chapter 29

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Hello guys :)
How are you all? Hope you're all doing well in life my precious babies :*
Are you liking this story? Hope you are hehe...Well let's get on with it then, here's chapter 29....

Louis turned Harry around and pushed him down again. "Louis, what-" "shut up you twat!" Louis said angrily as he started to take off Harry's clothes. He took of the shirt Harry was wearing but Harry could see the anger all over louis' face so he started to push Louis away from him. "Babe what are you doing?" He asked. "Wtf styles! This is what you wanted right? To fuck me!" Harry frowned, he really didn't understand where this anger suddenly came from. "Babe I don't want to fuck you, I want to make love to you yeah I do but not before you're ready I told you that before...Talk to me baby blue, please." Louis shook his head and stood up from the bed. He left the bedroom and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Harry followed him. "Lou?"

"Look Harry I want to be ready for you okay?! I want you to be able to have a proper fuck with your boyfriend but I can't seem to be able to give you that. I want to be able to love you and I do love you but I'm destroying you as well. I want you to be able to have a happy life with the person you love and that can give you everything you long for. You deserve so much more than me Harry. I don't deserve you but...I can't lose you either I love you way too much. I'm so confused. I can't..." Louis started crying and it didn't take Harry long to take a step forward and take Louis in his arms. "I love you so much baby blue and I want you, only you no one else. I can't live without you Louis you know that. And I'm here for you I'll be waiting for you for the rest of my life I promise you that. And like I said I don't want a ' proper fuck' I want to make love to you."

Louis closed his eyes trying to let the words Harry just said sink in. He really wanted to be able to give all the love Harry deserved to have but something was stopping him. It was like his heart was telling to never let this boy go because he was the love of his life but his mind was telling him that if he really loved him that much he knew that he deserved more and that Louis wasn't the right person for him and that he should let him go. Louis couldn't...He couldn't and didn't want to let Harry go.

Harry smiled at Louis, showing his dimples off, and just loved the sight of that little sparkle that was slowly getting back into Louis precious blue eyes. He knew deep down that his baby was returning to him even though it would take a while Harry could wait. He would wait forever even if that meant that the sparkle fully returned when he was laying on his dying bed. 

"Let's get something to eat I'm starving!" Harry whined and Louis smiled at him. "Good, then make something for me too!" He said winking and walking out of the kitchen as Harry was walking behind him like a lost puppy. "Why would i do that?" Harry asked smirking. "Because you love me." Harry huffed and turned around thinking ' he knows i do but he doesn't love me...' but as soon as that thought came it was gone again when Louis stopped him by grabbing his arm and turning him around to plant a quick but gentle kiss on his lips. Harry.looked like a child on Christmas again and he happily made his way to the kitchen to make a massive lunch for the both of them.

During the next few days Harry received a couple texts from the boys asking how Louis was and where they were things like that. Harry would tell them how Lou was but he never told them where they were even though he was pretty sure his mum knew and told them already. Jay send and called almost every day to say to Harry to send Louis their love. They were missing a lot of school though good thing school just started a week ago. Harry was gonna give Louis one more week and then they really had to go back.

It was now Saturday and Louis was currently sitting in the sofa in the living room watching some kind of shitty show. Harry decided to join him and as soon as he sat down Louis crawled closer to him and laid his head on his chest. Harry could sense that something was off because Louis only did that when he needed something to calm him down and that thing was the beat of his heart. To Louis it was like a lullaby. Together with the soft huffs of air Harry let out, it was perfect for him. He closed his eyes an listened to the rhythm.

'Boo? Wanna tell me what's upsetting you?' he asked softly. Louis sighted and shook his head. He didn't because he didn't know. He was just feeling a bit under the weather. Harry gently pressed a kiss on Louis forehead and started tocaress his hair leaving trails behind. He adores this boy, the blue eyed boy was his muse, his god...He was his everything and it made him kinda sad that the elder boy just couldn't see it.

'youre so beautiful...' he whispered and Louis suddenly moaned. Neither of them were expecting that kind of noise to come out so Louis immediately jumped up and stared down at Harry's shocked face. '...I...Uhm...' he began bit he couldn't find the words to say. Did he really just loan when Harry whispered those words against his neck? He was breathing against his soft spot tho so that would explain the chills but still...A moan?! He was so embarrassed...Harry stood up from his seat and walked closer to Louis who only took a few steps back until his back was against the wall. 'that was so hot.' Harry groaned and gently put his fingers underneath louis'chin and made him look him straight in the eyes. 'i...' 'shht Lou...Can i?' he asked before he pointed at louis'waist and the elder slowly nodded and with that Harry grabbed Louis by the waist and pulled him closer to his body. Louis looked up and then it happened. The look Harry was now giving him was too much for him too handle. Too see the love Harry had for him right in those emerald green orbs send him over the edge. He grabbed Harry's neck and pulled him down so he could give him a proper kiss. It didn't take long for to younger guy to melt into it and soon the kiss started to heat up. 'haz...I...I'm ready.. ' Louis said in between kisses. Harry stopped and gently pushed Louis backwards. 'what?' He asked. Rolling his eyes Louis grabbed Harry's arm and led his hand straight towards his crotch. Harry's eyes widened at the feeling of louis' already hardening cock.

'A-are you sure?' ' i am...Please haz...Make love to me?' Harry couldn't give the boy a proper answer so he just gave a short nod and intertwined their fingers before they went to louis'  bedroom...

So this is just a filler chapter because i really wanted to updatei hope you guys will like it ;)

Excited for tomorrow?! HARRYS SOLO ALBUM?! XXX I SURE AM

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