Chapter 14

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Hi guys! Sorry it took so long but i'm gonna focus more on this story from now on..

It might take me longer to update but the chapters will be longer and or more depressing or more fluffy...I don't know yet.

I hope you still like this story, this is just a filler chapter but still... ;)

Enjoy! And don't forget...

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And last but not least, STAY STRONG! 


Chapter 14


I couldn’t sleep, whatever I did, nothing helped. I sighted in annoyance, I needed my sleep if not I could turn into a monster! I gently pushed Louis away and replaced my body with a cushion.  I planted a kiss on his forehead when I noticed the frown appearing on it. I tiptoed out of his bedroom and made my way downstairs. To my surprise I wasn’t the only one awake, Jay was sitting at the table. Head buried in her hands while a steaming cup of tea was left untouched. “Jay?” I asked a bit louder than I wanted it to be, she jumped of her chair and looked at me wide eyed. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. This might look weird…me…being here…” I said awkwardly. She just shook her head and gave me a sad smile before she sat down again.

I sat down in front of her, she was thinking hard about something and I instantly knew she was thinking about Louis. “are you okay?” I asked. She just sighted and shook her head. “I don’t know what to do Harry. I don’t know how to help him, I don’t know how to save him! I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!” before she finished her sentence she broke down and started sobbing. At first I just sat there awkwardly staring at my boyfriend’s mum breaking down but then I came to my senses and stood up. I kneeled down next to her and grabbed her hand. “nothing is your fault Jay. You’re doing great! It’s not your fault, nor is it mine, Lottie’s or anyone’s. It’s not Louis’ fault either. He wants to be saved, he just doesn’t know how. None of us do. The only thing we can do is be there for him, protect him and love him. We can’t do more but maybe that’s all he needs. Protection and love.” I said sincere. It looked more like I was talking to myself instead of talking to Jay. It was like I was convincing myself that that was what he needed.

Jay lifted up her head and I was surprised to see a small smile on her face. “you really love him don’t you?” she asked. I nodded also smiling. “more than anything. Your son stole my heart and he’s not giving it back soon but that’s okay, I stole his too.” I winked and stood up again. “Why are you here?” she suddenly asked. “well…I couldn’t sleep so I thought I would make myself a cuppa.” I smiled. “No, please! Sit down, I’ll make one! I need to make a new one for me too, mine is cold.” She said blushing a bit. I did what I was told and sat back down. “What happened actually Harry? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind you being here at all but…why?” Jay asked when she placed the cups on the table. I took a small sip before I thought about a good answer. “well…Louis needed me so I kind of just walked in…you guys need to stop leaving your door unlocked by the way.” I smiled. “anyways, he needed me so I came back and yeah, I didn’t leave.” “That’s good Harry, Thank you for taking care of my baby when I can’t. I owe you one.” I shook my head. “no, no you don’t. He’s my boyfriend, it’s the least I could do. If he needs me, I’ll be there in two.” She just nodded, not really knowing how to answer it but I didn’t care. We drank our tea in silence before we both said our goodnights and I made my way back to Louis’ bedroom.

He was still fast asleep, looking like an angel. “so fucking beautiful.” I whispered and leaned down to brush some of his locks out of his eyes. A small smile appeared on his mouth. He looked so innocent, so happy, so carefree when he slept. I crawled in the bed, Louis immediately moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He buried his head on the crook of my neck. I had to stop myself from laughing, his hair was tickling my face. I rubbed his back and pulled the blanket over our intertwined bodies. If only we could stay like this forever! It didn’t took long before I finally managed to fall asleep too…


I woke up by the sound of snoring coming from someone who was close, very close to me. I groaned and lifted up my arm so I could slap the sound away. The snoring stopped and I made a mental celebration dance. “Louis…your hand is on my face.” I suddenly heard someone mumble. I immediately pulled my hand back. Harry was looking at me smiling but with a confused look on his face. “what were you doing?” he asked laughing a bit. I blushed furiously. “y-you were snoring so i-I tried to slap the n-noise away.” I stuttered, not daring to look at him. “You’re adorable but I do not snore.” He simply replied. I stared at him unbelieving. “are you serious?! Harry, I bet the neighbors from our neighbor’s neighbors heard you!” I laughed. He just frowned. “aw, I’m sorry love. Is the sentence too complicated for wittle hazzy wazzy.” I pouted. He responded with a roll of his eyes and a kiss on my lips. “you’re lucky you’re cute” He mumbled.  

Suddenly there was a soft knock on the door. I frowned and looked at Harry who just shrugged.  “come in!” I yelled. The door opened and my mum appeared. “Goodmorning Boys, I’m sorry to disturb you but it’s time to go to school. Well for Harry it is.” She gave me a sad smile. “mum…I want to go too.” She frowned and sat down on my bed. “I don’t know Lou…I don’t think-“ “please mum. I want to go, I don’t want to be here all day. I want to learn stuff, I can’t ruin this year.” I groaned. I gave her my best puppy face. She sighted again and looked at Harry. “Boo…is this what you want?” Harry asked. I gave him a nod. “yeah, it is. Please?” he looked at my mum. “I’ll protect him, I won’t leave his side for a second. Nothing will happen to him, I promise you that.” I looked at him wide eyed. Those words…he really meant them. He said them in such a way, I immediately believed it. I had no doubt, Harry was gonna protect me and that was all I’m asking for. Harry by my side…

We drove in silence, Harry had his eyes focused on the road but he wasn’t really paying attention. “Harry, the light’s green.” I mumbled when again he didn’t notice the light changing from red to green. He didn’t answer he just sighted. When we arrived at school neither one of us made a move to leave the car. I was getting impatient by Harry’s behavior. “Harry! What’s wrong?” I finally said when the silence got too much. “I don’t think this is a good idea, you shouldn’t be here! You should be at home, look I’m gonna bring you back. Don’t worry I’ll come over later with your homework.” he said not looking at me. He started the car again but before he could drive away I jumped out of the car. “No! I’m not going back!” I yelled at him. I just stood there, staring at harry who was still in the car looking at me with a furious look on his face. It took him a while to calm down but he finally managed to control his temper and climb out of the car. “fine, have it your way.” He said sounding angry. I would’ve believed he was if he didn’t wrap his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder. We walked towards the gate where our small group of friends were waiting, they didn’t notice us though. “Oi! You’re being a mushroom Zayn!” I heard Niall say when we came closer. I looked at Harry who had the same confused look on his face.

“Hi boys!” I smiled waving a bit when they turned around. They just stood there, staring at me like I was some kind of ghost. It was Niall who broke the tension between us. “LOUIS! You’re back! We missed you! Oh I bet the teachers were so happy when you were gon-…” he couldn’t finish his sentence because Liam had slapped him. “he didn’t mean it like that Lou, we’re happy you’re back. How are you feeling?” Liam said kindly. I just nodded at him. Niall was right, I bet the teachers were happy they didn’t have to deal with me being in the classroom. I heard Harry sigh. He leaned closer to me whispering a soft, ‘bathroom’ in my ear. With that we left the others standing at the gate. We didn’t look back we just kept walking until we reached the door of the boy’s restroom.  

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu