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Back to the Monastery: (Eighteen hours since Geeta's missing)

Roja managed to hide about Geeta's missing from Shilpa and the other girls since evening. But she got worried that it was Saturday. Every Saturday evening, Father meets the girl's at a meditation hall to have a little chat with them so that his influence on them never wore off. The girls must attend, and there would be no excuse for them, also there will be a headcount, and the missing girl will be found and made to sit there forcefully because some girls purposely don't attend the meeting.

Roja somehow managed for Eighteen hours, and she knew she couldn't do it anymore. So she silently stood there to see what would be the consequences.

All the girls went and sat in the meditation hall and waited for the Father. As usual, the guard who did the headcount noticed one girl was missing. So he went in search of her to make her attend the meeting. Shilpa felt weird and sensed that Geeta was missing from the morning, which was odd. She immediately went near Roja and questioned her about Geeta. Because Shilpa suspected Roja was hiding something. But Roja left there when she saw Shilpa approaching her.

The Father arrived and started his rant teachings to the girls. Shilpa is worried about Geeta, and she wants to discuss this with the Father. She stood and tried to speak, but the guard returned after searching for Geeta in the whole Monastery. He informed the Father about a missing girl in his ears.

Gaurav (Father) couldn't believe the ears that he just heard. His face has turned pale. And his whole body was shaken by the news.

Guru stood in anger and held the guard's neck in angrily. He then shouted, "What rubbish? Did you check everywhere? I will kill you if you are wrong about this"!

The guard slowly whispered in Gaurav's ears, " Father, the girls are watching you."

Gaurav came to his senses and looked at the terrified girl's faces. They never saw him like that, and they felt afraid of him for the first time.

The cunning Gaurav explained to the girls that it's his small play about anger management and how one should never behave where things are out of hand. Such behavior will make your soul weaken.

He then left there in a hurry without giving any sweets and blessings to the girls, as usual, he does when they meet them. Everyone went to their rooms and got ready for the evening prayer. They discussed that Father behaved so weirdly, and he was angry at something but tried to cover it by saying it as a small play. They missed Geeta's presence and wondered where she could be.

Meanwhile, Guru slapped the guards and yelled at them for their recklessness.

"How could a girl escape from here when there are hundreds of guards and surveillance cameras? What are you guys doing? How is it possible, and the main concern is why did she escape? Who helped her? What did she know about the Monastery or me? How long since she was missing? Show me the damn footage, you morons!". Gaurav slapped them again in anger.

He checked the footage and was shocked to see the cameras stopped working in the women's garden area yesterday afternoon.

"Is this a joke or what? What is happening here? This girl ruined the cameras and escaped from the Monastery, where nearly a hundred guards are around. How did she even figure out how the cameras work? Answer me, you fools!

Father, we have two departments of surveillance rooms. The first department covers the whole Monastery from in and out, and the second department covers the women's garden area, kitchen, and girl's rooms. We have one guard available there. And rest guards are always active at the front and backside of the Monastery. So she couldn't escape.

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