Chapter 19

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I hope ALL your wishes and dreams will come true this year! 

And remember...."You may not be plastic but you are fantastic!" ~ Louis Tomlinson ;)

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The weekend went by way too fast, I haven't seen Louis since Saturday morning when he woke me up with a kiss on the lips saying goodbye and he was gone. I tried calling him and i visited him a couple times but he didn't answer nor did he open the door. 

I was dressing myself when i heard my phone beeping. I opened the message i got from Liam. 

From Liam To Harry: Hi mate, sorry if i woke you up but I wanted to ask if Louis was with u?

I silently panicked, even Liam tried to contact him without success. 

From Harry To Liam: No, last time I saw him was Saturday. 

I waited for an answer for a few minutes but didn't get one. I rushed downstairs  "MUM!" I yelled when I entered the kitchen. She jumped and Gemma spilled her bawl of cereal. "WHAT THE FU-" she started but I ignored her. "harry what's wrong?" My mum asked when she saw how panicked I actually was. "Have you talked to Jay this weekend? Like at all?" she just dumbly nodded.  "Did she say anything about Louis?!" "I'm not sur-" "THINK!" I yelled scaring her and Gemma again. When she crossed her arms in front of her chest I knew I was about to get an entire don't-give-me-that-attitude speech and I was definitely not in the mood. "Oh just leave it!" I rushed out of the house and ran the short distance towards Louis' house. I knocked on the door and waited, not so patiently, for someone to open the door. 

It was Lottie who opened the door with a tired and annoyed look on her face. "What do you want." she mumbled. "Louis!" I simply answered. She groaned, definitely not a morning person, and opened the door a bit more so I could walk in. "Can I?" Normally I didn't need to ask but I had this weird feeling. "Yeah, he's preparing for school I think. I don't know, I don't even care!" She walked back to the kitchen while I made my way upstairs. "Fucking hell!" I heard the familiar voice curse when I stood in front of his bedroom door. I gently knocked on the wood. "What the fuck do you need now Lottie!" he yelled angrily. For a moment I was scared to enter the room but he was mad at Lottie not at me. 

"It's me babe." I said as soon as I opened the door. Louis was standing in front of his closet, holding a shirt mid air. "Oh..." he said not moving a muscle. I closed the door behind me and walked towards him. "How are you?" He just shook his head and turned his attention back to his clothes. "I'm good! how are you? Can you help me with my clothes?" He rambled. I frowned and placed my hands on his shoulders, I turned him around and placed my forehead on his. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around my neck. "I missed you so much, what happened?" I whispered. "Nothing, I needed some time. I'm sorry. Don't be mad please, I need you." Instead of answering I kissed him. A kiss filled with love and passion. Like it's supposed to be. "So...Are you sure you want to wear clothes?" I winked making him blush...


Stupid ending and stupid chapter, I'm sorry :( I just really wanted to update! 

Hope you still liked it :) 

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu