Chapter 5

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Hii, well this wont be long, i promise x

First..I want to thank you for voting and commenting, it means the world to me x

Secondly...This chapter might be a bit triggering, so i just want to warn you. You can skip this chapter and go to the next one that i'll post soon...I'm sorry for that, i really am... xx

Third...i'm not sure about the ending of this story..Should it have a happy end or? Well i'm sure it's going to have an happy end, i can't deal with sad ones but it might be a weird happy end...Just to let you know xx



Follow? xxxx


Ps: you might want to look at the video on the's really sad i was thinking hours to actually put it here because it's triggering...but it's the real music video and i actually like it. You don't have to watch it, you really don't... x but the the video has an happy ending so.. :) x


Chapter 5


I locked myself in the toilets during lunch break. I couldn’t handle it any longer. I didn’t want to do it but I just couldn’t stop myself. I was sittng on the floor in one of the stalls. Knees pressed against my chest while my arms were wrapper around my legs. Tears were slowly making their way down my cheeks but I made no move to whip them away. ‘I need to go to the loo, I’ll be right back.’ Was my excuse to leave the boys behind. Harry suggested to come with me but I just said I could handle it on my own. The silver blade I used seconds earlier was laying inches away from me. It stared at me, it called me, it screamed at me, it begged me…

The blood had stopped dripping a few minutes ago, I had a mess to clean up. I sighted and stood up, trying my best not to lean on my hands. I grabbed some paper and cleaned the floor. When I was done I took a deep breath before I walked out of the stalls. Two boys were staring at me when I stepped out. I frowned but tried to ignore them. I pretended to wash my hands until they walked out so I could lock the door for a few minutes to clean myself. As soon as I was ready with cleaning up the dried blood I looked at my reflection again.

I was so disappointed in myself. I always told myself that I wasn’t that desperate, I told myself that I would never cut in school. But I was wrong, I was desperate and I was cutting in school. Do I regret it? Yeah, I kind of do. Do I wish I could go back in time to prevent it? No, I don’t. I just needed to feel better. I needed it, I couldn’t stop it. I rubbed my temples before I grabbed my backpack and pulled down my sleeves. I unlocked the door and walked out.


20 minutes. Louis left 20 minutes ago to use the loo. I frowned and kept looking at the door wishing Louis would walk in any second and that’s exactly what happened. ‘Sorry it took so long. I’m not going to explain though.’ he winked at me and sat down on the chair next to me. I decided to just leave it for what it was. and yet again I found myself observing the bleu-eyed boy. His behavior was normal, he smiled, he joked, he laughed. Typical Louis.

After school we all walked outside. ‘Well, see ya guys Monday!’. Louis yelled and gave Liam a wet kiss on the cheek, he know how much Liam hated it. ‘Ew Louis! can’t you just stop that!’ he yelled and stomped away. Louis frowned at him but Liam stopped walking halfway and turned around winking at Louis and gave him a smile before he walked away. We said our goodbyes and Louis and I walked to my car.

We arrived at my place in a few minutes. None of us said a word but it wasn’t awkward. It was just peaceful I guess. We walked inside and Louis plopped down on the couch. ‘You all right Boo?’ I asked and sat down next to him. he just hummed in response and laid his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him closer to my body. ‘I love you.’ He suddenly whispered. I frowned. ‘I love you too Lou, more than you think.’ I mumbled the last part wishing he didn’t hear it but unfortunately he did. ‘what?’ he asked and sat up a bit. Now you really done it Styles. I groaned. ‘Hazza?” Louis asked when I gave no answer.’i-i…Look, don’t freak out please.’ I looked him in the eyes and when he gave a small nod I took a deep breath and told him everything.

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu