Chapter 13

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Sorry this took ages :'( i'm So sorry...I'll keep this short! 

I can't really explain why it took so long :/ but i'm trying to write more, i really am..

So...i'm gonna see the boys in 8DAYS!! 8 asdjshdjxsoll :D 

Here's chapter 13!


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Stay Beautiful!!!


Chapter 13


That was definitely not the answer I was expecting. I just thought he didn’t sleep well or something. He was tired of being alive? But…why. I leaned back so I could face him but he refused to look at me so I gave up. Instead of pushing him to tell me what he meant I pressed him against my chest. I buried my face in his hair and just let him cry. His sobs were heartbreaking but right now I couldn’t find the right words and I didn’t think he wanted me to talk. He just wanted to be held. He wanted to feel save and that’s exactly what I was trying to do. Was I succeeding? I don’t know, I just hope I did.


I didn’t mean to tell him. I didn’t want him to know but know he does and he won’t leave me again. It’s a good thing but yet it feels so wrong. I knew he was scared to leave me, probably because he was scared people would blame him. He was going to control me now and that was the last thing I wanted. I was now full on sobbing against his chest and I couldn’t seem to stop. He was soaked with my tears now, he must feel disgusted right now. I  pushed myself away from him and stood up. My knees were a bit weak but I managed to stay up. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I mumbled. He jumped up too but before he could grab me I ran towards the bathroom and swung the door closed immediately locking it. “Louis! open this door right now!” he yelled sounding angry and…scared at the same time.

I didn’t know what to do. Harry kept banging on the door and I was too scared to open it again. I took a few steps back until my back hit the wall. I leaned against it and slit down on the floor, pressing my legs against my chest so I was hugging them. “Please don’t.” I whimpered but he just kept going. “Harry stop!” I suddenly yelled and covered my ears blocking out the sound of his screams. “please! Stop!” I kept begging. It took me a few moments to realize he stopped. Carefully and slowly I crawled towards the door and pressed my ear against the wood. I heard his breath so I knew he was still there. “please go home. We’ll talk tomorrow.” I said and tapped on the door. “no! I’m not lea-“ “please Harry. I’ll text you in a few just please…go home.” I begged and after a few minutes he did what he was told. When I was sure he was gone I opened the door and immediately walked to my bed. I didn’t care about undressing myself, I just laid there as the voices started to scream again.

They kept screaming, telling me how worthless, ugly and useless I am. Everything they said was true, every single word was true. My feet were leading me towards the place where I hid my blades. Back in the bathroom I, once again, locked the door and did what I had to do…


As soon as I left the house I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I tried to ignore it but it was unbearable. I groaned and tugged at some lose hanging curls. I couldn’t take it anymore and ran as fast as my legs allowed, back to Louis’ place. I didn’t knock nor rang the bell, I just ran upstairs and kicked his door open. I heard his whimpers coming from the bathroom. My anger made place for another emotion. Regret. I shouldn’t have left him alone! Seriously, who would leave a person in this situation, just like that?! Only me, stupid me. I carefully knocked on the door, making sure he wouldn’t be scared.

“baby boy? Please unlock the door.” I whispered but I knew it was loud enough for him to hear me. I heard a soft gasp, he knew I was there. “H-ha…” he started but he couldn’t finish when his sobs started to become worse. His breathing quickened and I soon started to get scared he might be hyperventilating.  “baby, calm down! take deep breaths Lou. Please. I’m not mad. Open the door, I need to see you…I’ll help you Lou. I’m not leaving again. Please open the door.” After a few long seconds I heard movement. I took a step back and waited patiently for him to open the door.

I gasped as soon as I saw his form. “oh my god! Baby!” I yelled and he flinched. I ignored it and took a few steps closer to him. “n-no.” he whimpered but again I ignored him. I noticed the fresh cuts on his arm and legs. It killed me inside but I looked passed it. Louis needed me, he didn’t need a lecture about cutting. I said no words as I wrapped my arms around his smaller frame. He tried to push me away but he was too weak. I gently pushed him back to the bathroom and kicked to door closed behind me. I led him towards the sink and placed my hands under his bum so I could easily lift him up. when he was settled I looked at his face. He wasn’t looking back though. “Boo, look at me.” I said but he ignored me. Instead of pushing him, I placed my finger under his chin and turned his head so he was forced to look me In the eyes.

Dull and grey. That was all they were. They looked dead. I slowly leaned in and placed my lips on his for a gentle, loving kiss. “shh baby, It’s okay. I’ll take care of them.” He didn’t answer when I pulled back, I did notice the slight blush on his cheeks. I opened the cabinet and grabbed the stuff I would need. It didn’t take long and soon enough he was wrapped up in bandages. No words were said when I picked him up again. I carried him to his bed and laid him down. This time I made no move to leave, instead in laid down next to him. He didn’t push me away, he crawled closer and buried his face in my side. He opened his mouth but no words came out. I just smiled and rubbed his cheeks. “it’s okay baby boy. Don’t talk. Go to sleep.” He nodded and pushed himself up so he could peck my lips. I was surprised but it meant a lot to me. I started to hum a song to calm him down which worked good because he was fast asleep in minutes.

For me the night felt like a lifetime. I couldn’t get the picture of Louis standing in front of me, fresh cuts covering his body, out of my head. I was so scared I was going to lose him, I didn’t want to lose him. I needed him, he’s my everything, my life. I knew I had to ask help from professionals but I didn’t want my baby to end up in a mental institution. He wouldn’t agree and if I forced him I would lose him. I just wished I’d seen it earlier.  He needed to be saved. That night I made a mental promise to do everything I could to save the precious boy. If only things were as easy as that…

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu