chapter 28

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I hate this society so much... I just wanted to say this hehe well here's a new chapter hope you'll like it love you all my beautiful bunnies xxx
Louis was standing there, suitcase in his hand and outside of the hospital. He decided he had enough and after another week with Harry keeping his promise and visiting every single day Louis decided to leave. He was now waiting for the cab that was taking him somewhere he didn't know yet. He still had to figure out where he was going. As he was standing there he heard a familiar voice coming to where he was still waiting.
"You don't understand! I can't come this is more important than school I need to see l...Louis? I have to go I'll talk to you later." Harry frowned when he stood there, phone still in his hands, staring at louis. "What the hell are you doing outside?" Harry asked the boy. "I'm leaving Harry. Isn't that obvious?!" "You can't just leave baby. What are you doing come on love you're ruining your life!" "My life?! What life Harry tell me! I don't have a life you twat now go away you saw me that's what you wanted right?" Harry was about to say something but the cab was here. Harry just stared at his boyfriend who was helping the driver put his bag in the van and as he climbed into the car something snapped inside of him. He huffed and without saying a single word he climbed in the car too and sat beside Louis who was looking at him as if he was going mental. "What the fuck Harry get out!" "The hell I am! I'm not leaving you again Louis if you want to leave then go ahead but I am coming with you! Whether you like it or not you have no choice. I might have a place we can go to by the way. You seem kinda lost." Louis just huffed in response and ignored the smirk Harry had on his face as he was telling the driver where he had to go to. "So...Feeling any better?" Harry tried to start a conversation but it seemed as if all he said was only making Louis get angrier at him. "Cut the crap styles! I don't want you with me like I told you we are done! Over and done don't you understand me?!" "Dont be such a bitch, without me you are lost Louis and I don't care if you're.mad at me I'm gonna take care of you. You're stuck with me Louis!" "Stalker." Harry just chuckled and looked out of the window slowly closing his eyes and falling asleep. After a while the driver woke him up saying that they were there. Louis was already out of the cab with his suitcase ready in his hands. Harry paid the driver and stepped out of the car. "Where to?" Louis asked not even looking at Harry. Harry stepped towards him and grabbed his suitcase from him. "I'll take care of that babe now follow me" "I am not your babe anymore Harold!" Harry just rolled his eyes at Louis's sass but ignored it. They walked the short walk to the house Harry decided to take them to. It was a small beach house his family owned. "This is it, welcome home Louis." Harry smiled and looked at the smaller boy who was staring with wide eyes at the beautiful beach house. He absolutely loved it. It was just like his dream house and while he was thinking about his dreams his couldn't help but taking a glance at Harry who was still smiling at him. Harry was part of his dreams in the past but now...He didn't know it anymore of course he still.loved the big good.with all his heart but he had hurt him so badly and Louis just wasn't sure if he was going to be able to forgive him for it. "It's beautiful..." Louis whispered and Harry grinned grabbing louis' hand leading him to the house. They walked inside and Louis just adored this house already. It was just the house he wanted and always dreamed of. Was Harry the guy he always dreamed of? Louis shook his head and followed Harry upstairs to the three bedrooms and Harry let Louis pick the one he liked the most. Louis of course picked the one.with the huge balcony and he could see the ocean from his bedroom and their swimming pool. "I'll take the room next to yours if you need me just yell and I'll be there whenever you need me to be...I'll leave you alone now." Harry was about to leave but Louis stopped him. "Harry!...I...Thank you. For everything...But this does not mean that i-" "I.know Louis. It will take much more.than a beach house for you to forgive me. But you will, mark my words Tomlinson." Harry said with a wink and left the room. Louis stepped out onto the balcony and just stared at the beautiful ocean in front of him. He sighted, he just wished he could enjoy the little things in life again. He missed being able to smile all the time and joking around with his friends. He slowly pulled up his long sleeves and looked at his scars. He knew that he must feel disgusted by them but to him they were actually kind of nice looking...He let his fingers trace the thin lines some were faded some were still red because there were still healing. He was so focused looking at them that he didn't hear Harry call him or him walking inside of his room. Harry hesitated but just wrapped his arms around louis' waist and pulled him closer to his chest he could feel Louis tense up but he was happy the blue eyed boy didn't push him away. He laid his head on Louis shoulder and closed his eyes. He loved this moment him being able to just have Louis in his arms again. "Are you okay baby blue?" Louis just sighed and started to pull down his long sleeves again but Harry stopped him. "Don't be ashamed for them Lou. You look perfect with or without them. They make you...Well you. And I love you every single part of you even your scars. They tell a story and it's the story of your life and I don't want this story to end and actually I want me to be part of it and not just a chapter Louis. I want to be more than just a chapter you can en and...What?" Harry stopped talking when he saw the tears forming in louis' eyes. "Nono Lou don't cry!" He pulled away and mentally slapped himself across the face for making the boy cry again but he didn't get the chance to say more when Louis warm lips touched his. He didn't hesitate and immediately kissed back pulling Louis body as close to his chest as he could. Harry moaned and gently squeezed Louis butt who jumped up and wrapped his legs around Harry's waist. Harry led them both to the king sized bed and laid Louis down crawling on top of he kept whispering sweet nothings into the boy's ear...
Well...Idk? Let me know what you think please and sorry for all the dots and mistakes xx

Pulling down his long sleeves...(Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu