in them and stay there forever.” I smiled and kissed his knuckles. “God how I wish I told you sooner. We could’ve been together for years. You know, our first date would be our best.” I smiled and started to think.

“I would take you to a restaurant at first and we would share our foot. I then would grab your hand and take you to the dance floor. We would dance on the music, not actually listening to what they were playing though. We would stare in each other’s eyes and you would come closer and lay your head on my shoulder. You know, I can’t tell you where I would take you next. It’s a surprise for when you wake up! So if you want this date and know what happens after the restaurant you better wake up pretty boy.” I whispered and leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek.

“Haz, we need to go. Jay asked us to take you with us because she can’t pick you up today. Sorry mate.” Liam suddenly said and squeezed my shoulder before he and the guys left. I sighted and gave Louis one last peck on his lips before I walked after them. When I arrived at Jay’s house I immediately rushed upstairs. I didn’t care about undressing myself and just laid down and cuddled with Louis’ pillow. His smell still lingered on the soft fabric and I couldn’t stop myself from sniffing a bit. “Goodnight Boo, I love you.” I whispered and closed my eyes…

~~All this feels strange and untrue

And I won't waste a minute without you

My bones ache, my skin feels cold

And I'm getting so tired and so old

The anger swells in my guts

And I won't feel these slices and cuts

I want so much to open your eyes

'Cause I need you to look into mine

Tell me that you'll open your eyes~~

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu