Chapter 3

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First of all.... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! :D xxx i hope you all had a wonderful day and got what you wanted :D xx

Second... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LOUIS!!! xx Can't believe he's 22 already :'( xx

 third...sorry for the wait...well, i don't know what to say anymore so i'll just let you read the chapter.

I really hope you'll like it and please listen to the song on the side :D xx



Follow :D xx

meanse the world to me, love you guys!! xx

ENJoY <3


Chapter 3


We arrived at Louis’ house and before I could react he jumped out of the car leaving me in the car. He grabbed the key, unlocked the door and rushed inside. He left the door open and I quickly climbed out of my car and walked inside. ‘Louis?’ I yelled while I took my coat off. I got no answer and decided to look upstairs. I walked past the bathroom where I heard the water running. Was he seriously taking a shower right now? ‘boo? Are you okay?’ I yelled and knocked gently on the door. ‘y-yeah…just a sec.’ he yelled back sounding kind of panicked.

I frowned but again ignored it. ‘I’ll wait in your room okay?’ ‘uhuh!’ I sighted and walked to his room sitting down on his small bed. I smiled when I felt the soft fabric between my fingers. We cuddled up on his bed so many times. We always needed to lay so close to each other otherwise one of us would fall of the bed. It was funny when it happened but we both decided it was better if it didn’t. I heard the bathroom door open and soon Louis entered the room. I patted the space next to me but instead of sitting down there he sat down on my lap. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. he sighted and let his head fall backwards so it was laying on my shoulder. ‘what’s wrong with you boo?’ I whispered more to myself than him. ‘nothing, I’m just tired.’ And again he used that excuse. ‘good.’ I smiled and wrapped my arms tighter around his waist before stood up and laid him down on the bed. He frowned but I quickly climbed in the bed too and laid as close to him as possible. ‘what are you do-‘ ‘if you’re tired, you have to sleep. So close your eyes and fall asleep. I will be here when you wake up. And your sisters won’t be home in the next few hours.’ He smiled and just nodded before he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. I caressed his cheek and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. I started to hum softly and soon soft snores were escaping his mouth.

I wanted to stay awake but listening to his heartbeat and soft breath made me fall asleep in less than 5 minutes. I didn’t know how long we were sleeping but I woke up by someone shaking my arm. ‘huh?’ I mumbled trying to open my eyes. ‘wake up, we’re hungry’ a soft voice whispered and I finally managed to open my eyes to see Phoebe standing next to our bed. ‘ow, you’re home?’ I mumbled gently pushing Louis off of me while I climbed out of the bed without waking him up. ‘yeah we are. Now make us food, we are starving.’ She smiled and skipped out of the room. i turned around to see that Louis was still fast asleep. Oh I hated to wake him up when he looked so cute and carefree. I kneeled down next to him and started to brush his fringe out of his eyes. He mumbled some things but didn’t wake up. ‘boo, wake up.’ I said gently. ‘no.’ ‘Lou, please.’ ‘no.’ ‘your sisters ar-‘ before I could finish my sentence he jumped up, almost making me fall. ‘oh shit, oh shit.’ He mumbled while he rushed out of the room and stumbled downstairs. I followed him and entered the kitchen.

‘I need to make them food, I forgot to feed them. I’m a worthless brother.’ He kept saying while he grabbed some things out of the fridge .i frowned and stepped forward. ‘you’re not a worthless brother Louis.’ He didn’t answer he just huffed. ‘I forgot to feed them.’ he mumbled. ‘you were sleeping.’ I stood next to him. ‘yeah so what? I should’ve woken up to give them their food.’ He was so angry at himself I wanted to say something but Lottie came into the kitchen. ‘finally, you’re awake.’ She smiled. ‘I’m so sorry. I’m really sorry. Please forgive me. I’m making dinner now, please don’t tell mom.’ Louis stuttered while he started to cut the vegetables. Lottie frowned at me but I just shrugged my shoulders. ‘sure, I won’t. it’s no problem.’ Lottie said. Louis just ignored her and kept cutting.

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu