Chapter 16

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Hi babes!! I know it's been a while therefor i made this chapter, it's a bit longer so i hope you like it. The end is very random i know but i didn't know where to end it so i just stopped it there :/ 

Anyways, as always...

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Chapter 16


We just sat there for a while, it was awkward. I started to play with my hands when Lottie just sipped her tea. “so…how was school?” I asked hoping I could start a conversation. I jumped from my chair when Lottie harshly slammed the mug on the table. It surprised me it didn’t break! She gave me a death glare. “don’t act like I’m stupid Styles! You’re going to tell me what’s wrong with my brother right now!” the look in her eyes was a mixture of anger and sadness. And I think she also felt guilty but then again we all felt guilty.

“honestly Lottie, I have no idea! I wish I knew what was wrong but I know nothing! Louis is a closed book for me just like he is for all of us. He used to be an open book, remember those days?” suddenly it felt like I was talking to myself instead of Lottie. “the days when you could tell if he was happy, sad or mad just by looking into his sparkling blue eyes? Those eyes were the keys to open his book but now they’re dull and grey. There’s no key anymore, the only thing you can tell by looking at them is that he’s not happy. But they don’t tell why, or when it happened or what happened. They hold a secret, a secret I would love to know and I think we all want to know what’s wrong with him.” I looked up to see Lottie with tears in her eyes. “I want my Louis back!” she suddenly cried and flung her arms around my neck. I awkwardly hugged her back, I wasn’t really comfortable with girls hugging me so a girl that was crying while she was hugging me was a thousand times worse. “bring him back! You have to bring him back! You’re the only one who can, please Harry.” She sniffled. “I will.” I said and as soon as those two words came out of my mouth I knew I would. At least I would try. I would try to bring the happy, cheerful, careless Louis back.

“you guys look comfortable” someone suddenly mumbled and I immediately pushed Lottie away from me. she glared at me and huffed at her older brother. “it was just a hug Lou, I wouldn’t steal your boyfriend! Besides he’s gay!” she said pointing at me. I rolled my eyes but ignored her. Louis just hummed and walked towards the sink. He stood on his toes so he could reach the glasses. He filled the glass with water but didn’t turn around. I made my way towards him, I pushed Lottie out of the kitchen when I walked passed her, and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. “what’s wrong boo?” I whispered and laid my head on his shoulder. He just sighted and it looked like he was trying to calm himself down. “nothing! Do you want to watch a movie in my room?” he asked and turned around with a huge smile on his face but one look in his eyes and you saw how sad he was. Again he was trying to hide it. “Sure!” I smiled back and intertwined our fingers before I dragged him towards his bedroom. I gently pushed him on the bed. “what movie do you want to watch?” “Disney!” I smiled and nodded. That boy was addicted to Disney when he was young but he still is, that’s a thing that never changed and I don’t think it ever will. “B-“ “Peter Pan!”

We were snuggled up on the bed, Louis had his head on my chest and was playing with my shirt while I had my arm around his smaller body and tried to push him as close to my body as I could. I wanted him close to me and his warmth was comforting. “Sounds like a good idea hm?” Louis suddenly mumbled. I raised one eyebrow and looked at him confused but his eyes were focused on the screen. “what do you mean?” “Going to neverland. Never growing up…It sounds like a wonderful idea.” I smiled. “it sure does! Neverland is a wonderful place, I would totally live there if I could!” I laughed but Louis wasn’t smiling at all. “yeah, if only that was possible.”


I didn’t mean it like Harry did. Neverland sounded fun for him but for me it was like…going to heaven. Neverland was the place I knew heaven looked like. It was a copy. When I was a kid I begged my mum if I could go to neverland and she said yes. “If Peter comes to get you, you can go with him but be back by morning.” She would say. I was beyond happy. I remember hugging my mum and every night I waited in front of my open window, I didn’t dare to close it. I waited and waited but Peter never came for me. one night I was sick of it and closed the window and locked it. “Whether you like it or not Peter Pan, I will come to Neverland!” I yelled before I closed the curtains. “Louis!” harry suddenly yelled breaking me from my train of memories. “what?” I asked confused. “you were gone for like 5 minutes. Are you okay, please be honest.” He asked, his voice sounded worried and sad and I knew I made him like this. Again I hurt Harry, it wasn’t my attention to make him sad but apparently that’s all I can do lately. Hurt people and make them sad. I hated it but I didn’t do it on purpose. I put on my fake smile and laughed a bit. I knew it sounded fake but I just hoped Harry wouldn’t notice. “I am babe, don’t worry.” I gently kissed his cheek and laid back down on his chest. The beating of his heart was a lullaby to me. Soon I found myself getting sleepy again, my eyes were getting heavy and I couldn’t keep them open. After a few minutes of fighting against it, I closed my eyes and fell asleep while Harry was still going through my hair with his fingers.


*2 weeks later*

I was on my way to school, without Louis. Things changed between us. We weren’t the couple we used to be. Yes we would hold hands and share gentle kisses and sweet words but that was it. After and before school we were separated, we didn’t talk, we didn’t text, we didn’t meet up. After school it was like Louis and I weren’t even friends. I was driving faster than normal because I wanted to arrive at school early. I missed Louis, we haven’t talked during the weekend and I just wanted to hold him in my arms and kiss him. I had no idea what happened but one day he just told me we had to take things slow and he didn’t want to see me too often. We made a deal that at school we would act like a couple, which we still were of course, but after and before school we would go our own ways. If he wanted to meet up or wanted me to come over, I told him to just text me and I would come over in a second.  But there was no text. It’s been like this for more than two weeks and it’s killing me.

Not knowing how Louis was doing although I kind of know things are just getting worse with him, I can’t help him. He’s pushing me away as hard as possible and it’s hard to push back and stay as close to him as we were. He was pushing but so was I, I wasn’t going to leave him, not ever and definitely not like this. I knew he needed me and that was all I needed to know. He still loved me, therefor I won’t give up.

Finally I arrived at school, Louis was already there waiting for me. He was standing by the boys but he wasn’t talking to them. They were chatting but Louis was in his own world. I climbed out of my car and approached them. “Hi Harry!” Niall yelled  and looked at me for a second before nodding his head towards Louis who was just standing there looking at nothing. I shook my head and smiled to them before I made my way to my boyfriend. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled his back to my chest. “Goodmorning baby.” I whispered and felt him shiver. “Morning.” He said back and turned around in my embrace. He stood on his toes and pressed his lips against mine. This was exactly what I needed and I knew he did too. This wasn’t how we were supposed to be, I knew that and he did too he was hiding something from me and it scared me. I had no idea what but it wasn’t something good and I had no idea how bad it was.

We pulled back just smiled at each other. I didn’t even hear the bell ringing but Louis obviously did. “Babe! We need to go!” he whined making me giggle a bit. He was so freaking adorable when he whined. I just grabbed his hand and pulled him along with me towards the boy’s restroom. “Harry! We need to go to cl-“ I didn’t let him finish his sentence, I just pushed him inside and locked the door behind us. He huffed but smiled, I knew he would agree with me…

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu