Chapter 25

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You guys are so sweet!! Seriously, you're the best! I love you alllll <3

Now this chapter is just...Kinda random i guess but yeah it must be written, I'm gonna try not to make it boring but can't promise anything lovies x

I hope you're all okay and always remember that you're beautiful! If someone needs to talk or just randomly wants to chat, know i'm here! Always free to talk <3

Hope you'll like it <3 Vote, comment...That shit ;)


*2 days later*

Two days, Louis was in that cabin in the forest for already 2 days. No call, no text, no letter, nothing. No one had heard a thing from him not even Jay. She was so worried and called the boys over. They needed to do something, this was going too far. She couldn't just sit there anymore and do nothing. It was time. Jay was silently sitting at the dining table when, at 4pm precisely the doorbell rang meaning the Louis' friends were there. She quickly stood up and went to answer the door. "Oh boys I'm so happy to see you all." she immediately said when she saw them. They all gave her a gentle hug and went to the living room. "Sit down, I think you know why I called you?" She asked. The boys all said yes except for Harry who just stared at her. "I know you can't say anything love, you want to but Louis asked you not to." He nodded. "It's okay, don't feel bad about it. Well... I need your help. As you all know things are bad with Louis. Very bad and I wanted to ask your opinions about something our doctor said." "I think it's a good idea." Zayn said before Jay even explained what she was talking about. "Dear I didn't even-" "I know mama Jay but I'm pretty sure I know what your doctor recommended. It's a hospital right?" Jay frowned but nodded. "That's what he said. Well, a mental institution to be exact. There's one nearby actually but I wasn't sure. I'm allowed to force him but I don't want him to hate me for the rest of his life. I know he isn't going if i just ask him." Harry was listening while biting his lip. "Harry? What do you think love?" She asked softly, worried about the way he was staring at nothing. It took him a while to answer. He sighted and looked down at his hands whom were resting on his lap. He started to play with his fingers. "Probably a good idea I guess. He's not gonna like it but...He needs help. The last time I saw him, he was different. He wasn't the Louis we know. He was sad and so so angry. I don't want him to go to a institution, I really don't, but I guess it's for his own good." he nodded at himself. "Liam?" Jay then asked. "I agree with Harry Jay. He needs help and he wont take it from us so we need to do something and I think this is an opportunity we need to take." again jay nodded. "Niall?" "I also agree. I just want our Louis back. Not the fake one. We need to save him." "Zayn?" "I already asked the boys earlier but they weren't so sure about it but I know it's gonna help him, it has to. A friend of me once had to go, he spend almost 6 months there in Yorkshire and when he came back he was so different but in a good way. He enjoyed the little things in life again. Finished school and he's CEO now, it really changes people." Zayn said with a soft smile. Jay slowly nodded. "I'll call the doctor now. If I don't do it now I might be able to change my mind. Will you excuse me for a moment, please feel free to watch tv, grab something from the fridge and drink something dears." When Jay left the room to call the doctor the boys just sat there. None of them said a word. It was Niall who broke the silence. "Did we do good?" He asked staring at the door. "I hope so Niall but I think we did. Louis might not see it that way in the beginning but soon he'll see it as a chance to get better." Liam said an wrapped an arm around the blonde lad. Minutes passed by and Jay entered the room again but a disappointed look on her face. "And?" Zayn asked. "He said there was a free spot for Louis but he needs to go before Friday or else they're gonna give the spot to someone else who's also waiting." she frowned. "But it's already wednesday!" Niall shrieked. "I know Niall. I know..." Harry was staring at his hands again but when he looked back up he noticed that Jay and the other guys were all staring at him with wide, pleading eyes. "No! No, please don't ask me that." He begged. "Harry please." "Jay...I can't!" "Yes you can Harry! Please help me save my baby!" "I want to! You know I want to and I wouldn't even doubt for a second if it wasn't for the promise I made. He's my boyfriend, I can't break it. He trusts me." "Sweetie, please." Jay begged and when Harry noticed that her eyes were filling up he gave in.

*Friday morning - The doctor gave them time till noon to bring Louis in-*

"There's no need for the ambulance to be here!" Harry said angrily. "I don't like it either Harry but they need to be here, in case Louis doesn't want to come or if things go wrong." "Nothing will go wrong!" Jay just sighted and went back to staring at the cabin in front of them. Harry drove them there and they arrived about 15 minutes ago. There was no sign of Louis. They were worried and didn't want to go inside, scared of what they might find. The ambulance was parked a few meters behind them, not in sight but Jay and Harry knew they were there and were waiting for, if Louis were to try and run away, that moment to catch him. "This is ridiculous!" Harry kept complaining. This was not the deal! He was supposed to pick up Louis with Jay, no police, no ambulance. This was bullshit. "Okay...Let's just go Harry I want this to be over." They both took a deep breath before they exited the car and walked towards the front door of the cabin. "Key?" Jay whispered and Harry shook his head. "No need for a key." He whispered back and quietly opened the door, making sure he wasn't making any noise. He walked inside and looked around. Empty bottles, packages of food and candy and stuff were gathered everywhere but no sign of Louis. "There are two rooms, one at your right and one here. The one on your right is the bathroom, over there is the only bedroom. I'll take that one, if he's not in the bathroom make sure you try to find any sign or trail of him please." Harry whispered and Jay nodded. They both went to their room of the cabin. Harry softly knocked on the door, no answer, one more knock, still no answer. "Please..." Harry groaned and opened the door. It was dark, very dark. He searched for the light switch and when he finally found it he turned on the light. Jay entered the bathroom. No light so she did the same as Harry and turned it on....


Sooooo, gonna stop here ;) hope you'll be kind of excited for the next chapter. ;) Love ya'll <3

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu