Chapter 3- Geeta's love Dave

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In New York resides one of the richest families; the Walkers. They are millionaires. The family of three, Andrew Walker, Rosy Walker, and their only son, Dave Walker hold an important place in the world's economy.

Dave's parents were such workaholics that they kept traveling for work all over the world. The Walkers had their organizational branches in different countries around the globe. However, such tremendous income and fame came at a cost. Dave's parents hardly gave time to him while he grew up for they were too busy making deals and running the business.

Despite their work schedule and lifestyle, Andrew and Rosy were rest-assured because they trust that Dave is growing in good hands with their beloved Nanny. The nanny, a woman as old as Dave's mother, was of Indian origin. Her name was Asha, after she lost her husband, she worked in a private hospital as a nurse where Rosy walker delivered premature baby Dave. Mrs.Rosy was impressed with Asha's work as she is taking tremendous care of baby Dave and her pleasant positive attitude with a cheerful face. 

Mrs.Walker offered a permanent job at the walker's mansion to take care of little Dave. She requested her to shift with her toddler son Ram. Mrs. Asha took the job as she loves Dave and also he needs professional care additionally she was getting paid well with good shelter and security for Ram. Asha shifted with her son to a small two-bedroom guest house near Walker's mansion. She looked after Dave as if he were her son, she would tell him many stories and raised him with good care. Both Ram and Dave grew up as own brothers and their bond grew strong.

Being the son of millionaire parents, there was a constant risk that people may hurt him for which Dave was home-schooled along with Ram. This meant that Dave never got a chance to make friends or to live a life similar to the kids living down the block. Though this didn't mean Dave hated it. He spent all his time with Ram, the Nanny's son, and they turned out to be great friends over time.

Dave was used to his parent's tight schedule and never quite missed them; that because he always had Ram as a companion. Seeing less of his parents didn't affect his love for his Mom and Dad though. Andrew and Rosy would throw massive parties when at home to have an enjoyable moment with their beloved son. Dave, however, found such parties annoying at a young age. He'd rather excuse himself from the party and run to his Nanny, Asha, who'd tell him stories about her country and culture.

This didn't go well with his parents; the closeness towards Asha bothered them as she was just a normal caretaker. They loved Asha because she took great care of Dave but they suspected that she may be a bad influence for, Dave because he is acting like a common boy. Dave's growing closeness towards Ram also bothered them. They wanted their son to be like them; to be responsible for his social status. Andrew and Rosy wanted their son to take on the family business and be a successful Walker just like them.

Dave's parents, thus, took a harsh decision when they fired the Nanny on his eighth birthday. They did so because they believed that Dave would now spend more time with his parents instead of Asha and Ram. Although they loved Asha, separating Dave from her seemed necessary to them. They arranged for her long travel back to India where they hoped she'd be happy.

Mrs. Asha left the walker's family with her son Ram to India, where she settled in Banaras had a good home, and started her bakery. Poor Dave's heartbroken with the sudden consequences that happened in his family and also very angry with his parents, he stopped talking with his parents and spends alone time in his room.

Dave was furious with Asha and Ram because they left the mansion without informing him and sadly without any last hugs and kiss. A month passed away, Dave missed them terribly, so he walked off into Asha's now abandoned little room in the Walker's Mansion where she used to welcome him with a lively smile. Without Asha, the room looked dull and lifeless. Entering the dusty little room, Dave discovered a note on the desk left by Asha for him.

"Please be good to your parents, dear. Always love them and never forget to be kind to others. Try and visit us once you complete your graduation. We'll be awaiting you with open arms.

Love you, dear Dave."

Initially, Dave felt anger at her sudden leave.

"I loved them so much. How could they go away like this?" Little Dave mused dishearteningly. Reading the message that Asha left for him, he felt better. He felt determination surge through him; a determination to complete graduation and visit Asha and Ram soon...

Years rolled on and Dave grew up to be a handsome hunk with a muscular body. His charming with his blue eyes and with his 6 feet height and athletic body he can give a tough competition to the Hollywood actors. Dave completed his graduation. All the while he made sure to stay in touch with his best friend, Ram. They talked their hearts out over the phone and Dave narrated his funny little adventures to Asha who was more than a mother to him. Dave turned out to be one of the most handsome bachelors of the Walker family. His kindness and bright attitude added to his qualities.

While his cousins would be busy partying and drinking and looking for ways to spend their money, Dave would be busy helping the maids with the work and servings. His kind efforts were a way to try and achieve his Nanny's words, "Be kind to others."

This made Dave turn out to be the black sheep among the youngsters of the Walkers family. Girls did swoon over Dave's handsome features but found it weird for such a wealthy guy to be busy helping others without expecting anything in return. Those girls who did date Dave were more interested in his bank balance than Dave himself. Dave didn't mind the fact that he hadn't felt what love was like. He believed his soul mate was somewhere out there and he was yet to find her.

Unlike what his parents yearned for, Dave decided to take up photography as his career. It was initially a hobby he enjoyed and later on he decided to reach some prominent milestones in it. Photography provided him a certain peace which business deals would've never provided. Enraged and ashamed by his son's decision, Andrew and Rosy disapproved of his career and ordered him to leave the Walker's Mansion.

Dave left the Mansion without feeling bad about it. He was happy that he no longer had to attend those listlessly boring parties or reluctantly indulge in business discussions. He rented a usual little flat and earned a living by working at a café close by. As they say, slow and steady wins the race; Dave too won his race towards his dream career. He polished his skills and learned a little every single day. Over the year, Dave had mastered the art of Photography. He's happy with the little things in life and wishes to carry on a simple, valuable life ahead.

One early morning Dave was woken up from his slumber by the ringing phone on his nightstand. Grumbling about how tire he was, he picked the phone up without checking the caller ID.

"Hello...?" Dave asked, his voice sounding husky and exhausted from last night's photoshoot.

"Hey, Dave!" Ram's cheery voice reached him.

"You know the time zone thing", right? It might be a nice little evening in Benaras but its early dawn in here and "I'm trying to sleep buddy," Dave mumbled, yawning at the end.

"I know that it's not an appropriate time to call ya but the news couldn't wait!" Ram exclaimed, making Dave pull the phone away for a moment to avoid the loud words.

"What is it?" Dave asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Your best friend over here is getting married," Ram spilled the beans with a calm voice.

That's all great but- Dave stopped when the words registered, "WHAT?! YOU WHAT!?"

Dave sat up straight as he pressed the phone against his ear. He could imagine his shy best friend grinning from ear to ear.

"Wow! This is huge news Ram!" Dave exclaimed.

So you're coming to India or not? Ram asked.

"Is that even a question?" Just text me up the dates, "I'll be on a flight to Benaras anytime!" Dave answered, smiling happily. 

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