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Geeta's pov:

Geeta got more curious about life outside the Monastery because the magazines made her feel so influential. She believed that life beyond the Monastery is beautiful, without rules where people like women can give their opinions and endeavoring for their rights and getting successful. Geeta became motivated and wanted to be like them, where she can breathe freely. She wanted to share this with her Maa, so she rushed to find Roja and acknowledge it. Geeta craved freedom, unlike others she wants to see the world and to meet people to know about them. But she can't express it due to fear of Gaurav. Roja is the only person where Geeta finds peace and expresses her true self because she accepted Roja as her mother. She believed that Roja would help her and searched desperately for her.

"Where is Ma?". "I feel suspicious at sometimes that how can she disappear like thin air. I have searched everywhere like in the kitchen, Meditation hall and also in Girl's rooms". Maybe she is in the front lobby, but Girls and women are not allowed there because of rules. And there will be Visitors.

"God !" "I don't understand why there are so many rules here? " Why we are always hidden from them and also these barricades into two separate halves. Where the first half is for Father and his followers to live. The place near the lobby portion has beautiful meditation halls, a small temple with a garden full of fruit-bearing trees, and water fountains. And where the second half is for Girls and women with a large kitchen area for cooking and cleaning. Only Ma can answer my questions.

Geeta went to the Garden area because Roja spends her time near the garden, watering the plants. It is her favorite place. In the garden, there is an old Elephant idol placed near the wall. She is watching it since a young age. She walked to the idol and found it became old and dirty. She wanted to remove it but she knew that her Maa is attached to every section in the garden, so she decided to clean it.

Geeta tried to move the idol to clean. It is so heavy to move, and she found something hard under the idol.

"What is this?" It sounds like an iron door hidden under the dirt. " Why is it here? So strange.

"Geeta! What are you doing there? " One of the staff questioned Geeta.

"Don't you know it's Roja's favorite idol, and it's in the resting stage? She never allowed anyone to touch it. For years she is taking care of it so please don't break it.

"I know it's Maa's favorite idol. I am just trying to clean it".

No Need for that! Roja will take care of it. " Wait, what are you doing here? The girls are in the laundry area", you know the rules right that you are not allowed to roam here and there.

" Yeah, I am aware of all the Rules" I just came in search of Roja Ma, and I couldn't find her. So I decided to wait here.

She is busy and will meet you in the evening. Now you go and join the others, they are working hard, and you are just roaming here.

Geeta went from there and waited for Roja, but she didn't show up. Geeta felt so sad and also many questions about the Monastery and door under the idol.

Over the years she spent in the Monastery, she knew the timings of the place. When the entire Monastery rests and also movements of the followers and other nannies. She chooses a time at midnight at 2 A.M where everyone will be in deep sleep. Geeta woke up and went near the idol with much effort, she pushed and cleared the dirt. And found an Iron door. It was so heavy, but she somehow managed to open it.

She found a secret passage under the door, which was next to the obstructing wall of the east side of the Monastery that leads to the other side of the wall where she could breathe her freedom. It was a small passage, luckily Geeta brought a flashlight with her. She was so scared to go inside but wanted to try it out with much curiosity. She slowly went inside the passage and found some rats, lizards, and bugs inside it. In fear, she tried to scream but maintained her calm and started to move slowly. Geeta found the other side of the door, which is similar to the one she opened.

Geeta opened the door and heard the sound of the river flowing, and the cool breeze made a tingling sensation all over her body. She took a deep breath and enjoyed the smell of mud from river banks. She noticed a small temple where the Girls offer prays. After having a bath in the river, they go there to seek blessings and gifts. Villagers come at night and offer gifts like fruits, money, and some valuables there for the girls. The Girls take them and give in Ashram.

"Wow, what a view!" "Thank you, God! for revealing me this little passage. I am so happy".

This is amazing! The temple is located at the east of the Monastery, so this passage directly takes me to the river in twenty minutes. Normally if I take a west gate with Girls then I have to walk for nearly an hour to reach the river and temple. So it means I can enjoy more time in the river and surroundings even if the girls leave. When the girls are going to reach the Monastery. Then I can sneak through this passage and can reach before them.

"Yay (Geeta dancing in joy) finally I will breathe without any rules" But first I have to cover the secret door and make sure no one can see me when I leave and enter this passage.

Geeta reached inside the Monastery and started to think about how to cover the passage. So no one sees it when she is using it for her little adventure.

She suddenly saw another idol which is right under the tree. It's a women's idol bearing a pot. Geeta used her creativity, and with much effort, she slowly moved the women's idol near the elephant's idol. Then she used climbing shrubs from the pot to the elephant. It looked like the woman is offering water to the elephant. It looked like a master art piece. She then formed a small shrubbery under the secret passage.

Geeta brought elegance to the garden with her astonishing work and also managed to cover the secret passage. It's 4.00 in the morning, and everyone in the Monastery woke up and found the amazing effort done by Geeta.

Everyone cheered Geeta and appreciated her for bringing attraction to the garden. Meanwhile, Geeta saw Roja coming towards her in confusion.

"Why did you put much effort into this? and that too just by urself". You can ask for help from others, these idols are so heavy. "Are you ok?".

"Ma, I am fine. I got to know that this particular place is your favorite spot in the garden, and I wanted to make it beautiful." Did you like it?

" Oh, it's beautiful! how did you arrange all these shrubs and vines". Did you stay awake all night?

"Yes, Ma, I got those from the farm at the backyard of the kitchen" "I know that I broke a dozen rules, but it's worth it, isn't it?"

Geeta, "This is the last and final warning I am giving you, never break the rules. You should become ideal to others, but you are becoming the opposite".

Arghh Ma, "I am getting sick of these rules and this place" Geeta left there in anger.

God! "What is wrong with this girl?" and why she is acting weird and getting angry for silly things. I just asked her not to break the rules.

On the other side, Geeta decided not to reveal anything about the secret passage to Roja because she always supports rules and Gaurav. She decided to enjoy little happiness by exploring the outskirts of the Monastery all by herself. Beautiful Mountains and astonishing scenery.


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