Chapter 11

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Soorrryyy for the long wait but here it is...finally :D ehe...Chapter 11! 

Hope you'll enjoy this, it might have been a bit boring but i'm gonna change some stuff so keep reading! Thanks lovies xxx

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Chapter 11


I woke up by someone playing with my curls. Pulling at them and then dropping them so they would bounce against my skull. Every time they bounced back a giggle escaped the person’s mouth and I found it the cutest thing in the world. Without opening my eyes I lifted my hand and gently grabbed Louis’. He squealed in surprise and leaned away from me. I still had my hand wrapped around his smaller one when I opened my eyes. He was blushing madly and his eyes refused to meet mine. “Morning love.” I whispered gently trying to tug him closer to my body. “morning.” He mumbled back still not looking up. I smiled at his adorableness and finally decided I had enough from our distance so I placed my other hand on his lower back and pushed him against my chest. At first he was protesting and trying to get out of my grip but as soon as I placed my lips on his head he gave in, revealing a content sigh.

“how are you feeling?” I asked him. “pretty good actually. What about you?” He smiled and laid his head down on my chest. Tracing his fingers around the lines of the butterfly that was currently hidden underneath my shirt. “i’m feeling great now I’m with you.” I winked and carefully sniffed at his hair. The scent of vanilla and mint made his way into my nose. His perfect, delicious smell. “stop sniffling me, it’s weird.” He then said, giggling again. “says the one that woke me up by bouncing with my curls.” He buried his head deeper in my chest. “hush, I was bored!” he argued. I chuckled, he can be sexy and mature a first but in seconds he could turn into an adorable kid.

“have you seen the doctor already?” I asked him after a moment of silence. “yeah, he came to visit earlier. Asking how I felt and stuff.” He nodded. “was that it?” “yeah…oh no! He also said I could go home.” Before he even finished his sentence I had already pushed him off of me and jumped up from the bed. “really? Let’s go home then!” I yelled and started to pack his things, running in and out of the bathroom like a madman. “sjeez, can you slow it down already? We need to wait for the boys to pick us up!” he said climbing out of the bed so he could walk towards me. I placed the bag on the chair and opened my arms so Louis could easily slip into them. I placed my arm around his neck while his were placed on my lower back. “they’ll be hear soon.” he mumbled against my shirt. “yeah, I know.” I mumbled back, burying my face in his soft hair. 

“You guys make me want to hug someone.” Someone suddenly whined and before one of us could move, a pair of arms were wrapped around both of us. Pushing us even closer to one another. “Niall!” Louis whined and placed his hands on my chest to push me away. “Hey, you don’t have to push me! push Niall!” I protested and winked at the blue eyed boy in my arms. Niall just kept squeezing us until our hero, aka Liam, saved us by pulling him away by his ear. “LIAM!” the blond shorty yelled and tried to slap Liam’s hand away but it was no use. “Let him go Li, he’s suffering enough already.” Zayn said as he walked in with bags under his eyes. “whoa someone slept badly this night.” I winked pulling away from Louis so I could get back to packing his bag. “I can do it too you know?” he asked and tried to grab the last shirt from the highest shelf. He stood on his tippy toes and yet he couldn’t reach it. I smiled at his adorable pout as he stuck his tongue out of his mouth and stretched harder.

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu