Chapter 10

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sorry it took so long lovies :( I can't really explain stuff and you probably don't care so i'll just go on with the story :)

It's just a filler chapter though, but i promise that things are getting better in the next chapter ;D

So...I hope you'll enjoy this chapter :D

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Chapter 10


To be honest I was shocked. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy I wasn’t gone but I also was shocked it didn’t work. I knew perfectly well what to do if I ever wanted to…you know…commit. I didn’t remember what happened but i think that maybe I didn’t really wanted to die. I just wished I didn’t scare the boys so much, especially Harry. That boy kept crying and whispering ‘Don’t leave me’s in my ear for hours after I woke up.

“Harry, I won’t leave now stop you’re tickling my ears.” I whined and gently pushed him away. “’M sorry, I just don’t-“ “want me to leave. I know babe.” I winked. He just nodded in response and a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. “When are the others coming back?” I then asked. “After school, around 5 or 6 I guess.” I nodded. “Well, that gives us another hour for ourselves. You want to watch a movie? I can ask the nurse if she wants to give us some dvd’s?” I asked and Harry nodded eagerly. “Sounds like a good idea. Don’t bother calling the nurse I will just ask.” I smiled at him giving him a short ‘okay’ before he left.

I started to think as soon as his figure was out of sight. What were we actually? I remembered we kissed but what does that make us? Was he my boyfriend? We didn’t make it official yet I guessed so that made us friends with benefits, right? I didn’t like it, friends with benefits meant nothing. It would just ruin the friendship, every single time. I was too deep in thought to hear Harry walking back inside. “Back!” he squeaked, making me jump a bit. “ow, sorry. Didn’t mean the scare you. Penny for your thoughts?” he smiled sitting down next to me. He laid the pile of dvd’s on the bed so we could pick one easily. I hesitated for a while, should I just ask him or should I lie? “babe? What’s wrong?” he sounded nervous so I just decided to ask him.

“What are we?” I asked not looking him in the eyes. “what do you mean?” I sighted and finally looked up. He looked so confused which made him look adorable and irresistible. “well…WE…What are WE.” “The last time I checked WE both were male human beings.” He answered raising an eyebrow. I sighted, “I mean…Are we like…Together or..?” “of course we are! You’re my boyfriend!...Right?” I chuckled and wrapped an arm around his neck to pull his face closer to mine. “we totally are.” I answered before I leaned it to connect our lips for a short, sweet and loving kiss. I pulled back with a huge grin on my face which mirrored the look on Harry’s face.

“Let’s pick a movie.” He mumbled. After arguing a while we decided to go with ‘The Lion King’. When everything was ready to watch Harry sat back down on the uncomfortable chair. I raised an eyebrow at him. “what are you doing?” I asked confused. “Sitting?” “On a chair? Don’t you want to…Lay with me?” I asked scared to be rejected. “ow, I didn’t knew that was an option.” He winked and gently pushed me to the side of the small bed so he could crawl in. Once he was comfortable he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to his body. I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest. “You’re pretty comfy.” I mumbled against his shirt. He giggled and his grip tightened. “Thanks boo, you’re not that bad either.” he said placing his chin on my head. We both totally forgot about the movie until Harry said we better watched before the boys would come back and I agreed with my boyfriend.

We weren’t even halfway through the movie when a certain blond haired boy skipped inside. “LOUIS!” he yelled making Harry and me jump in surprise. I clutched my heart when my heart monitor started to beep faster. “Niall! I swear, you almost gave me a heart attack!” I yelled which only made him laugh louder. I smacked the lads head before giving him a wink when he made a pouty face. Harry then gently pinched my arm for my attention. “I better get out.” He mumbled but I shook my head. “NO! please don’t go. They have to get used to it eventually.” I said while I tightened my grip on his waist and laying half of my body on top of his so he couldn’t go away. “You’re acting like a koala.” He mumbled placing a sweet kiss on my hair. “A cute koala?” “Very cute.” I smiled and loosened my grip knowing he wouldn’t leave anymore.


“Where are Liam and Zayn” I asked Niall who was munching on a bar of chocolate. “They should be here soon, they wanted to go get something to eat first.” My eyes widened. “And you didn’t went with them?” I practically yelled. “Nah, I wanted to see you guys first.” He smiled, eyes still focused on the small flatscreen. “Well, that’s a first.” Louis whispered in my ear making me chuckle softly.

After minutes of whispering nonsense in each other’s ears and answering Niall’s questions about the movie, A happy looking Liam and Zayn walked inside. “Hi mate!” Zayn Smiled and gave Louis a quick high-five before stepping aside to let Liam through. Louis sat up so he could give Liam a proper hug. “Glad you’re back mate. We missed ya.” He whispered and pecked Louis’ cheek. I felt a pang of jealousy but I ignored it. He pulled back and sat down on the table next to Zayn because we were out of chairs.

“How was school?” I asked them. Zayn shrugged. “I have no idea.” I frowned and wanted to ask what he meant but Liam cut me off. “he was sleeping the whole time. Like, seriously sleeping.” He chuckled poking Zayn’s side. “I was tired plus the teachers were ten times worse than usual.” I laughed and Louis placed his hand on my chest. “stop laughing, you’re making my head bounce.” He whined tiredly. “Take a nap boo, I’ll be still here when you wake up.” I cooed. He shook his head, refusing to go to sleep. “Why not?” I asked confused. “I don’t want to miss you.” he mumbled back burying his head deeper in my chest. My heart fluttered at his words. “I won’t go. I will be with you in your dreams love. Now go to bed, we have loads of adventures waiting for us.” I smiled kissing his temple. “Fine, but you will be here when I wake up right?” “I will be waiting.” He didn’t respond and after a few seconds of silence I heard soft snores escaping his mouth. “Goodnight Boo, I love you.” I whispered placing my chin on his head.

“You guys are adorable together.” Liam suddenly said. I looked up seeing Niall and Zayn nodding in agreement. “We’re trying.” I joked. “I’m not kidding. You must be the most adorable couple on our school…Scratch that, on this planet!” Niall smiled. “T-thanks.” I stuttered feeling my cheeks head up. “Aw, he’s blushing! We’re making him blush!” Zayn yelled which made me throw a cookie from Niall’s bag at his head. “Will you lower your voice, he’s trying to sleep!” I whispered angrily. “Sorry. Do you know when he can come back?” Zayn asked. “The doctor said when he’s ready and when we’re ready. Something like that. Maybe tomorrow.” I said. The boys nodded. “I hope so. We really do miss him. Plus, people at school are starting to ask questions.” Liam said sadly. “I’m sure he can come home tomorrow if not, very soon but I don’t know about school.” Again they all nodded.

“Uhm Harry?” Niall then asked and I looked up at him but he didn’t look back. “Yeah?” “uhm…Do you know the…Uhm…reason?” he stuttered. “The rea-…Ow…” at first I had no idea what he was talking about but I soon did. “I actually don’t know.” I said while burying my face in  his hair. It was something I hadn’t thought of before. I guess I was too happy my Louis was back. Niall had a point though, Louis had a reason for the things he did. But none of us knew the reason. If we wanted Louis back, we needed to find the reason. We needed to know the reason why Louis tried to…Commit if we didn’t want to lose him again. He might seem happy now but we all know you can hide a thousand things behind a fake smile.

“We will figure it out, don’t worry about it. Let’s go home lads, we need to prepare something for Louis’ return.” Liam smiled jumping off the table. “already?” Niall whined while Zayn pulled him out of his chair. “yeah, already. We’ll come back tomorrow hopefully to pick up Lou.” Zayn smiled at me. “Bye guys, see ya tomorrow.” I smiled. When they were gone I closed my eyes. I was exhausted! I decided to take a nap so I could be there when Louis woke up again. It took me a while but finally I managed to fall in a deep, dreamless sleep….

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