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Continuation from the previous part:

Geeta, there are not just babies but also kids aged three to five are trapped here in this basement. I don't know how to make you understand this situation here I am really worried about you.

Ma, Please tell me for God's sake "What the hell is happening here and why small babies are kept hidden under this basement? Where are their parents?" Are they abandoned by their parents to become a Monk-like me, It's so cruel they are so tiny and how come we never heard a single cry or a noise of a baby till now? Why hiding them?

Calm down Geeta I know it's hard for you to digest but you have to be strong to face the truth. This entire basement is soundproof so that no one can hear any sounds like screaming, crying. There are fifteen kids and eight babies are living here, no one knows the way to the basement floor only three servants will attend to all the kids. There is a play area with T.V, and also a kitchen here where we prepare food just only for them. It is like a separate world here.

Ma, but why? And that too using a soundproof system, Is'nt weird?. Oh God! "what is happening here? how can parents surrender these kids to Father? They are so young, and they deserve to be with their mothers". Even I hate my parents they abandoned me too, I don't know why they did that to me but these kids' parents also gave the same fate as mine to these innocent souls.

"No, Geeta your parents didn't abandon you!". You are snatched from them by this Gaurav disguised as Father, not just only you but all these kids you are seeing are also taken from their parents.

Geeta is shaken after what she heard, and she collapsed on the floor upon her knees. She couldn't digest the truth about her life and started crying heartbroken. Ma, "why?" she asked with teary eyes. "what will he get by all this? what is his motive?"

Roja went near Geeta and hugged her, she tried to console crying, Geeta.

Please don't cry my dear, "I can't see you in pain". All these years I kept you in dark because of your innocent smile and soul. I know you will be shaken when you know the truth.

You are taken from your parents when you are just a toddler. I still remember your bubbly face with small pigtails. Many gangs kidnap kids like you for the sake of some money. Gaurav saw your picture and got you for the price they asked, next you are here like these kids. You are so young at that time so you didn't remember what happened to you.

When you are growing up you thought that this is your home, and you lived according to it with rules and regulations. You are brainwashed since you are a kid that your parents handed over you to Father to became a Sadhvi.

Ma, "But why me? what did I do? what is my fault that I am taken from my parents to become a Monk? How can he make someone Monk forcefully, and that too by opting such a nasty step by stealing the lives?"

My poor Geeta that monster is not interested to make you a Monk or Sadhvi. He is not a Godman but using God's name for his dirty deeds. He is not a Father or even a Human, he is a monster. This is not a Monastery or any meditating place but the reality is this is a Brothel house.

He is waiting for you to become young, so that he can sell you to someone who pays him in millions for getting a young beautiful girl, especially with a VIRGINITY tag. A girl who is helpless, and obeys to him whatever he does and to be his slave.

The same thing happens to these kids too, in one word he is TRADING you, and others for money. No one doubted him because many officials are under him helping and saving him. He earned a lot in the past years.

He is not a Father but a runaway prisoner. He is Greedy to earn money without any hard work and he adopted an abandoned girl named Lakshmi, and raised her as a God's child, and believed people that she had some powers by his cheap tricks. That innocent soul believed this monster and helped him to earn some money. Everyone loved her without any religious differences. They believed she is a special child because Lakshmi's predictions went true to some people. Once a person from an Arab country visited this Monster. He laid his dirty eyes on her. He had a community where virginity in Girls is a priority so traded and took her away. He got millions in exchange for her. He is so Greedy that when more like him contacted for girls like her, he started his business by abducting kids and raising them as another Lakshmi.

Oh, God! No No why I am calling him, there is no God at all, if there is a God then this won't happen to us. God doesn't have any mercy at all, we are suffering as kids by losing parents, and imagine how my parents went through this nightmare. I always hated them as they abandoned me and giving this life.

Roja hugged Geeta and said my baby, you cannot blame GOD on this, these things happened to you by a cruel person who just thought about only himself.

Ma, why no one came looking for us, and now I understand why we are not allowed to talk to anyone and the barricades to divide the Monastery in two quarters so that no one sees us.

Who will come for us Geeta, when some officials are coming over here at weekends to party. Where they are offered illegal alcohol, drugs, and girls. They can choose who they want to sleep with and enjoy.

Ma, who are these girls you are talking about? Did you mean the girls like us?

No, Geeta not you girls. He will never touch you and the rest girls because you are all virgins. And you have a high demand in foreign countries. You all are like diamonds for him, so he won't risk that is the reason why you and the rest of the girls are hidden from the visitors.

I am talking about girls like me who get in their honey trap like they offer some nice jobs, and offers in the movie business, etc. Their main target is young girls like fourteen and sixteen aged because they are innocent and easy to trap.

These girls are brought here and they drug them to use for their physical needs. I can't explain more Geeta, because you are my daughter and as a mother, I want to protect you and that is the reason I never revealed this horrific truth.

I know I am not available whenever you need me, but I am attending to that monster's needs because I am helpless. Roja started weeping badly.

Geeta ran towards Roja and said " I am very sorry Ma, I said bad things to you, and I disrespected you.

I will kill that rascal, how many girls are trapped here, and got ruined because of him."

Do you think that easy to kill him? Even if you succeed in killing him, how can you escape from this hell? He had many followers here they won't leave us.

Maa, "we have to get out from here, I found a secret way out which leads to the east of the Monastery, and from there we can escape".

Roja with a confused and dismayed face stared at Geeta.


Hi Dears.......Another secret is going to reveal stay tuned....... :) :)

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